Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Separation of Legal Personality and Lifting the Corporate Veil
This report covers the separation of legal personality and the lifting of the corporate veil from the cases of Salomon v A Salomon co ltd (1897), Catherine lee v Lee’s Air farming ltd (1960). Salomon v Salomon was the first principle case of its kind and its principle was that a limited company is a separate legal entity, in catherine lee v lee this case was reaffirmed, and Gilford Motors v Horne was the first law case to ‘pierce the corporate veil.WHAT IS THE PRINCIPLE OF separate CORPORATE PERSONALITY?There are 3 types of ownership generally speaking in the law context. There are sole traders, partnerships and companies. Sole traders are the sole owners to a business entity in which there is no legal distinction between the business and the owner. The owner receives all profits and is responsible for its debts as well. A partnership is when 2 or more parties agree to advance their interests. There are 2 types of partnership, which are the general partners and limited p artners. General partners are liable for all debts and obligations whereas the limited partners contribute working capital and are not liable for the debts of the business entity. There are 2 types of companies:Private limited company (LTD) & Public limited company (PLC)Private limited companies is usually owned by fewer people and usually are smaller businesses who do not trade in the stock exchange, their business accounts don’t need to be audited and their statements are also private, whereas public limited companies need to public their financial statements and get audited. The advantage of this type of ownership over others is that there is a limited liability of the owners of business as the business is a separate legal personality. meaning of limited liability?Limited liability is referring to the legal protection to shareholders, whether it be private or public limited companies in which the financial liability of every shareholder of the business entities is limited to the value of their fully paid shares, in short shareholders will not lose more than they put in, into the business. This is because the business itself is a legal entity on its own. Creditors can only sue the company for its assets, any unpaid capital and guaranteed capital. The company must declare its limited liability in its name and must provide financial information for the public inspection. the concept of separate legal personality.The contractual capacity is that a company can enter into any contract under its name and is also liable for such contracts. The separate business entity also has some legal powers, for example to sue on its own behalf and even suing its own members. It is a separate property and does not belong to any of its members. The company will still continue as normal even in the event of death to any of the owners or any transfer of any stock. The shares of the business entity are completely transferable and approvals are not required unless stated or a greed. The first principle case to arise is Salomon v A Salomon,Mr. A Salomon was a sole trader and was doing well as a sole trader. Mr. Salomon’s sons became interested in joining the business, so he incorporated his business to a limited liability company. Mr. Salomon sold his business for  £39,000 of which  £10,000 was debt to him; He kept 20,001 of the 20,007 shares, so he was principle shareholder and principle creditor. The company then went into liquidation and the liquidator then accused Mr. A Salomon of fraud and stated that the debentures used as a security of the debt is invalid.The judge Vaughn Williams accepted his argument saying that â€Å"Mr. Salomon had created the company solely to transfer his business to it, the company in reality was his agent and he as principle was liable to debts.†The House of Lords ruling was to hold firmly the doctrine of corporate personality as is mentioned in the companies’ act 1862, it is so that creditors o f a failing company cannot take the shareholders to courts over an outstanding debt because the company is a separate legal entity. Another case that reaffirmed Salomon v Salomon is Catherine Lee v Lee Farming co. Geoffrey Lee had a farming company and held 2999 shares of the 3000, he was the sole director and chief pilot and unfortunately died in a plane crash.Mrs. Lee tried to claim for damages of  £2340 under the Workers Compensation Act (1922) for the death of her husband. The Privy Council advised Mrs. Lee that she is entitled to compensation, since it is possible Mr. Lee can have a contract with the company he owned. The company is a separate legal entity.It is generally the rule regarding limited companies that the entity is a separate legal personality. There are exceptions to this rule when the courts will not treat it as a separate legal entity, this is known as ‘lifting the corporate veil’. The courts will ignore the separate personality when there is fraud , or by statute, or whether it’s an enemy during wartime, or if there is an agency involved with complications or when there is a ‘tort’. The case of Gilford Motors v Horne where Mr. Horne was a former managing director at the Gilford motors, his employment contract clause 9 said he cannot solicit customers of the company if he were to leave employment.Mr. Horne was later fired, after that he set up his own business and undercut Gilford Motors prices, later being told he was possibly in breach of contract; he decided to set up a company in which his wife and friend are directors and only shareholders. Mr. Horne later sent out fliers which read â€Å"Spares and service for all models of Gilford vehicles. 170 Hornsey Lane, Highgate, N. 6. Opposite Crouch End Lane†¦ No connection with any other firm†. This company had no contract with Gilford Motors about not competing but Gilford Motors did bring up actions that needed attention from the courts, Which w as that the company was being used as an instrument of fraud.The Court of appeal did grant the injunction and Lord Hanworth mentioned â€Å"the purpose of it was to enable him, under the cloak or sham, to engage business on consideration of agreement, was one the former employees would object to†. Since the Adams v Cape indsutries case courts have changed their attitude and made the salomon principle a lot stronger. Courts will be more likely to lift the corporate veil when the court is having a look at a statute, or contracts. The court must be satisfied that the company is a faà §ade and which should show abuse of the corporate form. Another way the courts will decide to lift the veil is if it can be proven that the company is an authorized agent of its controllers or members.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Attention to Detail Essay
Paying attention to detail is a key part in today’s society not only in the Marine Corps or the military but in civilian life as well. No matter what career or MOS you are in you need to concentrate and focus on attention to detail. Without it one could miss a crucial part or step in the process and mess something up. It could be as small as a document that you can redo or as big as not getting a bolt right on a plane and destroy millions of dollars of equipment and get someone killed. There is a reason we are constantly told to pay attention and don’t get complicit. In the military attention to detail is key and very important and should be a part of everything you do. An example of attention of detail would be to bring canteens and jerry cans to refill canteens but without checking to make sure there is water in them they are useless. Another would be safety rules on the range. You may know them but if you don’t pay attention you could forget to put your weapon back on safe after firing. Also if you forget to tighten a bolt to the right torque it could cause something to go wrong and destroy millions of dollars of equipment and get someone injured in the process or even killed. In civilian life it is important to pay attention to detail for many reasons. If you work in an office or work with documents all day need to make sure each one is accurate and a filled out correctly. Making sure to use capitation where it is needed and using the right forms and formats. It should take time to fill forms out and make sure they are correct reading them over multiple times. If something is messed up with the forms it could cause issues later when the documents are needed. No matter what you do in life attention to detail is key and should be implemented in everything you do. It could mean everything from as small as a form or as big as a plane. You are told to do something a specific way pay attention to every detail and don’t mess anything up.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Monopolistic Competitive Market
Monopolistic Competitive Market Introduction The term market refers to the place where buyers and sellers meet to engage in transactions that entail the exchange of goods or the provision of services for a consideration. A market is not only characterized by a building where people carry out business transactions. This is because any place that people carry out commerce can be referred to as a market. A market is characterized by various mechanisms that facilitate trade. These mechanisms usually pertain to the supply and demand of products and services (Bergin, 2005).From this explanation it should be clear that a market is comprised of three main elements. The sellers these are the people who bring the products or services to the market to be procured by the willing buyers. At this stage it is imperative to highlight that in most cases sellers are the produces however in other instances the sellers are not necessarily the producers instead they can be traders. The second element of the market is the buyers. Buyers are individual who are willing and able to acquire the products or services being offered at the prevailing market price.Buyers are of two types; there are those that buy the products or services for their own consumption and there are those that buy the products or services in order to resell them in different markets. The buyers who buy the products for their own consumption are referred to as consumers whereas buyers who buy the products or services in order to resell them in different market are commonly referred to as trades and they can also be called arbitragers (Nicholson & Snyder, 2008). The third element of the market is the products that are being traded.The term product can be used to refer to either goods or services that are being offered in exchange for a consideration. The term product can also be used to refer to commodities only. General Objectives One of the general objectives of this paper is to facilitate the readers of this docu ment to gain an understanding of how markets work and most importantly how a monopolistic competitive market works. This paper will achieve this through briefly discussing various types of markets and their characteristics.Another general objective of this paper is to compare and contrast the various characteristics of the different forms of market structures. This will serve to enable the readers to carry out a comparative analysis of the various forms of market structures thus they will be able to enhance their knowledge on market structures. This objective will be attained through the analysis of the factors, which are mainly in play for the existence of a particular form of market. The paper will also seek to analyze how the various factors in such markets interrelate in order to develop a market mechanism for that form of market structure.This is because all forms of markets structures have market mechanisms. These market mechanisms are usually as result of the interaction of v arious factors that are both internal and external to a particular market. Specific Objectives One of the specific objectives of this paper is to discuss the conceptual theory of a monopolistic competitive market. The discussion of the monopolistic competitive market entails analyzing the various factors that characterize this particular form of market structure. This is will be important form enhance the knowledge of the readers of this paper, on monopolistic competitive market structure.The discussion of the conceptual theory will also enable the readers to have a good basis for analyzing and responding to questions that relate to monopolistic competitive market structure. Another objective is to discuss the characteristics of a monopolistic competitive market. The discussion of the characteristics of a monopolistic competitive market structure is important because it will serve to explain how the various factors involved in this type of market structure interrelate in order to th is unique type of market.The discussion of the characteristic of a monopolistic competitive market will serve to enhance the understanding of the readers of how companies that operate in such a market carry out their operations. The discussion of these characteristics will serve to inform the readers the various factors that companies operating in this type of market put into consideration during decision-making. This discussion will also enable the readers to be able to identify a monopolistic competitive market in a real business situation.This paper also aims at establishing how market equilibrium is achieved both in the long – run and in the short run. This is mainly because in a monopolistic competitive market structure, market equilibrium is achieved differently both in the short – run and in the long – run. This analysis is imperative mainly because this knowledge enables the management to have a good basis for decision-making. The analysis will provide f actors that the management should put into consideration whenever they are making decisions concerning either the short term or the long – term future of a company.The illustration of how market equilibriums are achieved in the short run or in the long run will enable the readers to gain understanding of how the various factors in this market structure relate in the determination of the equilibrium market prices. It will also enable to understand how companies that operate in a monopolistic competitive market adapt themselves in order to be able to operate in this particular form of market at minimal costs and manage to obtain maximum profits. This paper will also provide a practical example of a monopolistic competitive market.In this example, the paper will seek to illustrate how the conceptual theory is exhibited in this form of market structure. This paper will utilize this example in order to enhance the knowledge of the reader on how market equilibrium is attained both in the long – run and in the short – run. This example will illustrate how the various factors are displayed in a real market situation, also this paper will utilize the example to look at the type of decisions that are made by mangers of companies that operate in a monopolistic competitive markets structure. Conceptual TheoryThere are four forms of market structure namely, monopoly, perfect competition, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. These forms of market structures are characterized by different market conditions. Markets are mainly classified according to the number of firms in the industry or the form of products sold in them. The number of firms operating in a particular market determines the level of competition in that market. Product markets are mainly categorized according to the number of firms in the industry and the degree of competition that is prevalent in a particular industry.At this stage it is also important to highlight that equilibrium pric es in these markets are subject to the forces of supply and demand. The forces of supply and demand are known as the price mechanism. An individual firm on itself cannot influence the price of a commodity and can therefore only take the price prevailing in the market. Due to this condition a firm is therefore said to be a price taker (Nicholson & Snyder, 2008). The movement along a demand curve is caused by changes in price of a commodity.An increase in price results in a decrease in quantity demanded hence a movement along the demand curve to the left. A shift in the demand curve is caused by changes in factors other than the price of the commodity in question. Different quantities are therefore demanded at the original price. A shift in the demand curve outwards to the right indicates that more quantities are demanded at the original price whereas a shift inwards to the left indicates that fewer quantities are demanded at the original price (Dwivedi, 2006).Movement in the supply c urve is similar to movement in the demand curve. A shift in the supply curve refers to a relocation of the supply curve either outwards to the right or inwards to the left due to change in the factors that affect supply other than price. This means that at each price, a different quantity will be supplied that was previously supplied. Equilibrium price refers to the price, where the quantity demanded equals that supplied. It is the price at which the amount the customers are able and willing to buy is equal to the quantity producers willing and able to supply.The equilibrium point, refers to a point at which the demand and the supply curve intersect. Any price above the equilibrium price leads to excess supply, whereas any price below the equilibrium price leads to excess demand. Excess demand or supply causes disequilibrium in the market. Due to the excess demand for a particular commodity in the market, a shortage is created. This shortage causes the consumers to compete for the l imited commodity in the market thus making the price of that commodity go up. As he price continues to rise, suppliers put more of the commodity into the market (Mandal, 2007). On the other hand, the high price also discourages some consumers from buying the commodity. This scenario of increased supply and reducing demand continues until the equilibrium price and quantity are set. When there is excess supply of a commodity in the market the prices begins to fall. As the price falls more consumers purchase the commodity. The suppliers also reduce the amount of the commodity they are releasing into the market due to the falling prices.This scenario of falling supply and increasing demand continues until the equilibrium price and quantity are set. It is also important to highlight that a general assumption in the study of this subject is that firms aim at attaining maximum profits using minimal costs possible. This means during decision making the managers of the firm will always aim a t using the least resources possible and utilise them efficiently in order to attain the maximum achievable profits possible. The level of output that will bring about maximum profit in a firm depends on the costs incurred and the revenues earned.Revenues refers to incomes obtained by a firm from the sale of its outputs and they may be categorized into three namely, total revenue, average revenue and marginal revenue. Total revenue refers to the total income earned by a firm from the sale of its output. Total revenue is obtained through multiplying the total output sold by the price. Average revenue refers to income per unit of output. Average revenue can be obtained by dividing the total revenue obtained by the number of units of output. It is important to note that the average revenue is the same as the price of the commodity (Dwivedi, 2006).This implies that the average revenue curve, which relates average revenues to output, is the same as the demand curve, which relates prices to output. Marginal revenue refers to the addition to the total revenue arising from the sale of an additional unit of output. Marginal revenue can also be obtained by subtracting the previous total revenue from the current one and can be seen to be equal to the price and average revenue. Characteristics of a monopolistic competitive market This is a market structure that combines aspects of perfect competition and those of a monopoly.There are many sellers and many buyers just like in perfect competition. The commodities dealt with are similar but each firm tends to differentiate its products from those of its competitors through acts such as branding, packing, wrapping and coloring. A monopolistic competitive market structure is a combination of the features that will be discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. In a monopolistic competitive market there exist many buyers and sellers. This comes in adequately because there is no single firm that can influence the prices of commoditi es or services in the market.If a business sells its goods or services above the market price then consumers can buy their goods from other businessmen. If a company sells its products at a lower price then chances of making a loss is very high (Mandal, 2007). Though a business may increase its prices in a perfect competition, the action may be risky since customers will move to another business. This is not the case with a monopolistic business, though a firm may lose some of the customers, some will remain due to the kind of relationship they have with the seller or even the quality of the given products.All the aforementioned factors are due to the fact that there is a large number of buyers and customers that act independently. In this form of market structure it is assumed that the sellers and the buyers of commodities are well informed about the market. That is they know the prices, quality of products and all the factors affecting the market. In this market the products are d ifferentiated. The products from different producers either vary in quality or the product is a group of commodities which are close substitutes of each other (Mandal, 2007).For instance, in the toothpaste industry there are different brands such as Colgate, Close– up and Aquafresh. This differentiation of products from different firms enables each firm to enjoy a certain degree of monopoly power. A monopolistic competitive market is characterized by freedom of entry and exit. This means there are no barriers to a business entering or living the market. This means that new firms wishing to supply the same commodity are free to do so (Bergin, 2005). Similarly, existing firms wishing to leave the market are free to do so.How to determine equilibrium in the short – run and long – run on Monopolistic Competitive Market Structure Price and output determination under monopolistic competition Due to product differentiation, a firm under monopolistic competition is able to exercise some influence on the price of the product. This means that a firm can raise prices yet some customers will still buy at these high prices (Dwivedi, 2006). However, many customers will switch to rivals’ products. On the other hand, if the firm lowers the price, it would attract some buyers from the rival firms, thereby increasing its product’s demand.A monopolistically competitive market has a demand curve that slopes downward from left to right. In a monopolistic competitive market the demand curve is fairly elastic. This means that a small change in price will bring about more than proportionate changes in quantities demanded. This is because there are many substitutes in the market. The demand curve is more elastic than the one faced by a monopolist but less elastic than a perfectly competitive market whose demand is perfectly elastic (Jehle & Reny, 2011). The relationship between average revenue and marginal revenue is similar to that of a monopolist.F or average revenue to be increasing as more units of output are sold, the marginal revenue must be lower than the average revenue. Short – run equilibrium output under monopolistic competition A firm under monopolistic competition will be at equilibrium at an output when profits are maximized. This is the position when marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. This is at price P1 and quantity Qe. However, there still excess demand and the firm can maximize its profits by changing price Pe. The firm will therefore produce quantity Qe and sell at price Pe (Jehle & Reny, 2011).Qe represents equilibrium output and P1 represents equilibrium price. The price at which the equilibrium output can be sold is determined by the demand Curve (Average Revenue) and its price. Profits are maximized at a level of output between O (zero) and the equilibrium quantity demanded. Long – run equilibrium output under monopolistic competition A firm under monopolistic competition can make su pernormal profits in the short – run. Since there is free entry of new firm into the market, the supernormal profits will attract the new firms with the effect that demand for the old firm’s customers will be taken by new firms.The demand curve for the old firm therefore shifts right to left (Mandal, 2007). A lower quantity is demanded at each price. Firms are likely to increase expenditure on product promotion due to increased competition, which in turn would cause the average total cost curve to shift upwards. New firms will continue to enter the market as long as the existing equilibrium is achieved and all firms would be earning normal profits. The equilibrium point is where the average revenue is equal to the average cost. This point is achieved in the long run when the average revenue curve is a tangent to the average cost curve.The firm will be at equilibrium when it produces output at the equilibrium quantity demanded (Bergin, 2005). This is where the marginal revenues equal the marginal cost because the firm is in the business of profit maximization. At the point of equilibrium, the average cost is equal to the average revenue. This is so because competitive pressure means that a firm can neither make a loss nor earn supernormal profits. At this point of equilibrium the firm is making normal profits only. Conclusion An example of a monopolistic competitive market is the toothpaste market.The toothpaste market is characterized by firms that offers products that are similar but they are highly differentiated. Consumers of Colgate toothpaste believe that Colgate is the number one brand of toothpaste that ensures strong teeth. As a result of this the consumers are normally willing to buy toothpaste regardless of the price. Consumers of Aquafresh toothpaste believe that Aquafresh is the number one brand that ensures healthy germs and fresh breathe. As a result of this customers are willing to always procure the Aquafresh toothpaste regardless of the price.Consumers of the two products believe the products are different and this is because of the way the manufacturers have positioned the brands. REFERENCES Bergin, J. (2005). Microeconomic Theory: A concise Course. New York: Oxford University Press. Dwivedi, D. N. (2006). Microeconomics: Theory & Applications. New Delhi: Dorling kindersley. Jehle, G. A. , & Reny, P. J. (2011). Advanced Microeconomic Theory. New York: Pretence Hall. Mandal, R. K. (2007). Microeconomic Theory. New Delhi: Atlantic Publisher. Nicholson, W. , & Snyder, C. (2008). Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extension. New York: Cengage Learning.
Discuss whether it seems possible for alternative (i.e Essay
Alternative Media Substituting Mainstream Media in Developed & Developing Countries - Essay Example While such pluralism dissipates political subversions of free opinion, smaller countries with authoritative regimes at the helm of affairs do throttle traditional media mechanisms. The situation is even worse in nations where the capitalist mode of an economy still persists. As argued by critical theorists Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, both microcosmic as well as macrocosmic social structures unleash equal amount of media propaganda in the guise of art. Maintaining this line of argument it can be inferred that technological boom has affected people’s cultural integrity and identity in a detrimental manner, resulting in generalization of opinions and conscious worldviews (Adorno and Horkheimer 1944). If we take the example of a developing nation like Turkey, or any other Middle-Eastern country for that matter, it would be clear that mainstream media has long resorted to alternative media agents in order to remain independent of state administered policies. Instead of acting like a mere vehicle to voice the politically motivated manifesto of the State, media houses do adopt a neutral standpoint within a restricted religious ideal (Romano 147). It has to be underlined that consumer culture primarily driven by religious fundamentalism does very little to encourage semi-formalized notions of production and absorption of mass
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Psychopharmacology and the Mental Health Counselor Assignment
Psychopharmacology and the Mental Health Counselor - Assignment Example Thus, most of these conditions can be treated with a variety of behavioral and cognitive therapy techniques, but what happens when a patient comes in and has a psychological condition that is based off a chemical imbalance in the brain. This requires the use of psychopharmacology to regulate the chemical imbalance in order to change the abnormal behavior. Most counselors do not have the appropriate knowledge to know the entire effects of drugs on their patients. According to Buelow, Hebert, and Buelow (2000), many counselors do not have enough knowledge in the area of psychopharmacology to adequately provide medication for patients. Juxtaposed, many treatment models now incorporate a hybrid technique dealing with both therapy and the use of pharmaceuticals. The counselor should also be aware of the patient’s wishes when talking about drug therapy. It is recommended that the counselors become sensitive to the patient’s feelings regarding pharmacotherapy, the patient†™s previous experience with the negative side effects of drugs, nonadherance of the patient to the set regiment and the patient’s use of drugs and alcohol (Meyer & Simon 1999b). Client education of the drugs used in practice is also important. The first priority is determining whether the illness requires the use of medication or not.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Poems of Miguel de Unamuno and Miguel Hernandez Essay
Poems of Miguel de Unamuno and Miguel Hernandez - Essay Example This poem was published in Viento del Pueblo in 1937, in the context of the Spanish civil war that started in 1936. The language used alludes to the themes of love, war, victory, life and death, and fatherhood. The title of the poem "Cancin del esposo soldado" (song of the soldier husband), tells us about the main character of the poem and the lyrical form. It is a poem versed in eleven four-versed stanzas. In each stanza, the first three verses are 14 syllabic and the last verse is 7 syllabic. In Spanish metric, this combination is called a "Serventesio". The metric changes in the last two stanzas though, where all four verses complete the 14 syllabus. It has consonant rhyme (e.g. sementera/espera, respondo/fondo), and its metric scheme is: ABAB. The first stanza refers to the conception of the son, but the poet describes the sexual union not as the culmination of pleasure, but as an inevitable and natural act of reproduction. "I have prolonged the echo of blood which I stand for" (he prolongado el eco de sangre a que respondo), then he goes on to describe his wife who has conceived in the next stanza, he alludes to her as a tall dark-skinned woman; giving the image of her as a "pregnant deer". The presence of nature is again used by the poet. In the third stanza, he compares her to a crystal that could break any minute "you seem a delicate crystal to me already", to refer to her fragility and the need to protect her. His love for her is expressed with metaphors used to refer to her such as: "greatest gulp of my life" (gran trago de mi vida), "mirror of my flesh" (espejo de mi carne), "sustenance of my wings" (sustento de mis alas). In these first three stanzas, we have seen that the main theme is his wife and the conception of his son. And now, from the fourth to the seventh stanzas he refers to his situation as a soldier, and the battles he has to endure, while the thought of his wife and son accompany him all along. There are brutal images contrasted with his declaration of love such as: "over the fearful coffins that threaten/ over the same dead men without remedy or pit". But the love he has for her is stronger than any battle, any bullets that threaten his life, and he will love her beyond death, as he claims: "even in the dust, my wife" (hasta en el polvo, esposa). In the sixth stanza he also refers to their economic situation, when he says: " you are drawn to me like a huge mouth full of a hungry set of teeth", and also in the following stanza: "and I defend your poor woman's womb who awaits me" ("y defiendo tu vientre de pobre que me espera"). There is a sense of pride in being a soldier who stands up for his people. He adopts a challenging attitude when he says: "enroll me in the fight, feel me in the trench", because he is confident that their child will be born into a victorious, joyful world, and he will leave behind his soldier's life, with no weapons (fangs or claws). In the ninth stanza, he talks about the difficulty of being a soldier, and about his longing of coming home. "We have to kill in order to keep living". This is very interesting in the poetry of Hernndez, and it characterizes much of his style. The antithesis is an effective literary resource to provoke a strong reaction in the readers. At the tenth, he refers to his wife
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sam 322 unit 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sam 322 unit 5 - Assignment Example Biomechanics provides essential information on the safest and efficient movement patterns and relevant exercise to improve human motion. Therefore, kinesiology and biomechanics work together to help determine what exercise, should a person do, how the workout should be conducted, how effective it is and if the exercise is safe. Biomechanics act as a tool for studying kinesiology. Through the study of kinesiology, the sport professional are capable of learning various body motion mechanisms. They can determine the structure of the musculoskeletal system and their mechanical properties that aid body movement. The biomechanical qualitative and quantitative analysis also provides vital information to analyze human movements to improve effectiveness. The analysis in both quantitative and qualitative involves identification of the factors that affect human movement performance which is interpreted and solved through high levels of critical thinking. The procedure is useful for sports professionals in understanding body motions. Lastly, the study of biomechanics fundamentals such as mechanics, dynamic such as kinematics and kinetics are all vital in explaining the human body movement. For example, a sports professional will use fluid mechanics to study swimming, heart valves, or adapting sports equipment to minimize air
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Working budget of $ 2 billion Methods research Coursework
Working budget of $ 2 billion Methods research - Coursework Example Using the three electronic resources, compile the required data for the 48 countries in an Excel spreadsheet (each row should represent a country and each column should contain the data for one variable). Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is very important in the calculation of the national income of any country. The GDP is calculated by adding the market value of all the final goods or services produced within a country in a given financial year. to be more specific no intermediate goods but only the final products or services because if intermediate goods are also taken into consideration then there would be the error of double calculation in the national income of the country. The GDP of a country is arrived at by adding the sum involved in the consumption activities, the investment activities, the spending by the government of the country and also the net exports (which is derived by deducting the gross imports from the gross exports). GDP = Cn + It + Gs + E(e-i) Where Cn = consumptio n, It = investment, Gs= Government spending, E= net exports, i= imports, e= exports. The exogenous model is also called as the most suitable model which is needed to understand and frame the long term economic growth of a country. Excel sheet attached. 2. Read the compiled data into Stata, and estimate the empirical model. Test the following null and alternative hypotheses: gen Lypc 2005 =log( ypc2005) gen Lypc1990 =log( ypc1990) gen diferrence lypc=log(ypc2005)-log(ypc1990) gen lseced = log(seced) gen infl= log( cpi1990)-log( cpi1985) inflation regress dlypc Lypc1990 lseced govgdp open infl credit (i) H0:?2=?3=?4=?5=?6=?7=0 against H1:?j?0 for at least one j?(2...7), using a significance level of 0.05. = = = 1.81 The Decision rule is that we can : Accept H0 if F0.05 Reject H0 if ?>F0.05 where F0.05 is the 5% critical value from F(k–1, n–k): in this case F(7–1,48–7), or F(6,41). F0.05 = 2.34 Decision is accept H0: F plays a significant role as F is the de termining factor of arriving at conclusions. The use of the independent variables has not assisted in predicting the dependent variable (dlypc). (ii) H0:?2=0 against H0:?2?0 using a significance level of 0.05. ii) H0:?2=0 against H1:?2?0 at a significance level of 0.05 ? = = = -2.68 Decision rule: Accept H0 if -t0.025 ? ? ? t0.025 Reject H0 if ? t0.025 ?t0.025 from t(41) is ?2.04 Decision is reject H0.: it means the variable (lypc90) has a significance impact in the depended variable (dlypc). We can see that there is a contradiction between the test in (i) and (ii). In (i) we accept that: ?2=?3=?4=?5=?6=?7=0 where in (ii) we reject that :?2=0 . Also, we can check by compare the p-value of the coefficient (0.011)
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Hamlet - Essay Example These include the 'Histoires Tragiques' by Francois de Belleforest and the ‘Saxo Grammaticus' History of Denmark, written in Latin in the 12th century. The plot revolves around Hamlet and his psychological turmoils in the midst of a vortex of violence and murders. In the play Hamlet's uncle usurps his father's throne and takes his father's wife as his own. His uncle does this after first killing Hamlet’s father the King of Denmark. Hamlet, in an act of revenge, kills his uncle in turn. This basic storyline is the backdrop of a great emotional and psychological inner turmoil on the part of Hamlet. Here Hamlet is unable to resolve some fundamental dilemmas, including a large degree of uncertainty over his uncle's accountability for the crime (Shakespeare; Mabillard; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). This paper focuses on the literary element of character, and in particular the character of Hamlet, focusing on the theme of uncertainty and the subjectivity of human experience. The thesis is that this uncertainty is at the root of Hamlet's inner struggles to come to terms with the death of his father and the hands of fate that seemed to have thrust him into the position of avenging son and tormented soul (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Mabillard). II. ... In this scene Hamlet is in a Danish plain, pondering after he had asked Rosencrantz to go ahead of him while he took some time to collect himself (Shakespeare): Now, whether it be Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple Of thinking too precisely on th' event, A thought which, quarter'd, hath but one part wisdom And ever three parts coward,- I do not know Why yet I live to say 'This thing's to do,' Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means To do't. (Shakespeare Act 4, Scene 4, p. 81) In the passage above Hamlet is examining his own thought processes and his own subjective way of processing his reality, and come face to face with an ambiguity in his understanding of how he thinks and acts (Shakespeare Act 4, Scene 4. p. 81). Yes, in the end Hamlet understands that to live is to live in ambiguity. Within this subjectivity the character of Hamlet unfolds. One lives with one’s biases. In the following passage Hamlet demonstrates this, as in grief he colors the chain of events leading to her mother's remarriage and his father’s death with his own subjective bias (Shakespeare): My father's brother, but no more like my father Than I to Hercules. Within a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O, most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! (Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 2, p. 11) In the passage above the subjectivity springs from Hamlet’s grief over his father’s death, which prompts him to feel aggrieved and to be affronted by what he subjectively interprets as his mother and uncle’s deceit (Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 2, p. 11). An aspect of that subjective uncertainty is in evidence in the way
Kingston Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Kingston Communications - Assignment Example Using "Porter's Five Force Model" (, let us see where the issues may exist for Kingston Communications. Porter's model states that thefollowing forces can affect how business relates to the rest of the marketplace: The problem that Kingston had in converting from what was then a traditional telecoms industry using analogue technology to modern digital technology was that they did not readily have the expertise, technology or the agreements in place with providers such as British Telecom, in order to compete against established companies, such as Skype and recently, Vonage. Since then there have been a proliferation of VOIP providers. Various broadband providers have included VOIP as part of their services, when originally all they provided was a dial-up service to access the internet, and later broadband. There are now several companies on the market providing integrated services, including broadband as an 'add-on' as opposed to a primary service as was the case in the recent past. Examples are Sky Television, Orange mobiles, and even BT have got in on the act, by offering digital services alongside their communications offerings. Therefore, Kingston is not alone in feeling the heat of the com petition, as others strive to win market share. How this has changed from a few years ago, and especially for Kingston Communications who used to have a monopoly on these types of service. Kingston probably recognized this as they acquired companies and organizations that had the technology and the resources available. This would make the transition easier, but it came at a price. The acquisition of Affiniti, the business communications integrator,Information Services providing contact centre and directory services, plus the development of their own broadband services would allow Kingston to compete on a level playing field. 2. Threat of substitutes. With regard to VOIP, a substitute phone serviceis exactly what happened.Once the technology for Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) was developed, it became a real threat, not only to Kingston, but other large telecoms companies such asBritish Telecom (BT).The real threat was in the cost of the service. For example, Skype offer a free telephone service to other Skype users. This is now standard among most VOIP providers. It became obvious to Kingston and other telecom providers that drastic decisions had to be made with regard to their technology strategy. 3. Bargaining power of buyers. With the proliferation of VOIP and integrated providers, the relative bargaining power of buyers in this market is relatively strong, especially for the average consumer. They can now choose between integrated solutions, such as digital TV and VOIP services, or choose a relatively low-cost broadband only solution. The costs of these services continue to decline, as more and more suppliers compete for market share. 4. Bargaining power of suppliers.In the early days of VOIP, perhaps the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Achieving Personal Goals While Contributing to the Good of Humanity Essay
Achieving Personal Goals While Contributing to the Good of Humanity - Essay Example The first acquaintance with your university was as a result of inquiries that I made to my mentors about the best institution to prepare myself for my chosen career. They highly recommended this institution as a value-based organization that is committed to the development of highly qualified professionals who will not only deliver on their mandates effectively but will also contribute towards the achievement of national goals. As a nature enthusiast, I love the park-like setting of this university and would love an opportunity to call such a beautiful setting my home during my most formative years. Also, the sporting environment around the university is attractive to me because I like running. In addition, the city of Geneva is a melting pot of cultures that will provide an opportunity to appreciate the culture of other countries. I also have an interest in international affairs which staying in Geneva will enable me to explore. For example, the location of the United Nations and th e financial centre that is the city will give me an opportunity to interact with both organizations and individuals that shape global affairs. The institution has a qualified and dedicated staff that facilitates the learning process by making sure that they have all the resources that they need to learn (Webster University 1). In addition, the institution has created a culture of collaboration among both the student and teaching community. Furthermore, the institution is committed to global academic standards. This is important for me since I want to intern at an international organization.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Conducting a management project Essay Example for Free
Conducting a management project Essay Introduction The project, as requested by the manager; is to come up with the ways that my team can make more savings in the company for the company and for their own growth. This was because the company has not been making savings as they had targeted in the beginning of their business year and the savings are even less as compared to the other financial years yet the company still appears to be run under the same principals. The project is aimed at coming up with the research and recommendations for actions to be taken to manage and change the situation at the company and write a suitable report on this. The report written at the end of this research is going to benefit the company in generating more profits and the employees in self-development. It is also going to cultivate the culture of team work, innovation and entrepreneurial culture among the employees. Simply put, the benefits derived from project management increase in proportion to how well project management processes are used. A well -executed project will be completed on time, within its approved budget. A well-executed project will deliver higher product quality by managing the time to design and test the new product. It will provide great satisfaction to its team, and it will meet (or exceed) the customers’ expectations. In todays business environment, it is critical that each project is run in the most efficient manner possible. For a project-oriented business, it is equally imperative that all projects are managed consistently, so that the benefits of well -executed projects extend corporate wide. The data that was used in this research was collected from the employees, customers and other stakeholders in the company. In preparation for the data collection, it is important to note that a diverse sample of the host companys employees is required in order to address the breadth of the organizational structure and the full range of roles and responsibilities of participants. Input to the list of interview participants should be secured from the company sponsor, but it is the assessors function to challenge the sample to ensure it meets the needs of a balanced assessment. The assessor should recognize a tendency of most sponsors to provide participants who already are highly rated and can demonstrate high performance. The participant pool needs to include these participants, but not be limited to them. All divisions of the corporate structure should be represented, including functional and supporting departments. In selecting the interview sample, the assessor should consider the population density of the host company’s divisions, revenue generated by the divisions, project count or cost, or several other attributes. The total number of interviews to be conducted must be limited to a number that is appropriate for the size of the host company; it is organizational structure and the time period in which the study is required. These factors also drive the composition and size of the assessment team. The methods used in the collection of data and information include; use of questionnaires, observation, collecting samples, taking pictures, oral interviews, reading on recorded materials. The process was not that easy since it was hard to get some confidential information especially on the accounts records of the company and some of the employees felt like they were being spied on and did not give the precisely correct information. Also collecting information from my seniors proved to be a bit hard, but all in all the information and data required for the research was successfully corrected. In all the methods used face to face conversation proved to be the best way to obtain information. Some of it advantages include; A people -to-people tool within a people oriented business Project management is ultimately a people -oriented business that requires personal interactions by and between all of the project team members. Face-to-face interviewing extends this principle to maturity assessments. Not only does the interview provide an interpersonal connection between the interviewer and the interview participant, it allows the interviewer to begin to assess the â€Å"people skills†of the personnel assigned to manage projects at the subject company. Interview participants who display grace and condor during the interview are more likely to carry those traits into their project teams, and are more likely to be open to the recommendations for change or improvement that will flow from the assessment study. Conversely, interview subjects who are less cooperative or more belligerent during the interviews are less likely to readily adopt new suggestions. Reveals actual, as well as intended behaviours conducting face-to-face interviews allows the interviewer/assessor to discover how the project team members at the subject company conduct their project business on a day-to-day basis. It is the only tool in the assessors toolbox that provides a means to evaluate the validity of several of the other tools, such as a review of policy manuals, or a project document search. Policy statements and procedures manuals provide guidance into how the subject company believes it should or wants to do work. By engaging project team members in open conversations, the interviewer can elicit comments that reveal, â€Å"What we really do†vs. â€Å"what we think we do†or â€Å"what we are supposed to do?†Additionally, by discussing different types of project reports with the people who write them, or use them, the assessor can gain insight into the value placed on each report. A simple document review, while important, can only indicate that a report exists, not that it is a valued tool, used by the project team to help control their projects, or by management to monitor progress. Provides opportunity to observe the corporate culture of the subject company. Corporate culture creates different patterns of behaviour at different companies that can have a significant impact on the outcomes of projects. The degree of openness to hearing and dealing with project issues, demonstrating appreciation for project successes, and the amount of information sharing between functional groups working on a project all contribute to the ultimate success of a project. All companies probably would respond affirmatively to possessing these traits; not all companies truly demonstrate these traits positively. During one-on-one conversations with working- level project team members, the assessor can learn how well the subject company responds to project information, or how often it â€Å"shoots the messenger. Difficulties associated with face-to-face interviews Need to establish credibility of assessors As an outsider, the assessment team will often encounter a â€Å"Who-are -you-and-why-should -I-give-you-any-of- my time?†reluctance to participate amongst the project management community at the subject company. This attitude can stem from two general sources: a general distrust of consultants and management’s motives for hiring them; or insufficient information about the assessors’ credentials. Neither of these difficulties is insurmountable, but neither can be ignored. And both can be addressed initially by a carefully worded introduction from the assessment’s sponsor within the host company. The sponsor for the assessment necessarily must possess sufficient status within his/her own organization to approve, or be able to solicit approval for the funding needed to conduct the assessment study. This status can be leveraged to convey the credentials of the assessment team to the host organization. The assessors must be introduced to the project management community in terms that readily establish the expertise and experience of the assessment team with this type of work. This also implies that the assessment team must be comprised of, or, at the least, be led by experienced, senior project managers, whose personal credentials will inspire confidence in the interview participants. Need to secure cooperation of interview participants. The assessor also needs to recognize that many people within the host company’s project management organization(s) will not view the assessment in an entirely positive light. Although the study is intended to be a continuous-improvement effort, it may still be perceived to stem from something being wrong, or judged to be not good enough. The outside assessor could be viewed as Management’s vigilante enforcer, coming in to identify and punish the under-achievers in project management. The assessor must defuse this impression, a task that can best be done if the assessor knows where the host company’s â€Å"sore spots†exist and why the host company has elected to conduct the assessment. Here again, the status of the assessment sponsor can be of great help in overcoming the reluctance of the interview participants. The sponsor’s introduction of the assessment team can be used to share the rationale for the study and remove much of the apprehension that could surround it. Need to prepare thoroughly. During each interview, it will be beneficial to allow conversation to flow in a freewheeling manner, rather than following a rigid, checklist question and answer. For this to work, the assessor/interviewer must be adequately prepared to conduct the interview. The assessor must know the assessment model in great detail, and be able to detect different levels of maturity for each knowledge area, regard less of whether or not the interview respondent uses catch phrases and key words from the model in his/her comments. It is the assessor’s responsibility to be able to take appropriate notes during the interview without disrupting the flow of the interview by having to shuffle papers or stumble from one topic to the next. The assessment team can help prepare for the interviews by constructing an easy -to-use interview form that guides them through the different areas, and offers reminders of key phrases to listen for. By creating the form, the team members will increase their familiarity with it, and find it more beneficial as a guide. Additionally, by constructing their own form, the assessment team members will afford themselves the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the details of the assessment model. Compiling, synthesizing, and evaluating the information from all interviews. Specific data from individual interviews can be compiled if a set of common questions, with a short range of possible answers, is used for all interviews. In this circumstance, it is recommended that a set of standard analytical measures are identified prior to the interview phase, but it should not be assumed that these standard measures will adequately address the entire information content collected. The synthesis of the information is a process that requires the individual assessors to subjectively analyse the comments they heard and recorded during the interviews and identify common themes and touch-points along the maturity continuum. The assessors must then collaborate to yield consistent interpretation of the interview and confirm that the data gathered is appropriate for further evaluation. The assessors must collectively review the compiled data, interrogate it for trends and errors, and determine whether trends identified warrant further analysis. From the information gathered in data collection, many things can be realised; there is no transparent audit of the books of accounts in the company, the employees are taking bribes from the customers in return for unauthorised favours, the employees are very relaxed in their work and lack motivation, the board members are conduction the staffing process in a questionable manner, the employees were taking unnecessary and expensive trips at the expense of the company, the directors have very high unwarranted allowances, the taxes due to the government are not fully settled and the overall running of the firm is questionable. The things that need to be done urgently to make sure that the company is saved from being bankrupt and that it gives some profits are; there should be an immediate external audit of all the books of accounts in the firm, the recruitment and staffing in the firm should be done on the basis of qualification and therefore there should be a vetting process to eliminate all those who are there illegally, all the directors should be vetted and those found to be corrupt should be retrenched, the company should have a new board of directors, all the employees should sign a performance contract which should be followed strictly. Conclusions; the use of face-to-face interviews in Project Management Maturity Assessments has proven to contribute most and convey the project management actualities within any host organization. If executed correctly, the face-to- face interview will yield most insight into the host organizations current maturity and point to pockets of excellence as well as areas requiring correction. Although it is not recommended that an assessment be conducted using only face-to-face interviews, it is strongly recommended that a face-to-face interview always be included in an assessment. References Dove, K. E. (2002). Conducting a successful development services program: A comprehensive guide and resource. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Fernald Environmental Management Project (U.S.), United States., United States., United States., Lippitt, J. M., Kolthoff, K. (1995). Successful completion of a RCRA closure for the Fernald Environmental Management Project. Washington, D.C: United States. Dept. of Energy. Thomsett, M. C. (2002). The little black book of project management. New York: AMACOM. Tjahjana, L., Dwyer, P., Habib, M. (2009). The program management office advantage: A powerful and centralized way for organizations to manage projects. New York: American Management Association. Weir, J. R. (2009). Conducting prescribed fires: A comprehensive manual. College Station: Texas A M University Press. Wysocki, R. K., Beck, R., Crane, D. B. (2000). Effective project management. New York: Wiley.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Effect of Eccentricity on Nonlinear Galloping of Cables
Effect of Eccentricity on Nonlinear Galloping of Cables The Effect of Eccentricity on the Nonlinear Galloping of Cables under Combined Wind Flow and Support motion in 1:1 Internal, External and Parametric Resonance Condition Amir Jalali Saman Sadripour Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran. Galloping of cables is a kind of self-excited vibration and characterized with high amplitude and low frequency. In this paper for investigating the nonlinear galloping of an inclined cable, considering flexural and torsional stiffness, a cable-beam model is used. The iced cable is formulated under the effects of combined wind flow and support motion. Assuming low sag to span ratio and using physical parameter values of the cable, the governing equation of motion is obtained as a classical equations of the perfectly flexible cable, plus a further equation governing the twist motion. These two degrees of freedom system is discretized via the Galerkin method, by taking one in-plane and one out-of-plane modes as trial function. Two resulting non-homogeneous ordinary differential equations are coupled and contain quadratic and cubic nonlinearities in both velocity and displacement terms. By using multiple scale method for 1:1 internal resonance and 1:1 external resonance, a first order a mplitude-phase modulation equation, governing the slow dynamic of the cable, is obtained. In this paper the wind speed and the eccentricity of the iced section are set as control parameters. Without consideration the eccentricity, the value of amplitude is increased as the wind speed is increase. But considering the eccentricity reduced to firstly increasing and then decreasing the amplitude. Keywords:Galloping, Stiff Cable, Wind Flow, Eccentricity, Perturbation method Introduction Cables are light and flexible structures which are used commonly in many engineering structures. Because of their low inherent damping, Cables are exposed to wind-induced vibration. Galloping is a classic phenomenon of aerodynamic instability of slender structures having non-circular cross sections [analytical]. A circular cylinder, with perfect symmetry will not exhibit galloping, though galloping is a common occurrence of on ice-laden cables, where the ice introduces the required asymmetry [1]. Galloping is characterized by low frequency and high amplitude vibration and has many roles in the field of cable vibration. The effects of galloping on a transmission line is dependent upon the severity and duration of the galloping event but typical problems are phase to phase flashover causing outages and arcing damage to conductors, loosening of tower bolts and damage to suspension and tension clamps, spacers and vibration dampers and, in some critical cases, structural damage to towers [1]. In order to prevent these damages, it is important to study on this kind of vibration. The initial galloping model was proposed by Irvine [1], this model is based on the low sag to span ratio. The first studies of galloping considered it to be single degree of freedom (mono-modal galloping); Den Hartog [1] and Parkinson [1] introduce a model by consideration the vertical direction for galloping motion. Jones [1] and Luongo [1] proposed a two degree of freedom model by consideration vertical and horizontal motion and the interaction between them. In a major advance in (2010) Blevins [1] and Yu et al. [1] analyzed the effect of rotation on galloping and have found that the rotation plays an important role on the initiation of galloping under certain conditions. After that Yu [1, 2] proposed a three degree of freedom galloping model (vertical, horizontal and rotational) by consideration eccentricity of ice. The 3-DOF models have been used widely in galloping analysis using analytical and finite element methods. All these models consider the cable as a flexible structure a nd cannot consider the bending effects. Luongo [10-12] proposed a new model for considering both bending and rotation. This new model is based on the curved-beam theory and importance of consideration bending effects has been proved in linear [1] and nonlinear regime [1] under internal resonance conditions, devoting attention to the comparison between analytical and numerical approaches [1]. In the present paper, to investigate the effect of eccentricity on the iced cables which exposed to wind flow and support motion simultaneously, a nonlinear curved beam model [1] is introduced. The proposed model in this paper, is a nonlinear model of an inclined cable which able to twist and displacement in three normal, bi-normal and tangential directions. By using strain-displacements relation and based on Hamilton principle equations of motion can be derived. The aerodynamic forces are modeled referring to the quasi-steady theory, and they depend on the mean wind speed and on the angle of attack. Moreover, according to the property of the sample cable and Galerkin method, by considering one in-plane and one out-of-plane modes, a simplified two-degree of-freedom (normal and bi-normal) model with consideration of torsion, bending and eccentricity has been obtained. The two resulting equations are second order, non-homogeneous, time-periodic, ordinary differential equations and coup led with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities, both in the displacements and velocities. By using multiple scale method for 1:1 internal resonance between the in-plane and out-of-plane modes, and 1:1 external resonance between forcing and natural frequencies, a first order amplitude-phase modulation equation, governing the slow dynamic of the cable, is obtained. In this paper the wind speed, the eccentricity of the iced section and the amplitude of the support motion are set as control parameters. The paper is organized as follows: In the section 2 the equations of motion are formulated based on Hamiltonian theory. The reduced equations of motion are derived with simplifying assumption in section 3. By defining the non-dimensional parameters, Dimensionless equations are obtained in section 4. In the section 5 aerodynamic forces are formulated based on quasi-steady theory. Discretizing via Galerkin procedure is performed in the next section and the perturbation analysis is carried out in section 7, where the amplitude modulation equations are derived. Finally for a sample system, some conclusions are drawn in section 8. Mechanical model The cable is modeled as a body made of a flexible centerline and rigid cross-sections restrained to remain orthogonal to the axis (shear-undeformable beam). It is assumed to be uniformly iced and loaded by a wind flow of mean velocity , blowing horizontally. For better description of cable-beam model, the choice of coordinates is made as following: directions 1,2 and 3 denote tangential, normal and bi-normal directions of transmission line, respectively. Four different configurations are considered. (a) the configuration, taken by the body at time and the cable is under the action of gravity including ice, in this configuration the cable is in a vertical plane belong to (x,y) plane so the cross-section is in the (y,z) plane. (b) the configuration, in this configuration the eccentricity of cross-section due to ice layer is considered. Because of eccentricity of iced transmission line, the configuration rotates the initial angle from shape . (c) the reference configuration is con sidered by the body at time , it is assumed in which static aerodynamic forces act on transmission line. Due to static aerodynamic forces the cross section rotates the angle from the shape , this configuration is described by planner curve and by the cross-section inertial principal triad assumed to be coincident with the Frenet triad [1]. (d) the actual configuration is considered at time , it is assumed all forces including static and dynamic forces and support motion act on the body, The actual configuration of the body is described by the non-planar curve and the inertial principal triad . Because of the dynamic part of aerodynamic force, the dynamic rotation and transport is described by and the displacement vector field , respectively. (1) (2) According to [2, 3], assuming low sag to span ratio, the Lagrange strain-displacement relationship can be calculated as below: (3) (4) (5) (6) Where is stretching, is torsion, and are bending strains, respectively and are the components of displacement vector in basis . Is the initial curvature of the cable and is the twist of the cross section. All the displacements and twist depends on the curvilinear abscissa and time . Based on [1] the equations of motion were derived via extended Hamilton principle by ignoring the shear resistance of the curved beam. (7) Where ; ; , are the first moment of area about and axes. Is tensional, is the torsional, and are the bending forces all at time . The sign . denotes derivation with respect time ; and represent eccentricity of cross section about the and axes, respectively; is the density of transmission line; is the area of cross section; , , , and are the axial, bending and torsional stiffness, respectively; , and are aerodynamic forces; , , and are structural damping coefficients; denotes the cable length. Represents the horizontal distance between adjacent towers; is sag at the mid-span. Based on [1] by reducing strain-displacement equations (1) (1) to equations (1) (1) and substituting them into equation (1), the equations of motion (1) (1) with boundary condition (1) (1) can be obtained in the four directions. (8) (9) (10) Tangential direction: (11) Normal direction: (12) Bi-normal direction: (13) Torsional direction: (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) Where sign ÂÂ ´ denotes differentiation with respect to . Reduced equations of motion Since the transversal-to-longitudinal (or torsional) squared frequency ratio is small, stretching and torsion are quasi-steady, so that inertial and damping forces can be neglected in the relevant equations. By substituting Longitudinal displacements are consequently statically condensed as (1) where the boundary conditions (1) have been used. Furthermore , in equation (1) are assumed as and respectively. Thus equations (1) and (1) can be simplified as: (19) (20) According to the actual transmission line properties, and are very small compared with area of cable cross section , therefore and in equations (1) and (1) can be ignored. Since the equation in twist direction cannot be condensed such a simple way, it is convenient to use twist equation as an ancillary equation in the following. By substituting (1) in equations (1) to (1), the equations of motion can be obtained as equations (1) to (1) by boundary condition (1) to (1). (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) Since the equations of motion (1) to (1) have non-homogenous boundary conditions, by considering transformation (1) the system can be transform into an equivalent system with homogenous boundary condition. (27) In which is quasi-static and is dynamic component of the solution and they can be obtained by solving the linearized, non-homogenous system that is describe planner, linear, static of the cable, when a vertical unitary time-independent motion of the support is applied [1]. (28) (29) The particular solution of equation (1) can be obtained as follow: (30) (31) (32) Dimensionless form of equations By defining non-dimensional parameter (1), dimensionless forms of equations of motion are obtained as follow: (29) (30) (31) (32) In which all * Superscripts have been eliminating in order to simplicity and non-dimensional parameters are introduced as follow: (33) Where the index n used instead of value and . Aerodynamic forces In order to gain a simple aerodynamic model, simplifying assumption should be considered. a) The quasi-steady theory is adopted [1], b) the curvature of cable is neglected, c) the twist angle is accounted in loads but the effect of flexural rotation is neglected, d) the ice is uniformly cover the cable surface and e) the aerodynamic couples are neglected. Based on these assumptions aerodynamic forces and can be obtained. As shown in figure (1) wind blow with speed to cable plane, expression (1) denotes projection of this speed on the plane of cross section. The angle of attack introduced by the angle between direction of the component of wind speed on the cross section and a reference direction (hear the reference direction is adopted axis ), equation (1) and (1) express these concepts. (34) (35) Based on quasi-steady theory the aerodynamic force can be calculated by (36) Where is angle of attack, is the relative velocity between the wind speed and structure speed, is air density, is characteristic radius of section, the modulus of relation speed, and are lift and drag coefficient respectively and theyre dependent on the angle of attack and written as (37) (38) In which is defined as relation (1) and are the aerodynamic coefficients in reference configuration that are obtained by experimental results. (39) By substituting these expression into (1) and projecting this equation on direction and the components of aerodynamic force and can be calculated as follow: (40) For and where is a vector that collecting all the invariable components, , and are the coefficients that depend on the , and their derivati
Saturday, July 20, 2019
APC Hypermethylation as a Prostate Cancer Indicator
APC Hypermethylation as a Prostate Cancer Indicator Evaluation of APC Hypermethylation From Serum Samples as an Indicator for Presence of Prostate Cancer and Higher Gleason Score Abstract Purpose In this prospective study it is aimed to identify role of hypermethlation analysis of APC gene from serum samples on detection of prostate cancer in patients with PSA level 2,5-10 ng/ml and its correlation with GS of the patients Materials and Methods Data from 142 patients underwent prostate biopsy with PSA level of 2,5-10 ng/ml was analyzed. Hypermethlation analysis of promoter region of APC gene from serum samples was done via methlation specific PCR. Patients were grouped as positive or negative depending on results of methylation analysis and compared for presence of prostate cancer and GS distrubution. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of methylation analysis were calculated. P value of 0.05 is used for statistical significance. Results There were 48 patients (33.8%) in methylation (+) group and 94 patients (66,2%) in methylation (-) group. Prostate cancer was detected in 43 of 142 (30,2%) patients after the first biopsy and 32 of these patients were in methylation (+) group. sensitivity and specificity of methylation analysis were 74,4% and 83,8%. PPV and NPV were 66.6% and 88.30 %. When GS distrubutions of the two groups analyzed patients in methylation (+) group were more likely to have higher GS compared to methylation (-) group(p=0,03). Conclusions Hypermethlation analysis APC gene from serum samples have shown promising results with its correlation with prostate cancer and higher GS. Further studies on prediciton of survival with long term follow up are needed to verify its value on prediction of survival Introduction Prostate Cancer (PCa) is one of the most important medical problems of the male population as it is the most common solid neoplasm in Europe having the highest incidence of 202,100 cases in 2004 (1). It is not only common but also a dangerous disease that it is the second most common cause of cancer death in men (2). These findings prove the importance of detection of PCa. However identifiying patients with clinically significant disease is an important issue, that is to treat patients that really need treatment while sparing ones that have silent disease. The European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) trial concluded that 1,410 men would need to be screened and 48 additional cases of PCa would need to be treated to prevent one death from PCa (ERSPC-3). These findings point out that current diagnostic tools are inadequate for screening and detection of clinically significant PCa (3). Epigenetic studies evolved in the era of urooncology in the last decade and DNA methylation is widely studied for certain urological malignancies especialy for PCa (4). Hypermethylation of promoter regions of tumor supresor genes results in gene silencing. This epigenetic change in APC gene promoter regions has been shown in cancerous and precancerous prostate tissues,serum, and urine of PCa patients and sensitivity and specificity rates of 27-100% and 50-100% have been reported (5,6). However the current literature lacks studies that investigate corrolation of results of methylation analysis from serum samples and clinicopathologic properties (grade and stage of disease) of patients. This point should be verified to identify applicability of this method in clinical practice. In this prospective study it is aimed to identify role of hypermethlation analysis of promoter region of APC gene from serum samples on detection of prostate cancer in a population of patients with PSA level 2,5-10 ng/ml and its correlation with Gleason score (GS) of the patients. Patients and Methods. This study was approved by ethical committe of Turkish Ministry of Health. All patients signed informed consent. The patients admitted to urology outpatient clinics of Ankara University Schol of Medicine with PSA level of 2,5-10 ng/ml and who were decided to undergo prostate biopsy were involved in the study. Serum samples were obtained from all patients prior to biopsy and 12 cores transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy was performed by a single radiologist. Age, serum PSA level, prostate biopsy results were recorded and patients were followed regardless of the results of methylation analysis. Rebiopsy was suggested to patients with benign histology and persistant elevated PSA levels 6 months after the first biopsy. Patients with biopsy results of PCa were evaluted for staging and treated based on their stage. GS of the patients were evaluated in 3 groups GS:6 , GS: 7 and GS:8-10. The patients were grouped as positive (methylation +) and negative (methylation -) based on methylation analysis results and compared with results of prostate biopsy. The primary outcome measures were sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of methylation analysis. As a secondary outcome measure the results were also compared with the GS groups. Genetic analysis DNA extraction Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples using a PureLink â„ ¢ Genomic DNA Mini Kit (Invitrogen â„ ¢, catalog No. K1820-02) according to the manufacturer’s instructions and were stored at -20 °C until modification and MSPCR amplification. DNA integrity and quantity was assessed with agarose gel electrophoresis and spectrophotometry, respectively. For this purpose, 1% agarose gel was used and 260 nm and 280 nm optical density ratio values (OD260/OD280) were determined. Bisulfite Modification and Methylation-Specific PCR of APC and GSTPI promoters The genomic DNA was modified by sodium bisulfite treatment using the CpGenomeTM DNA Modification Kit (S7820, Chemicon, Temecula, CA). The DNA promoter methylation status of APC and GSTPI genes were investigated by MSPCR using the specific primers to methylated and unmethylated promoters. The methylated and unmethylated control DNA were also subjected to bisulfite DNA modification and PCR analysis, and serves as positive controls for methylated and unmethylated DNA respectively. H2O was used as negative control for the PCR reaction. The PCR reaction was started with denaturation at 95 °C for 13 min, followed by 40 cycles at 95 °C for 30 s, 56 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 30 s; and 72 °C for 5 min. Statistical analysis Continuous variables were compared using the t –test. Categorical variables were compared by the chi-square test..Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were calculated. Results Prostate biopsy was performed in 142 patients. The mean age of the patients were 68,3  ± 8,2 and mean ages of the methylated and unmethylated groups were not significantly different (67,8 vs 68,6 , p=0,47). There were 48 patients (33.8%) in group 1 and 94 patients (66,2%) in group 2. Prostate cancer was detected in 43 of 142 (30,2%) patients after the first biopsy and 32 of these patients were in methylation (+) group and 11 of them were in methylation (-) group. Based on these results, sensitivity and specificity of methylation analysis were 74,4% (95% CI: 58.83 % 86.46 %) and 83,8% (95% CI: 75.08 % to 90.47 %). PPV and NPV were 66.6% (95% CI: 51.59 % to 79.59 %) and 88.30 % (95% CI: 80.02 % to 94.00 %). When GS distrubutions of the two groups analyzed patients in methylation (+) group were more likely to have higher GS compared to methylation (-) group (p=0,041) and results are summarized in table 1. Second biopsy was performed in 12 (6 patients in each group) patients totally. At these second biopsies, PCa was observed in 4 patients, and all of them were in methylation (+) group. Based on the total results of first and second biopsies, sensitivity and specificity , PPV and NPV were reevaluated. Sensitivity and specificity of methylation analysis were 76.6 % (95% CI: 61.97 % to 87.68 %) and 87.3 % (95% CI: 78.97 % to 93.29 %). PPV and NPV were 75.0 % (95% CI: 60.4 % to 86.3 %) and 88.30 % (95% CI: 80.02 % to 94.00 %). Discussion Epigenetic alterations, such as hypermethylation of prompter regions of tumor supressor genes are associated with many human tumor types and this type of alteration have also emerged as markers for cancer risk assessment, cancer diagnosis, and therapy monitoring in several different types of cancer (7-10). APC is a well-characterized tumor suppressor gene and it downregulates Wnt signaling by targeting the transcriptional coactivator beta-catenin for proteasomal degradation and this prevents its association with the nuclear transcription factor Tcell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor (11). The activation of Wnt pathway leads to deregulation of cell proliferation and differentiation and is a common feature of many human cancers including prostate cancer (12-14). Detection of clinically significant PCa at an early stage is still a great challenge and current imaging modalities are often not able to detect a tumor and biopsies may miss the tumor focus. Role of gene promoter hypermethylation in prostate carcinogenesis, has been studied recently and promising results to improve PCa diagnosis has been established (5-7). In this study methylation analysis of promoter region of APC gene is performed prior to prostate biopsy in serum samples in order to evaluate the the role of this analysis on prostate cancer detection. Serum samples were obtained from all patients prior to biopsy and PCa was detected in siginificantly higher rates in patients with positive methylation analysis. In their study Yoon et al. showed that APC methylation levels were significantly higher in PCa patients than in benign prostate hyperplasia patients. Moreover, APC hypermethylation was not only associated with the increased incidence of PCa but was also positively correlated with increased GS (15). This has also been shown in other studies indicating APC hypermethylation as a reliable predictor of PCa and of its aggressive feature (12,13). Similarly, in our study, methylation positive patients were found to have higher GS and GS>7 was not observed in any patient with negative methylation analysis. Sensitivity and specificity of APC hypermethylation has been studied on prostate tissue samples and high sensitivity (89.3%) and specificity (98.1%) rates have been reported (15). In our study, sensitivity of 74,4% and specificity of 83,8% was found. These results are slightly lower compared to results of Yoon et al. and this may be due to source of DNA, that is higher rates might be reached when analysis is made through prostate tissue samples compared to serum samples. Additionally the results may be effected from the detection method, including the primer design, reagents, detectors, equipment, and protocols, all of which potentially influence the sensitivity and specificity. The important point of our study is making the analysis from serum samples to evaluate its role in clinical practice. The lack of such studies has been emphasized in previous trials conducted on tissue samples (15). Repat biopsies is an important issue in PCa diagnosis in the study of Trock et al. (16) APC methylation provided a very high NPV with a low percentage of false negatives, in a clinical cohort of men undergoing repeat biopsy.In our study, repeat biopsy was performed in 12 patients (6 patients in each group) and all of the 4 patients with PCa detected in second biopsy were in the methylation positive group. Our study involves low number of repeat biopsies therefore further studies with higher number of patients evaluating role of hypermethylation analysis from body fluids should be conducted on the topic of repeat biopsies. Conclusion Prediction of clinical significance of PCa is of clinicial importance and hypermethlation analysis of promoter region of APC gene from serum samples have shown promising results with its correlation with prostate cancer and higher GS. Further studies on prediciton of survival with long term follow up are needed to verify its value on prediction of survival. Conflict of interest: None of the authors have any conflict of interest Ethical standarts: The study was approwed by ethical committe of Turkish Ministry of Health. References 1. Boyle P, Ferlay J. Cancer incidence and mortality in Europe 2004. Ann Oncol 2005 Mar;16(3):481-8. 2. Jemal A, Siegel R, Ward E, et al. Cancer statistics, 2008. CA Cancer J Clin 2008 Mar-Apr;58(2):71-96. 3. Schrà ¶der FH, Hugosson J, Roobol MJ, et al.Screening and prostate-cancer mortality in a randomized European study. N Engl J Med 2009 Mar 26;360(13):1320-8. 4. Veeck J, Esteller M J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. Breast cancer epigenetics: from DNA methylation to microRNAs. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2010 Mar;15(1):5-17. 5. Kang GH, Lee S, Lee HJ, et al. Aberrant CpG island hypermethylation of multiple genes in prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. 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Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay: An Analysis -- Love Song J. Alf
An Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock The general fragmentation of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is obvious. The poem seems a perfect example of what Terry Eagleton calls the modern "transition from metaphor to metonymy: unable any longer to totalize his experience in some heroic figure, the bourgeois is forced to let it trickle away into objects related to him by sheer contiguity." Everything in "Prufrock" trickles away into parts related to one another only by contiguity. Spatial progress in the poem is diffident or deferred, a "scuttling" accomplished by a pair of claws disembodied so violently they remain "ragged." In the famous opening, "the evening is spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherised upon a table," and the simile makes an equation between being spread out and being etherised that continues elsewhere in the poem when the evening, now a bad patient, "malingers, / Stretched on the floor, here beside you and me." There it "sleeps so peacefully! / Smoothed by long fingers . . . ." This suspe nsion is a rhetorical as well as a spatial and emotional condition. The "streets that follow like a tedious argument / Of insidious intent" lead not to a conclusion but to a question, a question too "overwhelming" even to ask. Phrases like the "muttering retreats / Of restless nights" combine physical blockage, emotional unrest, and rhetorical maundering in an equation that seems to make the human being a combination not of angel and beast but of road-map and Roberts' Rules of Order. In certain lines, metaphor dissolves into metonymy before the reader's eyes. "The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes" appears clearly to every reader as a cat, but the cat itself is absent, repr... ...becomes a collection of individual parts, just as the poem's human denizens had been little more than parts: "And I have known the eyes already, known them all"; "And I have known the arms already known them all." The instantaneous movement from part to whole, from eyes, arms, evenings, mornings, to "all," expresses the emptiness between, the gap between dispersed parts and an oppressive whole made of purely serial repetition. The very reduction of human beings to parts of themselves and of time to episodes makes it impossible to conceive of any whole different from this empty, repetitious "an." As Burke says, metonymy substitutes quantity for quality, so that instead of living life Prufrock feels "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. Â Works Cited Michael North, The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Essay --
The Shaping’s of Jane Eyre Zucaru Ruth 2/21/2014 2nd period In life the people around Jane Eyre has a way of shaping her as a person. As a person grows older, weather very negative or positive it makes a stronger person out of a person or it affects that person in some way in life. Unfortunately and sadly for Jane she had horrible and wicked people in her life as she grew to be a young woman. Luckily for Jane, down the line of life she was able to meet those whom was respectful to her and appreciated her help and servant abilities. Multiple people had an effect on shaping Jane as a person. By the end of this essay it will be proven that the person in Jane’s life has shaped her Social drive and development as a young woman succeeding its also will be proven on the affects of Jane Eyre and bildungsroman life and early figures in feminist movement, with the affects of Jane’s life and thoughts. â€Å"The night as Jane lays there thinking about everything Mr. Rochester has told her, when she thinks she hears a â€Å"demoniac†laugh. When she leaves her room she then finds a candle burning in the hallway. Jane sees Mr. Rochester’s door open and finds his curtains on fire. He is stupefied by Smokey air, but she wakes him by extinguishing the flames and dousing him with water†, chap 15. Then the actions that took place puts Mr. Rochester in a position of vulnerability as Jane douses water in Mr. Rochester’s room. The situation allows to show her growth as a grown woman in control and independent. The situation brings Mr. Rochest... ...eople in her life has also shaped her to feel extreme tension for the characters around her. Although it’s very fortunate that an orphan like Jane her self is able to achieve wealth and power without having education or social motivation , Jane also has manners and shows sophistication while remaining penniless and powerless. A person cannot always makes choices for themselves in life, some people are put into a life or a situation that has to be shaped its self, negatively or positively. The drive and motivation a person takes from certain situations weather negative or positive in life it shapes a persons character and focus. This essay has proven that the people in life can shape aspects of a person’s future and drive as well as motivation. It has also has proven on the effects of early figures in feminist movement ,with the affects of Jane’s life and thoughts.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
E-R Diagram
Introduction:- In 1976 ,Chen developed the Entity-Relationship Diagrams ,a high-level data model that is useful in developing a conceptual design for database . An ER diagram is a diagram containing entities or â€Å"items†, relationships among them, and attributes of the entities . The E-R model is one of the best known tools for logical database design. Within the database community, it is considered a natural and easy-to-understand way of conceptualizing the structure of database.Claims that have been made for it include the following: it is simple and easily understood by non-specialist ,it is easily conceptualized ,the basic constructs (entities and relationships) are highly intuitive and thus provide a natural way of representing a user’s information requirements , and it is a model that describes a world in terms of entities and attributes that is most suitable for computer naive end users. In E-R diagram the emphasis is on representing the schema a rather than t he instances. This is more useful in database design because a database schema changes rarely ,whereas the contents of the entity sets changes frequently.In addition ,the schema is usually easier to display that the extension of database ,because it is much smaller Purpose:- Entity-relationship diagrams were first proposed as a means of quickly obtaining, with minimum effort, a good sense of the structure of a database. They are used to plan and design a database and to model a systems data. Key Elements Entities:- * An entity represents the principle data objects about which information is to be collected. * Collective nouns, or nouns, are usually used to name (describe) entities * For example, each person in an enterprise is an entity. An entity has a set of properties, and the values for some set of properties may uniquely identify an entity. For instance, a person may have a person_id property whose value uniquely identifies that person. Entity Set:- * An entity set is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties, or attributes. The set of all persons who are customers at a given bank, for example, can be defined as the entity set customer. Attribute:- * An attribute is one of the various properties that describe the entity’s characteristics. These properties usually present a single fact – they are atomic. The designation of an attribute for an entity set expresses that the database stores similar information concerning each entity in the entity set; however, each entity may have its own value for each attribute. * Possible attributes of the customer entity set are customer-id, customer-name, customer-street, and customer-city. Domain (value set):- * For each attribute, there is a set of permitted values, called the domain, or value set, of that attribute. * The domain of attribute customer-name might be the set of all text strings of a certain length.Types of attribute in the E-R model:- The attributes used in the ER mo del can be categorized as 1. Simple or Composite 2. Single Valued or Multi Valued 3. Stored or Derived. 1. Simple or Composite * The attribute which are not divided into subparts are called simple attributes. * For example, an attribute customer-id is a simple attribute. * Composite attributes, on the other hand, can be divided into subparts (that is, other attributes). * For example, an attribute name could be structured as a composite attribute consisting of first-name, middle-initial, and last- name. Using composite attributes in a design schema is a good choice if a user will wish to refer to an entire attribute on some occasions and to only a component of the attribute on other occasions. Suppose we were to substitute for the customer entity-set attributes customer-street and customer-city the composite attribute address with the attributes, street, city, state, and zip-code. * Note also that a composite attribute may appear as a hierarchy. In the composite attribute address, i ts component attribute street can be further divided into street-number, street-name, and apartment-number. 2. Single Valued or Multi Valued The attributes that have a single value for a particular entity is called a single valued attribute. * For example, an attribute customer-id is a single valued attribute because for a particular entity it holds a single value. * The attribute that have multiple valued for a particular entity is called a multi valued attribute. * For example, an attribute phone-number is a multi valued attribute because for a particular customer it holds zero, one or several phone numbers. 3. Stored or Derived * Normally attributes are stored attributes, that is, their values are stored and accessed as such from the database. For example, the attributes name, address and date-of-birth of customer entity set are stored attributes. * However, sometimes attributes’ values are not stored as such, rather they are computed or derived based on some other value. This other value may be stored in the database or obtained some other way. * For example, we may store the name, father-name, address of customers, but age can be computed from date-of-birth. * The advantage of declaring age as derived attribute is that whenever we will access the age, we will get the accurate, current age of employee since it will be computed right at the time when it is being accessedFig Symbol used for different types of attributes in E-R diagram An example diagram representing all types of attributes is given below: 1. The attributes empId, empName and dateHired are simple and single valued. 2. The attribute address is a composite attributes because it can be sub divided into street and houseNo. 3. The attribute emp_Qual is a multi valued attribute because an employee has zero, one or many qualifications. 4. The attribute Experience is a derived attribute because it can be derived from the attribute dateHired. 5.The attributes other than Experience are stored at tribute because it can be stored and accessed from the database. Null value:- * An attribute takes a null value when an entity does not have a value for it. * The null value may indicate â€Å"not applicable†â€â€that is, that the value does not exist for the entity. * For example, one may have no middle name. Relationship:- * Relationship is a representation of the fact that certain entities are related to each other. * Verbs are usually used to describe relationships. * For example: Students take Courses – Students and Courses are entities, and take is the relationship.Relationship Set:- * Set of relationships of a given type. * For example: students registered in courses ,passengers booked on flight ,parents and their children. Participation: * The association between entity sets is referred to as participation; that is, the entity sets E1, E2, . . . ,En participate in relationship set R. * The participation of an entity set E in a relationship set R is said to b e total if every entity in E participates in at least one relationship in R. * If only some entities in E participate in relationships in R, the participation of entity set E in relationship R is said to be partial.Degree:- * The number of entity sets that participate in a relationship set is called the degree of the relationship set. * A binary relationship set is of degree 2; a ternary relationship set is of degree 3. Mapping Cardinalities (cardinality ratio) :- * Mapping cardinalities, or cardinality ratios, express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set. * Mapping cardinalities are most useful in describing binary relationship sets, although they can contribute to the description of relationship sets that involve more than two entity sets. For a binary relationship set R between entity sets A and B, the mapping cardinality must be one of the following: a) One to one. An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and a n entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A. b) One to many. An entity in A is associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in B. An entity in B, however, can be associated with at most one entity in A. c) Many to one. An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B. An entity in B, however, can be associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in A. ) Many to many. An entity in A is associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in B, and an entity in B is associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in A. Fig. one to one Fig. one to many Fig. Many to one Fig. Many to many Key :- * A key allows us to identify a set of attributes that suffice to distinguish entities from each other. * A super key is a set of one or more attributes that, taken collectively, allow us to identify uniquely an entity in the entity set.For example, the customer-id attribute of the entity set customer is sufficient to distinguish one customer entity fr om another. Thus, customer-id is a super key. Similarly, the combination of customer-name and customer-id is a super key for the entity set customer. The customer-name attribute of customer is not a super key, because several people might have the same name. * The concept of a super key is not sufficient for our purposes, since, as we saw, a super key may contain extraneous attributes. * If K is a super key, then so is any superset of K. We are often interested in super keys for which no proper subset is a super key.Such minimal super keys are called candidate keys. * It is possible that several distinct sets of attributes could serve as a candidate key. Suppose that a combination of customer- name and customer-street is sufficient to distinguish among members of the customer entity set. Then, both {customer-id} and {customer-name, customer-street} are candidate keys. Although the attributes customerid and customer-name together can distinguish customer entities, their combination d oes not form a candidate key, since the attribute customer-id alone is a candidate key. The primary key is a candidate key that is chosen by the database designer as the principal means of identifying entities within an entity set. * A key (primary, candidate, and super) is a property of the entity set, rather than of the individual entities. Any two individual entities in the set are prohibited from having the same value on the key attributes at the same time. * The designation of a key represents a constraint in the real-world enterprise being modeled. * Sometimes we may have to work with an attribute that does not have a primary key of its own .To identify its rows ,we have to use the primary attribute of related table. this is known as foreign key. * So a foreign key is a field in a relational table that matches a candidate key of another table. The foreign key can be used to cross-reference tables . For example ,say we have two tables ,a CUSTOMER table that includes all custome r data ,and an ORDERS table that include all customer orders . The intention here is that all orders must be associated with a customer that is already in the CUSTOMER table . To do this,we will place a foreign key in the ORDERS table and have it related to the primary key of the CUSTOMER table.Strong and Weak Entities:- * An entity set may not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key. Such an entity set is termed a weak entity set. An entity set that has a primary key is termed a strong entity set. * As an illustration, consider the entity set payment, which has the three attributes: payment-number, payment-date, and payment-amount. Payment numbers are typically sequential numbers, starting from 1, generated separately for each loan. Thus, although each payment entity is distinct, payments for different loans may share the same payment number.Thus, this entity set does not have a primary key; it is a weak entity set. * For a weak entity set to be meaningful, it must be asso ciated with another entity set, called the identifying or owner entity set. * Although a weak entity set does not have a primary key, we nevertheless need a means of distinguishing among all those entities in the weak entity set that depend on one particular strong entity. The discriminator of a weak entity set is a set of attributes that allows this distinction to be made. The discriminator of a weak entity set is also called the partial key of the entity set.The primary key of a weak entity set is formed by the primary key of the identifying entity set, plus the weak entity set’s discriminator. Symbols used in E-R diagram:- Steps in E-R Modeling :- Usually the following five steps are followed to generate ER models 1. Identify the entity set. 2. Identify the relevant attributes. 3. Identify the prime attribute. 4. Find relationships between entity set. 5. Draw a complete ER model. How to Prepare an ERD:- Step 1 Let us take a very simple example and we try to reach a fully o rganized database from it. Let us look at the following simple statement:A boy eats an ice cream. This is a description of a real word activity, and we may consider the above statement as a written document (very short, of course). Step 2 Now we have to prepare the ERD. Before doing that we have to process the statement a little. We can see that the sentence contains a subject (boy), an object (ice cream) and a verb (eats) that defines the relationship between the subject and the object. Consider the nouns as entities (boy and ice cream) and the verb (eats) as a relationship. To plot them in the diagram, put the nouns within rectangles and the relationship within a diamond.Also, show the relationship with a directed arrow, starting from the subject entity (boy) towards the object entity (ice ICE CREAM EATS BOY Well, fine. Up to this point the ERD shows how boy and ice cream are related. Now, every boy must have a name, address, phone number etc. and every ice cream has a manufacture r, flavor, price etc. Without these the diagram is not complete. These items which we mentioned here are known as attributes, and they must be incorporated in the ERD as connected ovals. FLAVOUR MANUFACTURER ADRESS NAME EATS ICE CREAM CREAM BOY PRICE PHONEBut can only entities have attributes? Certainly not. If we want then the relationship must have their attributes too. These attribute do not inform anything more either about the boy or the ice cream, but they provide additional information about the relationships between the boy and the ice cream. FLAVOUR MANUFACTURER NAME ADRESS TIME DATE PRICE PHONE ICE CREAM EATS BOY Step 3 We are almost complete now. If you look carefully, we now have defined structures for at least three tables like the following: BOYPHONE ADRESS NAME ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER FLAVOUR PRICE EATS TIME DATE However, this is still not a working database, because by definition, database should be â€Å"collection of related tables. †To make them connected, the tables must have some common attributes. If we chose the attribute Name of the Boy table to play the role of the common attribute, then the revised structure of the above tables become something like the following BOY PHONE ADRESS NAME ICE CREAM NAME PRICE FLAVOUR MANUFACTURER NAME TIME DATE EATS This is as complete as it can be.We now have information about the boy, about the ice cream he has eaten and about the date and time when the eating was done. Extended Features of E-R Diagram 1. Specialization †¢An entity set may include sub-groupings of entities that are distinct in some way from other entities in the set. For instance, a subset of entities within an entity set may have attributes that are not shared by all the entities in the entity set. The E-R model provides a means for representing these distinctive entity groupings. †¢ Consider an entity set person, with attributes name, street, and city.A person may be further classified as one of the following: a) cust omer b) employee Each of these person types is described by a set of attributes that includes all the attributes of entity set person plus possibly additional attributes. For example, customer entities may be described further by the attribute customer-id, whereas employee entities may be described further by the attributes employee-id and salary. The process of designating sub-groupings within an entity set is called specialization. The specialization of person allows us to distinguish among persons according to whether they are employees or customers. As another example, suppose the bank wishes to divide accounts into two categories, checking account and savings account. Savings accounts need a minimum balance, but the bank may set interest rates differently for different customers, offering better rates to favored customers. Checking accounts have a fixed interest rate, but offer an overdraft facility; the overdraft-amount on a checking account must be recorded. * In terms of an E-R diagram, specialization is depicted by a triangle component labeled ISA, as Figure shows. The label ISA stands for â€Å"is a†and represents, for example, that a customer â€Å"is a†person.The ISA relationship may also be referred to as a superclass-subclass relationship. Higher- and lower-level entity sets are depicted as regular entity sets i. e. , as rectangles containing the name of the entity set. ISA 2. Generalization * The refinement from an initial entity set into successive levels of entity subgroupings represents a top-down design process in which distinctions are made explicit. The design process may also proceed in a bottom-up manner, in which multiple entity sets are synthesized into a higher-level entity set on the basis of common features.The database designer may have first identified a customer entity set with the attributes name, street, city, and customer-id, and an employee entity set with the attributes name, street, city, employee-id, and sa lary. * There are similarities between the customer entity set and the employee entity set in the sense that they have several attributes in common. This commonality can be expressed by generalization, which is a containment relationship that exists between a higher-level entity set and one or more lower-level entity sets.In our example, person is the higher-level entity set and customer and employee are lower-level entity sets. Higher- and lower-level entity sets also may be designated by the terms superclass and subclass, respectively. The person entity set is the superclass of the customer and employee subclasses. * Specialization stems from a single entity set; it emphasizes differences among entities within the set by creating distinct lower-level entity sets. These lower-level entity sets may have attributes, or may participate in relationships, that do not apply to all the entities in the higher-level entity set.Indeed, the reason a designer applies specialization is to repre sent such distinctive features. If customer and employee neither have attributes that person entities do not have nor participate in different relationships than those in which person entities participate, there would be no need to specialize the person entity set. * Generalization proceeds from the recognition that a number of entity sets share some common features (namely, they are described by the same attributes and participate in the same relationship sets).On the basis of their commonalities, generalization synthesizes these entity sets into a single, higher-level entity set. Generalization is used to emphasize the similarities among lower-level entity sets and to hide the differences; it also permits an economy of representation in that shared attributes are not repeated. Difference between Specialization and Generalization No. | Specialization| Generalization| 1| It is a Top Down approach. | It is a Bottom Up approach. | 2| Specialization stems from a single entityset; it em phasizes differences among entities within the set by creating distinct lower-level entity sets. Generalization proceeds from therecognition that a number of entity sets share some common features (namely, they are described by the same attributes and participate in the same relationship sets). | 3| The process of designating sub-groupingswithin an entity set is calledspecialization. | The process of designating groupingsfrom various entity sets is calledgeneralization. | 4| Specialization is a result of taking a subsetof higher level entity set to form a lower- level entity set. | Generalization is a result of taking theunion of two or more disjoint (lower- level) entity sets to produce a higher- level entity set. | .
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