Monday, September 30, 2019
Arguments based on emotion work in different media by getting the audience to feel a sense of what the advertiser is trying to convey. The effectiveness of these arguments differ based on the promoter and what they are trying to present. For example, if the promoter is trying to get a message across through a book, they have to include something that might interest readers. Unlike books, if they are trying to advertise something through television, they include something that might interest people who like watching T.V. , such as â€Å"couch potatoes†etc. The approach for magazines is different. If someone is already reading a magazine they are in for ads therefore it is much easier to grab their attention. However, arguments based on emotion vary significantly on websites. You can go from a positive response to an extremely negative response in a few seconds, therefore you must be careful. Certain things an ad might portray may go against what someone believes and will insti gate hate†comments which technically may not deserve that type of classification.Others may be able to receive the emotion the ad is trying to present and therefore the ad can be successful. Newspapers are an emotionally colder source than television news in my perspective because when you are watching the news, the reporters can sound a little enthusiastic, delivering the news in a hopeful manner. When reading the newspaper, you can only Interpret It how you envision It and so If the tone of the paper Is depressing, then It would be emotionally colder.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Philosophy reasoning Essay
Philosophy is divided into many sub-fields. These include epistemology, logic, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics. Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, such as the relationships between truth, belief, and theories of justification. Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. Metaphysics is the study of the most general features of reality, such as existence, time, the relationship between mind and body, objects and their properties, wholes and their parts, events, processes, and causation. Ethics, or â€Å"moral philosophy,†is concerned primarily with the question of the best way to live, and secondarily, concerning the question of whether this question can be answered. Aesthetics deals with beauty, art, enjoyment, sensory-emotional values, perception, and matters of taste and sentiment. Definition:  The term philosophy itself comes from the Greek philosophia, which means love of wisdom. –The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. –The critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge. Meaning: –The rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. Significance: For us to avoid being fooled by those learned person, it removes or takes away doubts, it turns life to be simple and flexible in any circumstances†¦. The Importance of Philosophy Philosophic thought is an inescapable part of human existence. Almost everyone has been puzzled from time to time by such essentially philosophic questions as â€Å"What does life mean? †â€Å"Did I have any existence before I was born? †and â€Å"Is there life after death? †Most people also have some kind of philosophy in the sense of a personal outlook on life. Even a person who claims that considering philosophic questions is a waste of time is expressing what is important, worthwhile, or valuable. A rejection of all philosophy is in itself philosophy. By studying philosophy, people can clarify what they believe, and they can be stimulated to think about ultimate questions. A person can study philosophers of the past to discover why they thought as they did and what value their thoughts may have in one’s own life. There are people who simply enjoy reading the great philosophers, especially those who were also great writers. Philosophy has had enormous influence on our everyday lives. The very language we speak uses classifications derived from philosophy. For example, the classifications of noun and verb involve the philosophic idea that there is a difference between things and actions. If we ask what the difference is, we are starting a philosophic inquiry. Every institution of society is based on philosophic ideas, whether that institution is the law, government, religion, the family, marriage, industry, business, or education. Philosophic differences have led to the overthrow of governments, drastic changes in laws, and the transformation of entire economic systems. Such changes have occurred because the people involved held certain beliefs about what is important, true, real, and significant and about how life should be ordered. Systems of education follow a society’s philosophic ideas about what children should be taught and for what purposes. Democratic societies stress that people learn to think and make choices for themselves. Nondemocratic societies discourage such activities and want their citizens to surrender their own interests to those of the state. The values and skills taught by the educational system of a society thus reflect the society’s philosophic ideas of what is important. A philosophic system is an integrated view of existence. As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation  or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Internal and External Factors of Labour Market Essay
Internal and External Factors of Labour Market - Essay Example Labour market of Europe is suffering for aging workforce issues. Study suggests that there will be 4% hike in aging population within next eight years (Krenn and Oehlke, 2001). Companies are aware of the fact but they do not have much choice left due to following reasons: The world is going through one of the most turbulent financial period in the history of mankind. Companies are struggling due sluggish growth rate and low return on investment. They are not ready to invest money on recruiting new staff and designing training & development. Companies like P&G use â€Å"Build from within†strategy in order to give new job responsibility to existing employees without hiring external candidates. Many companies use â€Å"Build from within†strategy in order to reduce cost of developing untrained and fresh human resource pool. In 1993, Polachek and Siebert proposed Human Capital theory in order to address aging population issue (Polachek and Siebert, 1993, pp. 23-67). They h ave pointed out that life can be segregated into two phases. In the first phase young people develop human capital in terms of skill, knowledge and education while in the second phase they earn employment on the basis of developed human capital. The study suggests that substandard aging population has less human capital in comparison to talented young human resource. Human capital decreases due to aging. Labour market is heterogeneous because employers can never forecast accurately future productivity of particular employee.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Case Study of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet project (NMCI) project Essay
Case Study of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet project (NMCI) project Management - Essay Example The case study analysis of the NMCI project shows that if the above measures are not put in place, there are likely chances of the project failing to meet its set goals and objectives. Introduction The term project is used to describe a set of linked activities or it can be precisely defined as a onetime activity with a well defined set of desired results (Hellriegel 2001). Some of the major features of a project include a definite start and finish, a time frame for completion, uniqueness as well as involvement of people on a temporary basis. Thus, for any project to be a success, project management plays a pivotal role in the implementation of the whole project. Against this background, this case study based essay seeks to critically analyse the project management practices and outcomes in the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) project being executed by Electronic Data Systems (EDS). The essay is divided into three phases and it will be structured as follows: Phase one deals with a p reliminary scope statement, phase two deals with presentation of an analysis, critique and recommendations regarding the project management areas of estimating, quality and communication as they apply to NMCI’s performance and the third phase will deal with presentation of an analysis, critique and recommendations regarding the project management areas of risk management, scheduling and budgeting and project execution as they apply to the case of NMCI. An assessment of whether the project was a success from the stakeholders’ perspective will be given at the end of the essay. Phase 1 The Preliminary Project Scope Statement is a framework or guideline that spells the main ideas and decisions to be made in the project and can be constantly reviewed to ensure compliance with the project goals set (Yeates & Cadle 1996). It documents all the requirements of the project as well as the boundaries within which the project will be implemented whereby there is a common understand ing between the project management team and the stakeholders involved. Thus, â€Å"the preliminary Project Scope Statement defines the project and establishes what must be accomplished at a high level,†(Elyse, PMP & CPHIMS 2006). The project objective in this case of NMCI is to build a single and seamless network. Against this background, EDS has managed to get a contract worth up to $9 billion to supply the US Navy and Marine Corps with a single, seamless network. Indeed, this is seen as the biggest government contract in the US. The other objective is that The Navy contract is being regarded as a pilot project for the way the military as a whole will run its IT in the future. In other words, this project seeks to create a situation whereby the Navy will be given the autonomy to manage its affairs with regards to its information and technology (IT) needs in the future. The project requirements include IT infrastructure in the form of computers, hardware as well as software that is required in executing this project. The project boundary is limited to EDS, the contractors, NMCI and the government of the US which is also a sponsor of the project. The project also assumes that EDS systems are intended to be fully operational by June 2003 which entails that the Navy will be ruled by the PC business in the years to come. Within the scope of this project, the major constraint likely to be encountered is related to cultural factors in the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
What has been the best period in your life and why Essay
What has been the best period in your life and why - Essay Example Their presence makes me feel important and there is a natural attachment between me and my children. The period of their upbringing was difficult but the emotions that arose within me when they started talking and walking seem to be unforgettable. There were times when I had to give up my sleep and luxuries to make them happy and to give them time but I did not regret it. I realized that fatherhood was a position of giving without any hope of rewards. Their happiness instilled emotions of happiness within me and when they cried I tried to do everything possible to make them happy. Thus, it was a feeling and a relationship that was different from all other relations. The time of their upbringing has always been important for me and this period of fathering the two most beautiful children of the world has been the most important and unforgettable period of my life. This is owing to the strong natural bond that exists in the relation of a father and his
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Frederick Douglas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Frederick Douglas - Essay Example Largely, he did this through public speaking engagements and his writing. The first thing he published was the autobiographical Narrative of the Life of an American Slave in 1845. After which, he served as publisher of a newspaper, The North Star, before publishing his second novel, My Bondage and My Freedom, a decade later. While those works (which will be discussed later) were about his life, he later became a political activist in his pursuit to help people less advantaged than he. Surrounding the time that "Reconstruction" and "Appeal" were written, there was a lot of political activity, including the aforementioned Abolitionist Movement, which lasted from sometime in the 1830s, until about 1870. This movement should not be confused with the abolitionist movement started by feminists who wanted to end prostitution (arguing that prostitution was also a form of slavery). Instead, the Abolitionist Movement was fundamental in founding the Anti-Slave Society, which aimed at declaring that those enslaved should immediately become free. The Abolitionist Movement saw the end of slavery, but participants didn't consider its job complete. Once black people were free, they advocated for better education for them, so that men especially would get better jobs. If they could work, they'd be better able to support their families. The movement insisted on healthcare for freed slaves. It also offered assistance in helping family member locate other family members from whom they'd been separated during slavery. When the Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed African-American male suffrage, the Movement proper was over. In 1865, Congress had established the Freedman's Bureau. It helped with the tasks of education, healthcare, and jobs, and even the reunification of families. The Freedman's Bureau was especially helpful to refugees of the American Civil War. African-American women took up causes that affected black women at the time, and later, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed to aid all colored persons. All of this helped make Douglass the writer he became. When he wrote "Reconstruction," the Civil War had ended and the country was in a reconstructive state. The "Reconstruction" argument was that although the war had ended, there were still changes to be made. He wrote, "All that is necessary to be done is to make the government consistent with itself, and render the rights of the States compatible with the sacred rights of human nature" (para. 3). He was insisting that the government take a stand within each state, and remain consistent in supporting the rights of all people. He asked that citizens of the United States be able to move, interchangeably, throughout the states and have the same rights in each one. He finished his essay with the opinion that he was not the only person, nor were there only black people, who wanted equality for everyone. He wrote, "This great measure is sought as earnestly by loyal white men as by loyal blacks, and is needed alike by both. Let sound pol itical prescience but take the place of an unreasoning prejudice, and this will be done" (para. 10). In "An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage," Douglass' message was just as political, just as strong. His main focus was on the right to vote for African Americans. He asked Congress how they could have
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Tracking, is it viable Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Tracking, is it viable - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the students in the lesser tracks get equipped with skills on welding, bookkeeping, and beauty therapy. Essentially, this paper will illustrate whether the tracking system of learning is viable or not by giving substantial reasons (Powell, 2000). In addition, it will argue out whether this system should apply in the elementary stages of one’s carrier path by including heterogeneous and homogeneous cooperative learning styles. As a necessity, it will seek to bring out the summative and formative classroom assessment by using flip classrooms or homeschooling as examples. Finally, the paper will advise on what the best alternative forms of instructions and guidelines would work well at the elementary level when applying tracking system. Tracking system has proved to be the acceptable and most viable learning system over the years. Various attributes contribute towards making it reliable. For one, this system has been effective in meeting the needs of gifted pup ils within a regular classroom. The main advantage is that it provides the opportunity for the students to associate with their intellectual peers. According to Powell, (2000), this interaction mainly influenced their emotional, social, and intellectual well-being. On the other hand, tracking allowed students to feel lesser isolation and reduced stress levels because of their grouping with students with the same level of abilities. In addition, Epple et al (2000) found that working in a cluster was better than working alone as the group challenged individuals to give quality outputs. On the other hand, the average students have also been beneficiaries of this system through one way or another. For instance, clustering of these students is effective in identifying new leaders when the high performing students move to the high ability classrooms (Gentry 1996). However, high performing students shared a classroom with the middle cluster to widen their educational opportunities in their strong areas.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Speech analyses essay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Speech analyses essay - Research Paper Example Most of the people who participated in the Challenge and donations are from Boston. That is why it is more effective to deliver the speech at Boston in front of a ‘familiar’ audience which makes Nancy comfortable. Attention getter- The attention getter Nancy uses the question â€Å"How many of you took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?†This seems obvious and rhetorical, presumably a majority of the people in the audience had participated in the Challenge. As you can see from the reaction of the audience, they barely react to Nancy’s question. Nancy uses a non- verbal cue (by clamping) in order to ‘warm up’ the audience before she begins her speech. Revelation of topic- The revelation of topic is the flashback family story that Nancy gives her audience. A flashback to the summer of 2011, Nancy carefully narrates and reveals a powerful family story leading to Pete’s diagnosis and inspiration behind her family taking the initiative to create awareness about ALS. Statement of Credibility- The statement of credibility is ‘the mom who started the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’. Since Nancy is Pete’s mom and she is heavily involved in the fund raising and ALS awareness initiative, she is credible enough to give the speech. Nancy Frates and her entire extended family are taking great lengths to create awareness about ALS and get philanthropist like Bill Gates on board. Since Nancy was at the forefront of this initiative, definitely makes her credible. Statement of central idea- The central idea in the introduction of Nancy Frates speech is that very little progress has been done to get a treatment for ALS. The idea behind ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is to help raise funds that can be used to conduct research and clinical trials of drugs that can cure or treat ALS. Nancy’s family and ALS managed to raise enough funds that will help ALSTDI in Cambridge Massachusetts to come with an ALS trial drug in 2 months.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The academic statement of purpose (Econometrics field) Essay
The academic statement of purpose (Econometrics field) - Essay Example However, my result were challenged by the potential possibility of heterogeneity whereby agents participating and complying with the policy might also result in self-selection on marriage age even though the policy is compulsory, this is a common problem that plague most applied social programs (Handbook of Econometrics, Chapter 70). Later on, I encountered a similar problem on a project regarding the impact of social security reform on savings behavior in China, I estimated the substitution effect of compulsory individual pension and regular private saving, and results supported the later reforms on data selected from real individual account data to nominal individual account data which eliminated the heterogeneity problem. These experiences instilled in me a keen desire to better understand the underlying theoretical analysis on treatment effects in studies and also existing econometrics theories. Keeping these questions in mind, I began my course study at the University of Michigan where I learnt a number of econometric theory courses. With outstanding performance on these courses, I started working as a research assistant for my Professor on the project "two-stage within-group estimator in dynamic panel", this model extends the standard panel model when the regressors are endogenous and also integrates heterogeneity and endogenous variables separately. However, the standard within-group transformation will give a rise to another source of endogeniety in dynamic framework and therefore further bias the estimates. Therefore, we focus on tracing each source of endogeneity and asymptotical property of estimators. I therefore encountered other dimensions of treatment literature as well the two stage aver aging parameter method in this project. Our problem was later solved using Donald and Newey (2001) method whereby the instrument bias was eliminated by choosing subset of instruments and averaging the parameters from each selection. These two projects were beneficial to me and they formed a solid foundation to work on more advanced theoretical topic, they encouraged me to struggle to rise to a higher and complex level of understanding of econometrics especially recent research on the subject. My current coauthor work with my Professor is the identification of quartile treatment effect when treatment is endogenous under non-separable panel framework. Recent literature on treatment effects emphasizes nonparametric identification of certain parameters, robustness, as well as certain forms of heterogeneity in responses to treatment. ((Handbook of Econometrics, Chapter 70, Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005), Chernozhukov, Fernondez-Val, Newey(2009)). We are currently working on a project which is targeting quartile treatment identification in non-separable panel using bound restriction. This project is important given that it will help me gain more knowledge and also deepen my understanding of econometrics, the non-separable panel using bound restriction idea can be extended to censored regression, whereby the bound restriction is not automatically applied. In practice, the potential result can also apply to empirical work broadly when the data is selected from the lower and upper quartiles. I am currently pleased with my performance at the university and particularly proud of working with my professor
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free
Drunk Driving Essay Every year thousands of people die from drunk driving. Some survive a car accident, but others aren’t so lucky. Drunk drivers should have more punishments than what we have today. It would make the roads a lot safer if we had more cops out, make the blood alcohol level lower than it is now, and make the punishments stricter. This would of professional cops and law enforcements are highly trained, competent professionals who sometimes are equipped with requisite skills needed. There aren’t enough of them to keep a close eye on the whole town. Every day there is always something bad going on in this town. They should be doing their job not just driving around in their cars doing nothing. When cops do their job a lot of people get mad â€Å"Many people charged with drunk driving protest that their driving was fine. They believe either that the officer made up an excuse to pull them over, or that the â€Å"mistake†that the officer observed was appropriate or had nothing to do with their driving†. The law enforcements need to step up their game and protect us from drunk drivers and other things. As with any criminal charge, a person charged with driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence is presumed innocent until proven guilty. If guilty is established, the penalty will depend on state law, as well as on any aggravating circumstances and defendants cooperation with the police. Many of the punishments the law gives people are reasonable but they need to make the punishments for drunk driving higher and enforce them more. Because if they don’t our roads are going to get worse and people won’t feel safe at night time when they go out. â€Å"In some states if you get a DUI, you get an automatic suspension of violator’s licenses. The lengths of a suspension of 45 days to one year, Forty-Three states require offenders to install ignition interlocks on their vehicles. These devices are capable of analyzing a drivers breath, and the ignition is unlocked only if the driver has not been driving. †(Larson) â€Å"A fourth offense operating while intoxicated will be felony if it occurs within five years of an earlier offense. Ignition interlock devices will be required for repeat offenders and first-time offenders at or above a 0. 15 blood alcohol level. †(Drunken Driving Law changes) Over the last 10 years there were twenty-five thousand people that died from drunk driving accidents. Most of the people that were driving that were drunk lived, but the people in the car with the drunk driver died. On September 3, 2012 Taylor moon passed away that morning. The was only 20 years old and lived every day to the fullest. Taylor always knew he would die by doing something he loved. This was driving fast motorcycles and party with his friends. That morning he was leaving a party to go home his blood alcohol level was past 0. 08 percent. He wasn’t watching where he was going and went right into the right side of a car that was coming. Taylor flew across the windshield were my friend AJ that was in the car saw his face and body when Taylor died. A. J didn’t know what to do the first person he called was Anthony; no one understood what A. J was saying because he was crying so much. They didn’t know Taylor that well. They still went to his funeral and talked to his family. If Taylor would have never got on his motorcycle drunk that morning he would still be alive today. His family and friends will all miss him dearly. â€Å"God has my baby now and doesn’t have to feel any more pain. †People could learn from Taylor’s mistakes and not drink and drive at all. Some people don’t get their family and friends will miss them more than they will ever know, because when they are gone their family is still here on earth with the pain of knowing they could never come back. Families are the most important ones because they have always been here to tell them not to drink and mess their life up. Most people don’t care they think it’s fun and it makes them look cool, but it’s not cool. It kills you inside even when you not dead outside. From the first sip, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and reaches the brain. Although you’re not aware of it, there is and impairment of brain function, which deteriorates further the more you drink. â€Å"In most states, a person with a blood alcohol level that exceeds . 08 percent is eligible for a DUI if pulled over. †Most people do not know, however the law needs to lower the blood alcohol level because even if they drink one beer they can still kill dome one in a car accident even if they haven’t had that much. It still messes with your mind and eye sight. â€Å"Alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes is about four times higher at night than during the day. †(Get MADD) We need to put a stop to this whole trend now. Drunk driving should be legalized and people shouldn’t drink. If they do drive then someone sober needs to follow them and make sure they are ok and don’t get hurt either. Making the blood alcohol level lower would be a food thing to do for our town and the world. â€Å"Studies are often flawed or the results are confounded by other facts, that there is little evidence that lowering the BAC limit from.  The fact that introducing a lower BAC limits have no necessarily have a demon stable impact on traffic safety should not be taken to suggest that statutory BAC limits have no value in efforts to control the alcohol-crash problem. The function of a BAC limit may be to inform the public that the consumption of alcohol beyond a certain point is considered illegal and dangerous when combined with driving. This is because the general public has only a very superficial understanding of the relationship between alcohol consumption and BAC particularly in terms of their own behavior. Less responsible citizens have a tendency to make very poor decisions concerning driving after drinking. They don’t comply with the existing limit and are unlikely to change their behavior in an attempt to comply with a new lower limit. If so, a reduction in the legal BAC limit, in and of itself, would not be expected to have a substantial impact on the prevalence of impaired driving or alcohol-related crashes. Our critical review of the evaluation literature failed to provide strong, consistent and unqualified support for lowering BAC limit. At best, the results are mixed and the methodological weaknesses in the studies question the robustness and veracity of the evidence. The mission of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) is to reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries. TIRF is a national, independent, charitable road safety institute. Since its inception in 1964, TIRF has become internationally recognized for its accomplishments in a wide range of subject areas related to identifying the causes of road crashes and developing programs and policies to effectively address them. â€Å"Since 1992, San Diego car accident lawyers have seen relatives grieve upon the wrongful death or serious permanent injury of a loved one. â€Å"The drunk driver often survives, but tragically, innocent people are usually killed. † The goal is to arrest more people that drive under the influence of alcohol to get them off the roads. BAC level of . 03 to . 06 a person begins to fell a calming sensation, BAC level of . 06 to . 10 a person reaches this level of intoxication, BAC level of . 11 to . 20 high intoxication levels show a person that would appear very drunk, BAC level of . 20 and up having this high BAC results in an individual that begins to lose any and all judgment and motor function. What this all means is that no one should ever drive a car after having a drink. The good news is that the drunken driving accidents statistics have actually declined in recent years. The car accident statistics are still not low enough, but it is a start. People just should not drink and drive at all no matter where they need to go. A lot of us drive cars. So why do we have to share the roads with people who choose to drink and then drive? Even if you â€Å"aren’t drunk†and are â€Å"just buzzed†you should not be on the roads. Even if you have ONE drink, stay off the roads for a while. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy to you knowing your wife, your child, your friends, or loved one ceased to exist here on earth because of a carless drinker? It would bring my world to a crashing halt. So don’t get behind the wheel of a car if you have had a lot to drink because it could be your life or a life of other people you could take while driving drunk.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Look At Transmission Control Protocol Information Technology Essay
Look At Transmission Control Protocol Information Technology Essay Transmission Control Protocol is one most reliable ,connection oriented communication protocol used in the internet traffic .The main aim of this section is to conduct a research on TCP friendly protocols and find a suitable answer to the questions like the features of TCP that are not suitable for real-time multimedia application, TCP friendly congestion control for non-TCP application etc. I. Features of TCP not suitable for real time multimedia application. The uses of multimedia applications are increasing day to day in the internet traffic. In recent future it is sure that the real-time multimedia applications increase rapidly and make up a considerable portion of the total internet bandwidth. TCP is full duplex, connection oriented communication protocol that is used for transmitting data that mainly focuses on the accuracy of data. But some features of TCP are not suitable for real time multimedia application which includes the following. Reliability through Retransmission Since TCP is a reliable protocol it uses error control mechanisms like retransmission when an error occurs. Retransmission delay is one of the most important problems in multimedia application for TCP oriented connection. This retransmission is useful in traditional application such as http, FTP, telnet etc which require the loss free data transfer between the communicating media. In the case of multimedia application there is an massive emission of data into the network especially in the case of video. This will cause network congestion, since TCP is a reliable protocol it will reduce the window size and data emission rate to get out of this congestion. The retransmission causes end-to-end latency which is not suitable for real time multimedia applications where the receiver needs the data at the same time when the sender sends it. Congestion control In TCP, the available bandwidth can be monitored by using congestion algorithm which uses the transmission rate for the manipulation results in some deliberate waste. In the cases where there is no congestion, TCP congestion control fairly shares the available bandwidth. Over shorter time scales, the TCP instantaneous rate just looks like a saw- tooth. The cycles are between periods of additive increase separated by multiplicative decrease (AIMD). This rate fluctuation is not suitable for multimedia streaming application because it affects their smooth functioning. Socket based application programming interface The sockets based application programming interface does not support multihoming (a technique to improve the reliability of internet connection of an IP network). This result in an application can use only a single IP address to a particular TCP connection with another host. In an occasion where the interface associated with that IP address goes down which result in the connection loss and reestablishment. This is not suitable or multimedia applications like VoIP. TCP does not support multicasting In most of the multimedia communication like audio and video conferencing, the network traffic will be high and large amount of data flow across the network. In such situations data are transmitted by using multicasting techniques between the sender and the receivers. But TCP does not support multicasting TCP does not support time stamping. The major problem faced in real time multimedia applications like video and audio conferencing is the jitter. The major solution for the problem associated with jitter is the use of time stamps. The timestamp at each packet shows the time at which each packet is produced when compared with the previous one. So that the receiver knows when each packet is to be played. But unfortunately TCP does not provide support for time stamping. TCP is connection oriented The TCP is connection-oriented protocol. In this first a connection is established between the source and the destination before data transfer. The main disadvantage of this connection oriented protocol in real time communication like VoIP is the consumption of resources spent setting up the call. This connection oriented feature made a little overhead during connection establishment because it is time taken during certain occasions. Time overhead is not suitable for real time multimedia applications. Do not require full duplex transmission In TCP, the processes that reside in the internet establish a reliable serial communication path and exchanges full duplex stream of bytes. The processes within the communication are identified by the IP addresses. The full duplex connection is not compulsory for most of the multimedia application. The best example is TV broadcast over LAN; in most situations it uses simplex continuous media connection. Acknowledgement In TCP, there is the need of acknowledgement during the transmission of each packet. The positive acknowledgement causes overhead because all packets are sent with a fixed rate. This is not suitable for multimedia. II) UDP is TCP Unfriendly protocol In order to discuss about this topic we need to describe the basic functions of the TCP and UDP. In order to clearly define about the TCP, UDP unfriendliness we need to understand the basic concepts in detail. With the increased use of real time applications internet users looking for more reliable protocol that provide more faster medium for audio and video. Since TCP is a reliable protocol it has the capacity to reduce the amount of data loss, noise and out of sequence data. TCP uses connection based communication between the communicating hosts. This connection based feature of TCP helps in the guaranteed delivery of the packets. It has flow control and congestion control. In the case of UDP, it is unreliable. There is no guarantee for packet delivery and for the sequence. In this protocol there is no connection establishment before the communication starts and it sends the data according to its availability. In real-time communication (for audio or video), both the communicating ends look for speed rather than accuracy. The connection less feature of UDP, that sends the data when they are available and not try to resend once there is an error or packet loss made UDP much faster than TCP. This increased speed made more popularity for UDP in streaming media over internet. When compared to TCP the UDP has a main drawback, since UDP continuously sending packets through the network without considering there is congestion on the network. It does not take any measures to reduce the congestion in the case where congestion occurs. But TCP make use of the congestion control mechanisms like reduce the transmission rate. Since UDP does not make use of any congestion control algorithms when congestion occurs this tend to take the utilisation of the available bandwidth over the internet. For this reason UDP is known as a TCP unfriendly protocol. According to the opinion of Ross (2005, p.198) in his book Computer Networking specifies that UDP is the most commonly used protocol for multimedia application such as Internet phone, real-time video conferencing and streamed of audio and video. So in order to overcome these problems of congestion controls with UDP and improves the band width utilisation and also a fair towards competing TCP connection result in the devel opment of new technology called TCP friendly technique. With the increased popularity of the streaming media the UDP traffic becomes a problem for the internet as a whole. III) TCP Friendly congestion control protocols The popularity and development of internet leads to the extensive use of real-time multimedia applications like video conferencing, chatting etc. All these applications make use of non congestion controlled protocols like UDP for transmitting continuous video, audio through the network. This type of non congestion controlled traffic is called unresponsive flows. The major feature of the unresponsive flow is that they do not reduce their load on the network when there is a packet loss. They continuously transmit the data through the network at the rate with which is encoded without bothering about the network congestion. This type of UDP traffic causes traffic congestion in the network as well as it produce an extreme unfairness towards the network. In order to solve these problems, we need to improve the UDP for proper bandwidth utilisation, reducing loss ratio and also produce a fair towards the competing TCP connection and this is called as TCP Friendly. In this section we are disc ussing about the congestion control mechanisms used by TCP friendly protocols like TFRC and TFMC. TFRC (TCP-Friendly Rate Control) TFRC is mainly defined as a congestion control mechanism for unicast flows in the Internet. TFRC is evolved from TFRCP protocol and it is mainly used for unicast communication but sometimes it is used for multicast communication with some modifications. The lower variation of throughput over time makes this much more suitable for telephony or streaming media and which has a smooth sending rate. TFRC uses equation based congestion control for unicast traffic. In this mechanism it explicitly adjust its sending rate as a function of the measured rate of loss events where the loss events contain one or more packet dropped within a RTT. As it follows the equation based congestion control, TFRC directly make use of the TCP throughput equation which makes it possible to compete fairly with TCP. The following is the throughput equation used in the TFRC for congestion control: In this equation X is the transmit rate in bytes/second. S is the packet size in bytes. R is the round trip time in seconds. B is the no of packets acknowledged by a single TCP acknowledgement. t_RTO is TCP transmission timeout value in seconds. The general working of the TFRC congestion control mechanism as follows: As the first step the receiver calculate the loss event rate and gives this information back to the sender. Using this data the sender calculates round-trip time (RTT). Using this loss event rate and RTT, calculate acceptable transmit rate using the TFRC throughput equation. Finally the sender adjust the transmission rate to match the calculates rate. By using the receiver based mechanism TFRC is well suited for applications like the sender are a large server handling many concurrent connections and receiver is has more memory and CPU cycles available for computation. TFMC (TCP friendly Multicast Congestion Control) TFMC is the single rate congestion control scheme for multicast transmission. TFMC is single rated simply means that the receiver experiencing worst network condition will adapt to the sending rate. It has relatively low variation of throughput over time, which is suitable for applications that require a smooth sending rate like video streaming. The general working of TFMC congestion control as follows First step is the calculation of loss event rate and RTT by the receiver. By using this information with the help of TCP throughput equation the receiver derive a TCP friendly sending rate. In order to prevent feedback implosion at the sender the feedback is supplied only to a subset of the receivers using feedback suppression mechanism. In the receiver side the feedback is not suppressed and it calculates the transmission rate and gives it to the sender. This report has two main purposes, it helps to calculate the RTT for receiver and give the appropriate transmit rate for the sender. IV) TCP friendly congestion control for non-TCP applications. There are many studies conducted on TCP friendly congestion control for non TCP application. The congestion control mechanisms are used to achieve the following aims: Use of congestion control mechanisms help the applications to use the bandwidth more efficiently and thus increases the performance Those applications which adapt to the network can easily make use of the wider bandwidth and more useful of the Internet Congestion Control algorithms helps to reduce the Congestive Collapse ie the situation in which network performs a little work due to the over utilisation of network links. There are a number of TCP friendly congestion control mechanisms are introduced now a days which include end-to-end schemes and hop-by-hop mechanism. The end- to- end mechanism consist of AIMD window based and rate based protocols and hop-by-hop consist of rate based hop-by-hop mechanism. The end-to-end congestion control mechanisms are necessary for responsive as well as unresponsive flows which reduce the traffic load when packet loss occurs. In rate based hop-by-hop congestion control scheme it matches the sending rate of the connection to the service rate observed at the downstream node. In window based AIMD schemes which utilises the increased and decreased congestion window of the sender. This mechanism has some advantage as well as some disadvantages. The major advantage is that it is familiar, reasonable in the field of fairness, stability, oscillations and other properties. The disadvantage is that it has more abrupt changes and oscillation in sending rate which is not suitable for real time streaming application. In rate based AIMD schemes, the most common examples are RAP (Rate Adaptation Protocol) and LDA (Loss-Delay based Adjustment Algorithm). The LDA is mainly proposed for adapting the transmission rate of multimedia applications to the congestion level of the network. It mainly relies on end-to-end Real Time transport Protocol (RTP) and its control protocol (RTCP) for feedback information. The major difference between rate adaptation schemes and window based schemes is that the latter is not ack-clocked. The main advantage is that the adaption of the sending rate deduces the no of oscillations and also helps to reduce the heavy traffic in real-time applications.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Imagery in Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Essay
In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,†Jonathan Edwards created the emotion of fear by using imagery and figurative language to persuade his audience. He used imagery and figurative language so the wrath of God is more fearsome and gave you a mental picture of hell in your head. Imagery is one of the components that were used by Edwards to make his story more persuasive. As the short story begins, the first sentence was an example of imagery. Edwards wrote when men are on God’s hands and they could fall to hell. “…natural men are held in the hands of God, over the pit of hell…†Knowing that you might fall into hell at any moment should scare you. God decided to save you until he wants to let you fall into an eternity of burning flames. Another example of imagery is when he talks abo...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Satan or Santa? :: social issues
Satan or Santa? To Whom It May Concern: I regret to inform you that, effective immediately, I will no longer be able to serve Southern United States on Christmas Eve. Due to the overwhelming current population of the earth, my contract was renegotiated by North American Fairies and Elves Local 209. I now serve only certain areas of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. As part of the new and better contract I also get longer breaks for milk and cookies so keep that in mind. However, I'm certain that your children will be in good hands with your local replacement who happens to be my third cousin, Bubba Claus. His side of the family is from the South Pole. He shares my goal of delivering toys to all the good boys and girls; however, there are a few differences between us. Differences Such As: There is no danger of a Grinch stealing your presents from Bubba Claus. He has a gun rack on his sleigh and a bumper sticker that reads: "These toys insured by Smith and Wesson." Instead of milk and cookies, Bubba Claus prefers that children leave an RC cola and pork rinds [or a moon pie] on the fireplace. And Bubba doesn't smoke a pipe. He dips a little snuff though, so please have an empty spit can handy. Bubba Claus' sleigh is pulled by floppy-eared, flying' coon dogs instead of reindeer. I made the mistake of loaning him a couple of my reindeer one time, and Blitzen's head now overlooks Bubba's fireplace. You won't hear "On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen..." when Bubba Claus arrives. Instead, you'll hear, "On Earnhardt, on Wallace, on Martin and Labonte. On Rudd, on Jarrett, on Elliott and Petty." "Ho, ho, ho!" has been replaced by "Yee Haw!" And you also are likely to hear Bubba's elves respond, "I her'd dat!" As required by Southern highway laws, Bu bba Claus' sleigh does have a Yosemite Sam safety triangle on the back with the words "Back off". The last I heard it also had other decorations on the sleigh back as well. One is Ford or Chevy logo with lights that race through the letters and the other is a caricature of me (Santa Claus) going potty on the Tooth Fairy. The usual Christmas movie classics such as "Miracle on 34th Street" and "It's a Wonderful Life" will not be shown in your negotiated viewing area.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Why the Death Penalty Should Be Terminated Essay -- The Case Against C
    "Death is a unique punishment in the United States. In a society that so strongly affirms the sanctity of life, not surprisingly the common view is that death is the ultimate sanction... There has been no national debate about punishment in general or by imprisonment, comparable to the debate about the punishment of death" (Brennan).     Indeed, the issue of capital punishment is one that has been widely debated and for which many persuasive arguments of distinctly opposing viewpoints are available. The issue at hand is and always has been about whether or not we, as a society, should presume to enforce a penalty that by definition irrevocably extinguishes the existence of another autonomous human being. Is it a responsible and mature decision to implement a penalty of such resounding finality merely because the convicted offender has been found to be guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt?" It has long been argued that an appropriate term of imprisonment should be the maximum available penalty for a violent offense. This argument has been supported by the fact that our legal system, though highly evolved and altogether expedient, is far from infallible, and in recognition of this the penalties imposed under it should be both reversible and humane. The imposition of the penalty of death should no longer b e exercised in the United States of America. A socially mature and morally established country should refrain from taking the lives of any of its citizens.     The death penalty is indefensible on three distinct and specific grounds: pragmatic, legal, and moral. The penalty of death is not economically efficient, and is indeed a drain upon the financial resources of our country. Also, it can be proven that the death ... ...alty-share-lower.html Brennan, William. "Concurring Opinion: Furman v. Georgia." No. 69-5003 Supreme Court Of The United States 29 June 1972. Web. 20 May 2015. Linehan, Elizabeth A. "Executing the Innocent." Web. 17 May 2015. Marshall, Thurgood. "Concurring Opinion: Furman v. Georgia." No. 69-5003 Supreme Court Of The United States 29 June 1972 Web. 20 May 2015. Prejean, Helen. Dead Man Walking. New York: Vintage, 1994. Scheck, Barry, Peter Neufeld, and Jim Dwyer. Actual Innocence. New York: Doubleday, 2000. Sherrill, Robert. "Death Trip; The American Way Of Execution." Nation 8 Jan. 2000. Web. 26 May 2015.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Phonics †Word Identification Essay
1. Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for Lesson: (4 minutes) a. The teacher begins the lesson by asking her students to think about strategies that they use to read and spell bigger words. The students are prompted to write one of these strategies on a sticky note and to compare strategies with their pod. b. After reviewing strategies as a class, the teacher writes the following objective on the board: i. Given a set of letter cards, and verbal directions from the teacher, students will spell and write down multisyllabic words for their weekly spelling list. c. Before passing out materials, the teacher engages the class in a discussion to focuses the on the term multisyllabic, and especially the pre-fix â€Å"multi†. 2. Presentation of New Information or Modeling: (7 minutes) a. Parent volunteers help pass out â€Å"letter cards†to each student, and all students are prompted to keep letter cards in the envelope until the activity begins. b. The teacher tells the students about the contents of the envelope and its purpose. Next, the teacher asks the students to open their envelopes. c. As a modeling exercise, the teacher reads the following directions: i. â€Å"As a class, we will now spell the word â€Å"ate†using three letters from our envelope.†d. She models how she would arrange the letters in the correct order (a-t-e) underneath the document camera for all students to see. She has the students do the same, as she roams the room to informally check their understanding of directions. She prompts those who finish early to attempt to construct other words using the same three letters. (tea, eat, tee, etc.) 3. Guided Practice: (10 – 15 minutes) *As students finish up the modeling exercise, the teacher gains student attention by clapping three times. She prompts students to open their spelling notebook and then she gives her first direction for guided practice: â€Å"Students, our first multisyllabic word that we are going to construct is a five letter, two syllable word: â€Å"pizza†. Before you arrange your letters please attempt to spell â€Å"pizza†in your spelling notebook. Once you have it written down in your spelling journal, please construct the word using your letter cards. When you have finished, please put your pencil down, and your thumb up. Remember to keep your answer a secret from your neighbors†¦We will reveal our answers at the same time. *After all students finish, a volunteer arranges the letters â€Å"p-i-z-z-a†underneath the document camera. Students who misspelled the given word are prompted to correct the word in their spelling notebook. As more words are introduced, the parent volunteers line up the completed words on the chalkboard ledge. Students are prompted to discuss patterns among their new spelling words (prefix, suffix, vowel combinations, etc.). After all words are shown on the chalkboard ledge, the class discusses these patterns. This is repeated in the culminating activity, as well. *Lastly, students check their answer with a neighbor to ensure proper understanding. -The teacher roams the room, checking for student understanding. -The same directions are repeated for the following words: lastly, general, mostly, optional, directly, moral, and anticipation. 4. Independent Student Practice: When students finish their guided practice work, they are prompted to pair up, grab a computer, and log in to their accounts on *After logging in, students are prompted to take turns typing their new spelling words into a new list. This list should be saved as â€Å"making words list†on their account. *When finished with the list entry, students are prompted to play a game or activity related to their list. Examples of games and activities include: 1. Test Me (orally given by computer generated voice) 2. Hang Mouse (similar to Hang Man, but with words from the new list) 5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: After comparing/reviewing spelling patterns among their new words, students are prompted to write down two challenge words to add to their list at a later time. These words must be at least three syllables and 8-12 letters long. Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies): – direct instruction – modeling of desired behavior – partner work (checking for partner’s correct spelling) Differentiated Instruction: Gifted/accelerated learners: *These students are given a separate (and more challenging) list of words. They can also help check the work of the other students at their pod. Student Assessment/Rubrics: *informal assessment performed by teacher during guided practice *results from â€Å"Test Me†and other games/activities are sent to the teacher’s account and this data is used to modify instruction.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Do you believe that Macbeth is a complete villain Essay
Macbeth is a play, which was written by William Shakespeare, and first published in 1623 (during the reign of King James I of England). Macbeth was a hero and also a loyal subject and friend of the King, Duncan. He gave no quarter on the battlefield, due to his brutal courage, e.g. Macbeth â€Å"unseamed†a Norwegian â€Å"from the nave to the chaps†and â€Å"fixed his head†onto the Scottish battlements, during the battle at the beginning of the play. This proved his patriotism for his country, and his respect for the King. By fighting for his country, Scotland, he achieved in return the respect that he deserved from the King. Macbeth was plagued with conflicting qualities; for example, one was the humane and courteous way he treated his wife, i.e. Macbeth referred to his wife (in his letter to her – in Act 1, Scene 5) as â€Å"my dearest partner of greatness†. Also in this scene, he addressed her as â€Å"My dearest love†. On the other hand, this did not prevent him from acting in the opposite way in battle as a cruel warrior. Once the witches had prophesised that Macbeth would be king â€Å"hereafter†(Act 1, Scene 3), Macbeth seemed to have been drawn in by this advance information i.e. he started, and seemed â€Å"to fear†. This reaction indicates that he was a very gullible being, who tended to believe what was said. Then again, if one were informed that one was to be king, then one might believe it, as it is a desirable privilege. This represents honest ambition, at this stage, without seeming to involve any nefarious actions on Macbeth’s part. Also, the mental images that would come into one’s mind could heighten one’s level of gullibility and boost one’s self-esteem. This scene also tells us, as readers, that Banquo, on the other hand, is not so easily convinced, and to us, this demonstrates a stronger character. Banquo obviously doubted the witches’ predictions, as he questioned Macbeth’s response by asking, â€Å"why do you start, and seem t o fear†. Another important part of the story, which points out a particular frailty of Macbeth’s, occurs later on in Act 1, Scene 3, when Macbeth lied to Banquo. He pretended to Banquo that his â€Å"dull brain was wrought†to divert Banquo’s thoughts about him, by being devious – as one might expect from a villain – so that Banquo would no longer believe that Macbeth trusted the witches’ predictions. Even after finding that the first prediction of the witches was true, Banquo warned him, basically, that even if the witches told him some little truth, later they would deceive him. Another example of Macbeth’s deceit against Banquo comes in Act 2, Scene 1, when Macbeth denied that any thoughts of the witches were in his mind: â€Å"I think not of them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ In the next scene (Act 1, Scene 4), irony and duplicity emerge. This happens because Shakespeare emphasised Duncan’s respect for Macbeth, with Duncan saying such things as â€Å"worthiest†whilst addressing Macbeth. However, as Macbeth later on in the story kills Duncan, this belies his true political intention of power seeking, and perhaps not solely of his own volition, but driven by his wife’s ambitious self-interest. Macbeth does not seem to be a villain, but rather a considerate man who actually has redeeming qualities. When he arrived home a few days after the battle, he advised his wife, Lady Macbeth, of the King’s arrangements to sleep at their castle that night. Shakespeare revealed her to be a ruthless schemer, who cared about nobody when it came to power. This is proved when she decided that they had to kill Duncan, to fulfil the witches’ prophecies. Later on (in Act 1, Scene 7), Macbeth is seen in the soliloquy, expressing his doubts to the reader. As readers, we see his good side when he’s explaining that he’s not a vagabond, by expressing his hesitancy to kill Duncan. One of his comments is, â€Å"First, I am his kinsman and his subject†¦then, as his host†¦Ã¢â‚¬ What Macbeth is actually saying here is that he is a trusted member of Duncan’s kin and army, and also that Duncan is a guest protected by the law of hospitality. This would make t he murder even more unholy, as it’s a form of criminal intent against the unsuspecting king prior to the deed. So here Macbeth is seen actively contemplating murder, on the one hand, while on the other, his conscience tries to inhibit the act. Herein afterwards in this scene, Lady Macbeth uses her persuasive and guileful tactics on Macbeth to change his mind, and agree to go ahead with the murder. Her methods are simple and psychological, since they criticise Macbeth’s manhood. She manages to ridicule his conscience under her scornful attack by using phrases such as â€Å"Was the hope drunk?†and â€Å"Art thou afeard†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Thus, by so doing, she labels him a coward, and coerces him into changing his mind under her pursuing peer pressure and her curses. She then makes things even worse, by threatening to commit the act herself! Now this, to Macbeth – a man – really taunts him into an agreement against his better judgement. In such a fashion, women succeed. After Macbeth murdered Duncan, he went downstairs and started talking to Lady Macbeth. He told her how he regretted his evil deed. He was a man of action, but was confused when he lost his sense of right and wrong. He carried on with the murder, but displayed guilt, remorse and fearful superstition afterwards. An example of his guilt came after he killed Duncan (in Act 2, Scene 2), whilst he was informing Lady Macbeth of his doings and what he heard from Malcolm and Donalbain’s room, next door. He told her what they said during their sleep. His guilt was then admitted: â€Å"But wherefore could not I pronounce ‘Amen’? I had most need of blessing, and ‘Amen’ stuck in my throat.†Evidence that he was full of remorse, came right at the end of Act 2, Scene 2, â€Å"Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou couldst!†This sentence clearly indicated his regretful state of mind, and the quote supports the fact that Macbeth did have some redeeming qualities of conscience. He even has a trace of fearful superstition in his head, as he †heard a voice cry, ‘Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep,’ – the innocent sleep.†These mental images inside his own mind blatantly reflect that he is aware and stricken by them. Therefore, he is still able to discern between good and evil even after the foul deed has been accomplished. When Macbeth kills the two servant guards â€Å"in anger†, he is seen to extend his evil deed and perhaps this can be considered as the point where he has become the â€Å"complete villain†. In spite of a nagging conscience in killing Duncan, he had to continue his evil ways to silence the two innocent guards: â€Å"O, yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them.†Here is a further example of his commitment to evil in spite of conscience and so, his tendency towards malfeasance does not abate. In addition to this unfolding character change, he also deceives all others, including Duncan’s two sons. He deceitfully assumes the role of the angry Thane, driven to lash out at the two guards, who, on the face of it, had killed the king. Once more, he shows duplicity in ‘confessing’ another lie, â€Å"Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furious, loyal and neutral, in a moment? No man: the expedition of my violent love outran the pauser reason.†So, his conscience is now being overtaken by his evil actions and reflects his weakness in becoming a pawn by acting out the will of his accomplice, Lady Macbeth, and exposes a diminishing personal integrity to the reader. This change in Macbeth develops and is reflected in his fore-planning soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1, while awaiting the two murderers to enter. He exposes his own discontent, even after becoming King. Fearing Banquo and his son’s succession, any refraining influence of conscience is now deliberately put aside, â€Å"To be thus is nothing†¦our fears in Banquo stick deep†¦to make them kings, the seed of Banquo kings! Rather than so, come, fate, into the list, and champion me to the utterance!†By the end of this scene, Macbeth’s complete change of character is painfully evident, showing his complete absence of concern. At this stage, gone are any troubled thoughts so evident when either considering or enacting Duncan’s demise. Instead, an evil commitment is observed in his cruel remark as Act 3, Scene 1 closes: â€Å"It is concluded: Banquo, thy soul’s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight.†Macbeth’s mind, irrespective of conscience, is now refocused on action – to rid himself of his last nagging fear of Banquo’s lineage superseding his own. It can be argued that from this point, Macbeth has indeed ‘crossed the Rubicon’. He was totally committed to whatever evil deeds the future might hold. He demonstrates this change of mind when replying to his wife’s exhortation in Act 3, Scene 2, â€Å"what’s done is done.†Also, his attitude and mental state is highlighted as he says: â€Å"But let the frame of things disjoint, both the worlds suffer, ere we will eat our meal in fear, and sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams that shake us nightly.†Again, at the end of this scene, when Macbeth has planned Banquo’s murder, he keeps his wife in the dark about this: â€Å"So, pr’ythee, go with me.†During the banquet, in Act 3, Scene 4, Macbeth is advised of Banquo’s death and Fleance’s escape. This unsettles Macbeth. He feels trapped, â€Å"but now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound in to saucy doubts and fears.†Yet he successfully puts on a face for his guests, until Banquo’s ghost appears. Consternation rules and suspicion reigns. Macbeth’s superstitious fear and guilt return, yet his courage does not fail him when the apparition appears: â€Å"Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me.†Also When Lady Macbeth asked him, â€Å"Are you a man?†, Macbeth replies, â€Å"Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on that which might appal the devil.†The appearance of Banquo’s ghost sitting in Macbeth’s place signifies that Banquo’s descendants would replace Macbeth’s. Macbeth decides his delusions are a beginner’s fear and lack of experience: â€Å"My strange and self-abu se is the initiate fear, that wants hard use: we are yet but young in deed.†In doing so, he ignores the horrific effect of his outrageous crimes in his country, and reveals the depth of his treason and treachery. It comes as no surprise to discover that Macbeth has a covert intelligence network, â€Å"There’s not a one of them, but in his house I keep a servant fee’d.†So Macbeth’s deviousness and villainous activity persists to support his grip on power over Scotland. Therefore, Macduff, in joining Duncan’s son Malcolm in England, realises only force of arms will recover the situation, since: â€Å"Each new morn, new widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows strike heaven on the face, that it resounds as if it felt with Scotland, and yelled out like syllable of dolour.†When Macbeth went to consult the Witches after the Coronation feast, it was because he again followed his own evil self-interest: â€Å"More shall they speak; for now I am bent to know, by the worst means, the worst. For mine own good all causes shall give way†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This pursuit of self is matched by their own evil intention, to ‘Set him up’; â€Å"As, by the strength of their illusion, shall draw him on to his confusion. He shall spurn fate†¦and you all know, security is mortals’ chiefest enemy.†Upon meeting the witches again, Macbeth’s chagrined reaction to the apparitions of the eight Kings – with Banquo’s ghost following – is to curse the event and experience a resurrected fear; †Let this pernicious hour stand aye accursed in the calendar!†, and â€Å"†¦damned all those that trust them!†After this, Macbeth decides to act independently by matching thought to action, and eliminating Macduff’s lands and family. â€Å"This deed I’ll do before this purpose cool†. By doing so, Macbeth has now sunk to his lowest ebb in cowardly treachery against innocent victims. His motive is to punish Macduff for defying him, and lure him back to Scotland as a result of Macduff’s anger. There, Macduff would clearly be in his grasp. Macbeth would then be able to kill him. However, if one compares Macbeth’s despicable characteristics as a king only one quality emerges where it can be safely said he is comparable. This is his courage. In spite of his villainy, his physical courage in facing unpalatable situations of all kinds is never in question. Alas, who would connect him with the qualities that Malcolm (in Act 4, Scene 3) enumerates? – â€Å"†¦justice, verity, temperance, stableness, Bounty, Perseverance, mercy, lowliness, devotion, patience, courage, fortitude†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Macbeth came to realise his own corrupt ways when he faces Macduff on the battlefield, â€Å"Of all men else have I avoided thee: But get thee back, my soul is too much charged with blood of thine already.†Macbeth reacts with Lady Macbeth’s death Stoically but without any true compassion. â€Å"She should have died hereafter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Towards the end of the play, Macbeth has come to accept his defeat, yet on a personal level he still superstitiously clings to the three hags words, that no man born of woman can harm him, â€Å"I bear a charmed life.†Even after Macduff quotes the details of his caesarean birth, Macbeth is still courageously defiant: †I will not yield†¦and damned be him that first cries ‘Hold, enough’.†Macduff calls to Macbeth, â€Å"yield ye, coward,†and â€Å"We’ll have thee, as our rarer monsters are, painted upon a pole, and underwrit, ‘Here may you see the tyrant’.†Here even Macduff labels Macbeth as a complete and utter ‘tyrant’! In the end, Macbeth’s only virtuous quality proved to be his courage and it was this undaunted approach to all danger in life, which somehow endeared him in death, in spite of his evil ways, as a black hero. However, his gradual change, after showing this virtue at the start of the play, does point to the truth of the adage, â€Å"power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely†. How many of us can discern the shadow of Macbeth in our own lives? Thomas Way 10:C – Macbeth – English GCSE Coursework
Management Protocol Essay
A protocol in the simplest words is a set of rules that allows and facilitates a connection to communicate between two computers. Protocols can be implemented through hardware or software. Whatever their scope, they are what govern networks and monitor them for effective communication. An internet protocol is more data oriented rather than connection oriented in the sense that it facilitates the exchange of data. Whatever the type of protocol is used, it is based on a few basic steps or prerequisites. These include detecting if a connection is possible, establishing connection, establishing rules of communication and messaging, editing messages, detect errors and termination of connection. Hence every protocol follows these steps. Protocols are important in the sense that we live in a networked society. Without protocols, this communication between computers would not be possible. There are famous protocols like the ones in the TCP/IP suite which are used on almost every computer. They however are ntot he only ones. Despite of many famous protocols like HTTP, FTP, IPv6, there are many others which have been developed over the years for specific purposes or as an alternate to the more famous protocols. One of these is the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). The main purpose of this protocol is to detect and manage computers on a network. It uses variables to store and retrieve data regarding whether connections are present and if yes then also their status regarding connectivity etc. Another protocol is the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). It is one that manages computers by communicating through XML based objects instead of packets over a network. References: Mukhi, Vijay. Kotecha, Sonal. SNMP: The Simple Network Management Protocol. 2 December 2007 Box, Don. Ehnebuske, David. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1. 1 W3C Note 08 May 2000. 2 December 2007
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Reality Tv series research paper Essay
Keeping up with the Kardashians The reality TV series Keeping up with the Kardashians is about a family of 8 who got famous because of their late dad/ex-husband Robert Kardashian who was a famous lawyer. Later on the mother of the family Kris Jenner married olympic games winner Bruce Jenner, they now have 2 kids together, Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Kris had 4 kids from her previous marriage to Robert, Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Robert Jr. The 6 kids has also by themselves established sucsessful carrers such as models, designers, business men and entreprenuers etc. The family has become more and more famous n the media and out with the years, but what really was the breakout for the family was when one of the daughters, Kim, had a sex tape that got out in the media and made headlines all over the world. More so after this incident the family has been a media favorite. Basically the show is about this family and their daily life and activities, everything from their working scenes to birthday parties and marriges. In this particular episode they start off by talking a bit about Robert Jr’s overweight issues and how media has bashed him about it. Later on in the episode Bruces other on Brody, from a previous marriage, tells that he and Bruce has had issue in the past with their relationship and that the feels that he doesent know his father at all. The main plot of the episode is that late Robert Kardashians widdow is now claiming that the mother Kris has beaten and abused her children ever since they were toddlers and the widdow is selling different kinds of stories to the media about it. There are various of family members or characters in this reality series but the main ones are Bruce Jenner: who is the â€Å"father†according to Propp ‘s 8 character roles. Bruce is a concervative man and hates when the family uses bad language or behave inapropriate. Kris Jenner: the â€Å"donor†, the mother, has made all of this possible, she is the executive producer of the show and also the mother of all of the childrend. You can call her the backbone of the family. Kourtney Kardashian: is a calm but very sarcastic and spontaneous person. She likes so be funny and act silly but in a very calm manner. Her character would be the false hero. Kim Kardashian: Kim is the princess of the show, the reasons are because she is the favorite daughter according o Kris and she is also the most famous one and she is the center of the attention. Khloe Kardashian: she is the villian of the show and that is because she is far from being conservative, she says whatever come’s to her mind and she can act crazy and just be herself all the time. Robert Kardashian Jr: is a special character. He has different personalities, sometimes he is funny, humouristic and sarcastic but at other times he can be mad at the world and evil. According to Propps character, Robert would also be the false hero. This show is a typical open narrative show because the rama and events go from episode to episode. the show relies alot on the drama and conflicts between family members and others, because thats what the show is about, without the drama and conflicts there wouldent be anything fun to watch. And since the drama and conflicts are the main reason for the show they tend to exaggerate of scenes to magnify what is not really that big of an issue to begin with. There are 2 major binary oppositiones in this show and that is between the mother Kris and the father Bruce, and between the sisters Kim and Khloe. The first one is that Kris is very pen and crazy she can act a bit childish sometimes for example when she â€Å"teepeed†Kims house, she acts sometimes as one of the sisters and not like a mother. The complete opposite is the father Bruce, he is a conservative and old fashioned man who is reserved and do not act wild in any way. He does not like it when people act innapropriate or use bad language and bad behavior. This is a major binary opposition for the show, because the contrast between these 2 are huge and you could think â€Å"how come that they are married but so different from each other†and that is also what makes good TV when a show has totally different characters. The second binary opposition is the sisters Kim and Khloe. Khloe is very wild and crazy, she acts however she wants, says whatever she wants and is always herself. She likes to do outrageous things and be funny. On the other hand we have Kim who is more introverted, personality-lacking and boring. She tries to be perfect and that in a TV perspective translates as boring. Binary oppositiones are very important to a show like this because it gives you variety and also contrast between certin people. It would be very boring to watch a show where everyone it quiet, shy and likes to be by hemselves, and also the same with the complete opposite. People like variety and also different kinds of characters. Consequenses that people think about while watching the show is that money is everything. The family lives a very lavish life they have a lot of money and spends alot of money, this can portray that money is everything and that you have to have money to live a similar lifestyle that they do. Another very negative impact that the show has is that people look at them and think that looks and appearence is whats important in life and that you should strive to be s beautiful and thin as possible. They market looks alot, like when they sit for hours in a makeup and hair chair, when they buy 75. 00 $ earrings, or when Kanye West sends a whole racket of new chlothes because he thinks Kim has a bad clothing style. They are indirectly conveying that you can buy beauty and that whats on the outside is whats important. This, espesially to younger girls (but also older women), can be problematic because they think that they have to look as good as one of the sisters and be thin to become something in life. They can start to believe that money and ame is what you should strive for in order to be sucsessful. The family prioritize image infront of everything. For example one time Kris told Khloe indirectly that she is ruining their empire and image from being too fat. This can translate for audience members as being the norm and okay to say to your daughter. The mother here basically is priotitizing their image infront of her daughters health and feelings. Furthermore they show their lives as being the ideal life and that what they do is the norm. One example is that they have no privacy in their lives, everything that is their business is also the worlds business. People can start assuming that if you let everything out in the public for everyone to see, and spreading your sex tapes, that that is normal and is how you should live.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Essay based on one care management decision the student has made in
Based on one care management decision the student has made in practice this semeester - Essay Example ing data for an analysis of the causes and consequences of the problem, exploring alternative solutions, selecting the appropriate solution, implementing the solution and evaluating the results (Judd, 2005). Patient had been admitted with the complaint of retention of urine and overnight did not pass urine leading to abdominal discomfort and pain. Providing quality care is vital not only to the patient, but to the nursing professional as well (Hakesley-Brown & Malone, 2007). Hence addressing the problem of urine retention to relieve the abdominal discomfort and pain became relevant. Assessment of condition of the patient helps in identifying the problem faced. The next step is identifying those problems that have nursing solution and the order in which the solutions need to be applied. There are some problems that can be provided with an immediate nursing solution and some that require the knowledge and skills of other professionals in the healthcare delivery system (Faulkner, A. 1996). Urine retention could be chronic or acute. In chronic urine retention the ability to pass urine in small quantities remains and the build up of urine in the bladder is slow, with pain a less frequent possibility. In the case of acute urine retention there is no urine passed and is normally accompanied with pain (Kurasawa, Kotani, Kurasawa, Takama & Orimo, 2005). This suggests that the patient has a problem of acute retention of urine (AUR). Acute retention of urine (AUR) is a common urological emergency, which is characterized by a sudden inability to pass urine associated with lower abdominal pain. There are several causes for AUR, as anything that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra can lead to AUR. Such blocks could occur as a result of the presence of stones in the bladder. Infection of the urinary tract is also a possible cause of urine retention. Nerve damage as a result of conditions like diabetes or multiple sclerosis can affect control over the bladder and
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Write in your own words about the life of saint Bernadette Assignment
Write in your own words about the life of saint Bernadette - Assignment Example They had no means of survival and the family of six had to live in one room and eat any food that came their way. She lived in poor health during her early life and was struck by illnesses such as asthma, tuberculosis and had survived cholera, and these attacks made her be cut off from the religious lives. One day in 1858 when she was sent to fetch firewood with her sister and a friend, she met a beautiful lady who smiled at her and made the sign of a rosary. Bernadette knelt and took her rosary and started praying. Mary mother of God had appeared to her as a beautiful lady, and she also appeared seventeen other times after this day and had a conversation with her. She told Bernadette that sinners should repent their sins and be accepted back by God and also that a church be built. When she told people about her vision, many did not believe her, and she had to suffer a lot before people could believe her (Paulos, 2003). One day our lady to dig a hole where water sprung out, began to flow out and began growing bigger and bigger. When people begun using this water, miracles happened. Bernadette w as very humble, and when she grew older she became a nun. She got too much attention, which she dint like and went to a school run by catholic sisters where she learnt to read and write. She spent the rest of her life working as a helper in the infirmary, a job she liked a lot. She died at the age of 35 in 1879 and her body put to rest the Saint Gildard Convent (Paulos,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Aircarft performance work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Aircarft performance work - Assignment Example ly against a clock and are required to complete tight turns through demanding aerial low altitude attack course consisting of â€Å"Air Gate†or Pylons (1). These races are mainly held over water close to cities. They are also held at natural wonders or airfields accompanied by supporting programs to show flights. More often than not, these races are held on weekends. The first day is dedicated for qualification with the second day being dedicated for knockout finals (1). During the race the aircrafts can achieve speeds of up to 230 mph, and, they along with the pilots can experience force of up to 12G (1). The ultimate objective of the race is to complete the course with the fastest possible time. The Pilots must enter, pass through and exit each Air Gate in the precise position, either flying level or at 90Ëš to level (often referred to as Knife edge flying) (1). Whilst avoiding contact with the pylons and the aircraft. Hence reduce being penalized with time penalties to t he overall lap time. The eventual winner in this series is determined through aggregation total points obtained at the end of each of the races across the season. For one to qualify, a pilot along with the chosen aircrafts must meet strict requirements set by the Red Bull Race organizers. The pilots must agree to be taken through a super License testing process in ensuring that he/she can cope with difficult turning/maneuvering while at the same time flying at a very low ground speeds. This races provide the pilots with a unique opportunity to showcase their skills speed precisions as they push their aircrafts, as well as themselves through extreme physical limits (2). The Zivco Edge 540 aircraft is a racing aircraft manufactured by Zivko Aeronautics and was first introduced in 2000. There are three variations of this aircraft: Zivko Edge 540, Zivko Edge 540A, and Edge 540T. Zivko Edge 540, which is the latest of the three variations is the focus of this analysis. This is highly aerobatic and
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Argue the US should increase its use of natural gas Essay
Argue the US should increase its use of natural gas - Essay Example This will critically compare both the pros and cons of this form of fuel and the benefits of its use in the United States (Knittel 3). The choice of gas to use in our industries is no longer guided by the desires of an individual but the cost and availability of the said fuel. With major economies relying on fossil fuel for different functions including industrial and home use, the current reserves are being depleted at an alarming rate. Natural gas is currently one of the cheapest and safest gases around the world with the United States sitting on a huge reserve of the gas which is currently unexploited. The lack of interest on natural gas and its resultant lack of exploitation can be attributed to the negative misconceptions that have been generated towards this gas (Ratner 7). Natural gas is colorless and odorless and produce high amount of energy when combusted with no significant emissions that negatively harm the environment. It is one of the most abundant gases in the United S tates but is rarely exploited due to the countries over reliance on fossil fuel. It contains high concentration of hydrocarbons including methane, ethane and propane, which are currently generated from fossil fuel at a much higher cost on the environment and economy. As a country that is much preoccupied with fossil fuel, switching to natural gas can only be achieved through informed education approaches that provide the benefits of this source of gas as compared to the current source. This topic will be insightful in guiding the country’s energy policy makers in making a significant policy shift from fossil fuel to natural gas. A number of misconceptions also exist about natural gas as compared to fossil fuels that act to confuse the citizens as further. This topic seeks to handle these misconceptions by providing an argumentative approach on why the country must adopt natural gas as opposed to the current use of fossil fuel (Knittel 3). Natural gas is cleaner as compared to fossil fuels thus making it the current fuel preferred by utility companies in the United States. With the current emphasis on the need to reduce emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the need for the adoption of a much cleaner gas makes natural gas the gas of choice. In addition, fossil fuels such as petroleum and gasoline, when combusted produces less energy as compared to natural gas but has higher amount of greenhouse effect as compared to natural gas. The increase in international lobbying for the adoption of safe and clean fuel supports the role of natural gas in the reduction of climate change, which occurs due to an increase in greenhouse gas emission from industries (Verrastro & Branch 5). However, natural gas has a finite nature that makes it unreliable source of energy to drive the massive industries in the United States and mitigate the impacts of global warming. Those who belong to this school of thought argue that despite the fact that natural gas is much cleaner as compared to fossil fuels, it is not as clean to enable it contribute significantly in the fight against climate change. Decreasing the prevalence of climate change cannot effectively be done using natural gas, as the opponents would want us to believe. This is farther from the truth, as the fight against climate change cannot be won through one major initiative but through well-calculated policies, which significantly
Monday, September 9, 2019
Causes of deviant behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Causes of deviant behavior - Essay Example For example, if a person enters their church scantly clad, they are being deviant because they are going against the norm. Their attire might be right to them, and it might be right for hanging out with friends, but it is not right in the eyes of those in the church. The people in a person’s life can offer the same influence. Peer pressure can cause a person to become deviant as they try to fit in with a certain group of people. They may also take on the beliefs and characteristics of friends or family members simply by being subjected to them for so long. A street gang is an example of how people can influence someone else to act out deviantly; in this case, the individual would conform against social norms out of fear of being punished by the other gang members. Despite the cause of deviant behavior, it is believed that people become deviant because they â€Å"have goals and needs that are not being met by society (Adler, 2008).†Therefore, when they are influenced by environments or people that go against social norms, they adapt the behavior for themselves since abiding by social norms was not doing them any good.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Health Care Delivery System Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health Care Delivery System - Case Study Example First of all, the requirement for high quality care, doubled by the social responsibility to patients, is counterbalanced by an increasing pressure to lower costs and to remain afloat financially. The Canadian model, on the other hand, is designed as public service, with health care provided considering medical needs first, and the ability to pay later. This, however, leads to high health costs supported by the government and to a lower quality and efficiency of services. The present paper will compare and contrast the two systems at four different levels: access, cost, quality and continuity. As far as access is concerned, there are fundamental differences between the two models. The health care system in Canada is characterized by universal access, with all residents being entitled to insured health services. In the US, by contrast, access is determined by the extent and type of the coverage, with no universal pubic health insurance plan (Madore, 1992). The two completely different approaches lead to major differences in coverage: whereas in Canada everybody benefits from the public health insurance, in the United States more than 10% of the population isn't covered at all. In the matter of costs, both countries allocate significant proportions of their income to health care.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Against Affirmative Action in College Admissions Essay
Against Affirmative Action in College Admissions - Essay Example According to Yeakey and Henderson the implementation of affirmative action in higher education was meant to increase the number of minority students accessing a college education (725-726). However, according to Professor John Fobanjong, the use of race preferential policies within selective schools issignificantly expanding the racial divide as opposed to narrowing it (2). As a result, in regards to higher education, affirmative action creates more detrimental effects than positive outcomes; therefore, these policies should not be incorporated into the admission process. According to Dr.Jamillah Moore, affirmative action should not be framed as a policy that is primarily geared towards discriminatory practices against whites or any other race (12). However, since our nation’s foundation is drenched in racial inequality, race often tends to come into the picture. Affirmative action was intended to provide opportunities, redress inequalities and improve access for the underrepresented minority groups. Education is widely believed to function as an important gateway to opportunity, andmany students aggressively compete to be accepted into the elite institutions each year. Due to the rapid increase in population, access to employment, resources, and education are quickly becoming limited necessities. Thus, when more and more students are being denied admission to lesser qualified candidates, these race While affirmative action was initially established to ensure that fair admission practices are conducted, in order to rectify the long period of severe racial discrimination, the policy is now grossly outdated and hypocritical. According to Tim Wise, these policies fight discrimination with discrimination. By favoring one group over another based on racial preference, instead of academic achievement, universities are generating a rather extreme form of reverse discrimination (69).
Friday, September 6, 2019
Environmental Analysis Essay Example for Free
Environmental Analysis Essay As a way of promoting Skoal, the company utilizes print advertisements in magazines whose readers are 85% adults. Aside from this, the company also uses one-on-one events as a way to let the clients know more about Skoal and try out its products. Skoal’s promotions includes reach-out advertising, and it includes a very, very successful direct mail program that we have been running to adult smokers. In 2006, the company mailed to about 2.5 million adult smokers with a series of coupons and product information about Skoal and its products and have been very, very successful in converting about 5% of the people that we mailed to, to actual ongoing usage of moist smokeless tobacco products. (UST 2006 Analyst and Investor Conference) In addition, the company also has its own company website (http://www. ustinc. com/) and product website (http://www. skoalbrotherhood. com) that can be used as a tool for customers to access information about the product and the company 24/7. The product’s unique selling point is that it is the only smokeless tobacco that offers several flavors, cuts and pouches. In its advertisements, Skoal sports the tagline â€Å"A pinch better. †Skoal wanted to position to itself in its main target market’s mind as â€Å"the preferred way to experience tobacco satisfaction†a vision that positions the company not as a smokeless tobacco company, but as a tobacco company whose consumer universe is all tobacco consumers. (UST 2006 Analyst and Investor Conference) Pricing The company utilizes the prestige pricing strategy and this is congruent with the image the brand is trying to project. Since Skoal is the only smokeless tobacco that offers a variety of flavors, cuts and pouches, it is only right for them to charge a price premium to maximize their profits. Over its course of business, Skoal has undergone through several price changes. However, for the entire year of 2006, the company has not yet raised it prices. Murray Kessler, manager of Skoal said â€Å"Prices per can depends on how much we spend on the promotional front and it depends on what we do with the competitors. †(UST 2006 Analyst and Investor Conference) So far though, the company does not see the need to raise prices. Comparing Skoal to other brands, it charges much higher prices as compared to competitors like Couper, Cougar, Gold River, and Grizzly but there are a few brands like Hawken and Kodiac whose prices are higher than Skoal. Sister brand Copenhagen charges the same price as Skoal. Distribution Skoal products can be purchased in several websites online and also several retailers. The company uses extensive distribution channels and which became an edge for Skoal. UST’s long-established brands distributes through tens of thousands of small retail outlets, and the unwillingness of major tobacco companies to enter this market (due to the poor image and social unacceptability of the product) have made UST’s market position unassailable. (Industry Analysis 7) The company does not operate any retailing stores but instead relies on third party retailers to get their products to their target markets. So far, Skoal products can be found in the United States and some parts of Canada but the management is eyeing Eastern Europe as an opportunity to expand Skoal internationally. Conclusion Skoal has been successful in implementing its strategy. Currently, Skoal belongs to the top of mind awareness of its target market when it comes to smokeless tobacco with it capturing 78% of the market together with its sister brands. In order to maintain this position, further significant investments in advertisements, branding, and promotions must be undertaken.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
How to Compete in India Essay Example for Free
How to Compete in India Essay 1. The political environment in India has proven to be critical to company performance for both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola India. What specific aspects of the political environment have played key roles? Could these effects have been anticipated prior to market entry? If not, could developments in the political arena have been handled better by each company? 2. Timing of entry into the Indian market brought different results for PepsiCo and Coca-Cola India. What benefits or disadvantages accrued as a result of earlier or later market entry? 3. The Indian market is enormous in terms of population and geography. How have the two companies responded to the sheer scale of operations in India in terms of product policies, promotional activities, pricing policies, and distribution arrangements? 4. â€Å"Global localization†(glocalization) is a policy that both companies have implemented successfully. Give examples for each company from the case. 5. How can Pepsi and Coke confront the issues of water use in the manufacture of their products? How can they defuse further boycotts or demonstrations against their products? How effective are activist groups like the one that launched the campaign in California? Should Coke address the group directly or just let the furor subside? 6. Which of the two companies do you think has better long term prospects for success in India? 7. What lessons can each company draw from its Indian experience as it contemplates entry into other Big Emerging Markets? 8. Comment on the decision of both Pepsi and Coke to enter the bottled water market instead of continuing to focus on their core productsâ€â€carbonated beverages and cola-based drinks in particular.
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