Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reincarnation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reincarnation - Essay Example Reincarnation appears to have caught the thoughts of many and the notion receives frequent mentions in popular books, feature films and popular music.( Stevenson, 37) Discussion Written by Doctor Jim B. Tucker the book ‘Life before life’ is a scientific analysis of kids’ memories of former lives. The book brings forth an overview of over forty years of reincarnation investigation which was done at the â€Å"University of Virginia division of personality studies†. in addition the book also deliberates over birth defects and birthmarks that look like those of a departed person who is recognized in a child. Doctor Jim is an apprentice of the late Doctor Ian Stevenson who back in the 1960’s started printing case studies of kids who remembered alleged previous life memoirs. From then on Dr. Tucker, Dr. Stevenson and their associates have put together an incomparable number of study cases in which young kids usually between age 2 and 8 spontaneously analyz ed experiences and memoirs of a post presence. The kids often delivered an extensive amount of evidence which included places and specific names from an alleged past life, birthmarks and facts of certain events from that life to back up the idea that a part of their awareness have somehow remained intact and have been passed on from a previous life to another. The cases became more captivating when a certain personality of a supposed past incarnation is successfully discovered normally by the child, family or neighbors. Dr. Tucker brings forth his findings clearly and systematically all the way through the book, for example in a specific chapter he would begin by summarizing a specific sequence of kid s’ cases with a similar character, e.g. occurrence of a birthmark on the kid that resemble to injuries of the kids’ previous character or even existence of printed records describing a kids reports that are dated earlier than the kids’ supposed previous character i s recognized after thoroughly outlining the cases, he goes further to discuss the possible substitute explanations to reincarnation for those cases (ordinary explanations which include faulty memory, fraud, coincidence or paranormal explanation e.g. possession) and then he further goes to conclude if reincarnation offers the most convincing explanation for each individual case. He takes the reader on a universal voyage into regions of the globe with hugely differing views on reincarnation, into homes infiltrated by widely-differing socio-economic conditions and into the lives of kids with very diverse stories. Nevertheless, his assumption that reincarnation as he describes is the most conceivable explanation for most of precise cases and definitely in the frame of cases as a whole, remains unwavering all through the book. Of tuckers In most of Doctor Tuckers cases, the amount of material supposedly recalled by the kid in question is quite amazing. in one certain case, Doctor Tucker tells of a kid from whom even before he was three years old began telling her life as a vendor of incense in a community approximately a hundred and forty five miles away. For 4 years she stated specific details about the life she had led as this gentleman including the exact type of incense he had sold (a type unavailable to and somewhat unknown in the township where that girl lived), the exact location where he lived, the identity of his mother, names of his wife and the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Behavior problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Behavior problems - Essay Example These graduate students were all part of the same master’s degree program and worked with parents of special needs children on a daily basis. The setting of the experiment was in a conference room in the university campus that was ideal for conducting the training workshops. The materials consisted of guide for paper training as well as several examples in form of pictures and videos. These questionnaires were filled by the subjects before as well as after the workshop so that data could be collected for further evaluation. Furthermore the measures for the study comprised of analyzing verbal, non verbal and written verbal behaviors. What were the results of the research? The results of the research indicate that all the participants of the study displayed the use of more support strategies above pre training levels when it came to role playing as well as written assessments. This was a result of mainly a concise3 hour training regarding communication skills.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How Was the Universe Created?

How Was the Universe Created? The three things above are really good reason why we believe in this theory. All the point above proves the possibility of the big bang theory and they all come together in order to prove it. Arguments against the big bang theory Many people still dont believe in the Big Bang theory because they think it is not right. This could be because of some of the problems with the theory itself. Many people ask many different questions and find many flaws in the big bang theory. Most people accept that the universe never had a beginning as that is the only possible solution and the most realistic reason we know. People also believe that the universe never had a beginning so it will never end and will keep expanding forever infinitely. The biggest problem with the theory is that there isnt such strong proof for what started the big bang. As we all know, to start something or something to start there has to be something to trigger that start and as far as we know the big bang didnt have a start. People dont find the theory convincing because they believe that such an event could have happened without something triggering it. Regarding this some people also believe that the start could have been triggered by God. And God created the whole universe and it is God who started big bang. This is possible but not certain and therefore we require evidence and proof. No one is certain that God exist and many questions can be asked in the existence of God. This question cannot be answered; it is same as asking how was the universe created. To know the real truth we would have to revisit time. Fred Hoyle constructed a model to show that the universe was infinitely old and has remained steady. This is known as the Steady State theory. This theory was much more acceptable among the religious groups as was less vague. However it was also accepted by the science side because it did include the expansion of the universe. {13} this theory seems to work on both scientific and the religious sides. Fred Hoyle believed that, if the universe is expanding there has to be something being made up in the spaces between galaxies. In practical I think this is very clear and a simple explanation as it is same as the big bang theory but has a different alteration for the expansion. He concluded that only one hydrogen atom is enough in a year to keep the expansion running. Experiment This theory can be easily tested by using a balloon. If we put red dots on a balloon and then blow it, we will notice that the red dots are expanding. If we focus ourselves from one red dot we will notice that the further dots are moving faster because the spaces between the dots are increasing. This increase of the gap between the dots is parallel to the filling of universe and the cause of the expansion. Other Evidence against the Big Bang theory was that some of the galaxies near our own galaxies were much younger and some galaxies have been discovered to be older than the universe. {13} -clearly this observation is arguing against the big bang theory and proves its argument by giving us real data. This source is very strong and has actually changed my mind because it clearly tells us that the Big Bang theory might just be a wrong way to describe the origins of our universe. This shows that how easy it is to change peoples mind on the big bang theory if the argument uses good scientific examples and proves thoroughly. The evidence above shows us a flaw in the big bang theory. Secondly, the next evidence against the theory is the steady state theory. The steady state theory states that the universe did not have a start but always been present. This again is an assumption; it also says the universe never had a start so therefore it wouldnt have an end. The steady state theory is not telling us that the universe is static. It does take Hubbles idea of expansion into account. I think this theory is as strong as the big bang because it does consider the other facts. It is easier for scientist to believe in this because it does not have a mysterious start; like the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“big bangà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  theory does. The creationism theory- is it scientific? Everyone has different beliefs and everyone thinks differently. Some people have believed in the creation story and the idea of God. They say that Almighty God created the whole universe including the life on earth. I suppose you cannot argue with them until you provide some very strong supportive evidence. The theory states that God created the heavens and the earth. However life was not present and the earth was empty and formless. Although this is not scientific and does not have sufficient evidence, we cannot disregard it because there are people who believe in this just like people who believe in the Big Bang theory. {9} The disagreement is mostly through the religious groups as they believe God created the universe. The Bible Genesis has given me arguments against the theory of big bang as it states the process in which God created the universe. It states that god created life on earth including all the seasons, the oceans, the sun, the moon, etc. {12} this website provides me with the Bible quotations. It shows how the universe was created in a different point of view and as that God created the universe. This story is basically a belief and faith of religious peoples; although it is unproven they still believe in it and think it is better than big bang. This theory is fascinating because regarding the lack of supportive evidence it is the second most popular theory after the big bang theory. However it does not have any proof for it beliefs. Although people still believe in it and it is good enough to compete with a much explained theory, such as the big bang theory. This quotation is from the bible, the religious book of Christians. It states à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“God created the earth. In the opening words of the Bible, God is unequivocally declared to be the creator of the earth (Gen. 1: 1, 2). The fact God created the earth is repeatedly taught throughout the Bible.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  {12} This has been taken from the bible. This source is reliable in a religion way. But it doesnt have the science behind it to back its ideas. But this source is reliable because it has been known for many years and many people believe in it. The bible states that God took 7 days to make the earth and the universe. Considering the vast population of Christians now days I think their arguments could be effective and can also affect other people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In Christian theology, a domain of special revelation, Gods calling (John 6:44, 6:65) enables people to understand Gods plan and truth. Only those who encounter God and have their minds supernaturally opened by God can understand the truth in these matters. This rationale limits what secular scientists can learn and understand. Unless a scientist receives such a calling the scientist will be always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  {12}. This is a very strong statement and it explains what Christians believe in and argues against the scientist and other people who have beliefs in the big bang theory. I think this website is truly against any science views because from the quote you can see that it is very challenging. Basically it states that a person cannot know the real truth and only people who receive calling from God will find out the truth. It also suggests that God has given us knowledge however it is better to limit o ur knowledge and do not stand against God as he is the only creator. William Paleys argument Stretching the matter from the above explanation, this argument can be used as an example and be used as evidence. Using a concept of a watch Paley said that the world is well designed just like a pocket watch. Everything which makes the watch work needs to be working properly and everything in a watch is designed so perfectly. Therefore if you remove one of the things from inside the watch, it will not work. This applies same with the universe; if we remove the fundamental things such as gravity, it will not work. Thus, the pocket watch and the universe are parallel and they both had a creator. Hence, the universe must have a creator, which is God. Hinduism There are many religions in the world and they all have different beliefs. All the religions are anti- science as they all believe in god. For example Hinduism. Hindus believe that god created the whole universe. Their theory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Before time began there was no heaven, no earth and no space between. Suddenly, from the depths a humming sound began to tremble, Om. It grew and spread, filling the emptiness and throbbing with energy. The night had ended. Vishnu awoke. Vishnus servant, Brahma awaited the Lords command. Vishnu spoke to his servant: It is time to begin. Brahma bowed. Vishnu commanded: Create the world.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The world was soon bristling with life and the air was filled with the sounds of Brahmas creation. {14} this proves that there is not only one religion that disagrees with the big bang theory. However this is only a myth, even the Hindus dont have proof for this. They cannot support their theory with evidence. There are over 270 different religions in this world. And they all have different arguments and different mythology. After looking at these religions I can also say that its not only the religions that have myths, even the scientist have myths- The Big Bang Theory. Problems with the theory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Static universe models fit observational data better than expanding universe models.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Static universe models match most observations with no adjustable limits. The Big Bang can match each of the critical observations, but only with adjustable limits. The microwave background makes more sense as the limiting temperature of space heated by starlight than as the remnant of a fireball. Element large quantity predictions using the Big Bang require too many adjustable parameters to make them work. How could plausible you work out what element was made first if we have never seen the explosion. The predictions are not all true. The universe has too much large scale structure to form in a time as short as 10-20 billion years. The average luminosity of quasars must decrease in just the right way so that their mean apparent brightness is the same at all red shift, which is exceedingly unlikely. Invisible dark matter of an unknown but non-baryonic nature must be the dominant ingredient of the entire universe. The problems above have been taken from the {} {13}- all the information was repeated on many other different website which proves that it is a reliable source and it is true as it is accepted by many other people. The different points all add up to prove that the big bang theory is false and that it has defects in it. Conclusion All the arguments, against and for, are all backed up with good and strong information. That information is reliable because the same information has been found on more than one website or a source. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In one of its several variations the big bang cosmological theory is almost universally accepted as the most reasonable theory for the origin and evolution of the universe.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  This proves the acceptance of the big bang theory and why it is the only possible theory. But after analysing the information, the evidences and their sources and looking at their reliability I feel that the argument For the theory of the Big bang is a bit more reliable and conclusive argument. I can say this because it backs up information with good scientific evidence and theories. I think that the big bang theory is one of the main theories and has been developed through many years. It is so well presented and is supported by enough evidence to make me accept it as truth and I believe that I would only change my mind if a different theory is proven to me with more stronger and good scientific evidence. My opinion I believe that the universe has have got to have a start but this case study has been a great adventure as it keeps changing my view and both the arguments are well balanced and are strongly supported with evidence. I believe that the big bang theory is the only plausible theory and it is one of the greatest theories ever explained in cosmology. This theory has been backed up with loads of information that the person who disagrees with this would have to show evidence and maybe explain why they think this is wrong, which I think is virtually impossible because more people believe in this theory than anything else. This theory is believed by mostly every scientist whereas not the religious people, as they believe in the creation and the god theory. The evidence with this theory is very clear and shows how the big bang could have happened. Literally I think the evidence we have for the big bang theory is enough to actually make another big bang model and find out what actua lly happened. But the only thing which makes me disagrees with this theory is that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“what started the big bang- and what could plausibly trigger a massive explosion?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  this is the only question which is unanswered and I think we will never be able to accomplish to answer this question because it is to great and us humans are not capable of going back to time. I think most people believe that the big bang theory is correct because the things they hear from the news and other shows which tell them only about the theory, the press wouldnt talk against a scientist, so I believe that the peoples mind are changed by the people they hear their information from. But if a person like me who believes in what other people do, my mind can be changed if he information I read is reliable and backs up with good string evidence. However I also think that the big bang theory is one of the best scientific theories ever accomplished because it is so well supported with evid ence. This theory is also supported by many scientists, which also makes the normal people feel that this is the right theory, so all the people would have to accept it unless they challenge the theory and prove it wrong. In this case the arguments FOR the Big Bang theory is a bit more supported and is much more reliable. I can say this because the evidence I found was very reliable and sustain the arguments effectively. For argument are explained clearly and uses good science which makes me feel that it is right because I believe in science more than the religious arguments. Even the religious arguments are not reliable because they could have been made up by someone because we dont have the proof that God created the universe or we havent seen it happen. It is same with the Big bang we havent seen it happen, so it depends on the evidence we have left over and we can only make predictions because we cant go back in time to really know the truth.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Youth Athletics Essay -- Sports Violence Parents Essays

Youth Athletics In Reading, Massachusetts, one parent was beaten to death by another parent after a scuffle at a youth hockey game (Sachs). In Palin Beach, Florida, a father of a little league player was sentenced to three years in prison after taking a gun and pointing it at a coach (Gehring). In Port St. Lucie, Florida, a headline in the evening paper read, "Spectator Bites off Man's Ear at Youth Baseball Game" (Pallerino). Why would parents act in such negative ways? They are too competitive at youth athletic events. During my five years refereeing youth sports, I have seen many examples of negative behavior. This past September, a parent, whom I have known for a few years, approached me after a basketball game her child's team had lost. I knew something was going to happen, but there was nothing I could do. Mind you, this is a 7th grade tournament, so the children were 11-and-12 year-olds. The mother asked me loudly, "Why did you tell my daughter to shut up?" I replied that I only told her daughter to hush because her daughter told me quite hatefully that she wasn't the only person that fouled. Now, granted at the time this child was losing the game, I knew that she wasn't feeling too good about herself, so I had told her calmly that she didn't need to be disrespectful. However, as I tried to explain this to the mother, she told me that I do not have the right to do such a thing. She neglected to understand that referees frequently levy technical fouls for disrespectful behavior on the court, bu t I had just given a warning. I never imagined such a response when the game was over. This mother cursed me with every vulgarity imaginable. She also told me that I was the loser of the community and that I could never do anythin... 2 Nov. 2003. Cox, RachelS. (2001, Mar. 23). Abstract. CO Researcher. 11.11. Oct. 29,2003. <> Gehring, John. "More Schools Calling Foul on Unsportsmanlike Behavior." Education Week 21.7 (17 Oct. 2001): 6. EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier. Camden-Carroll Lib. 31 Oct. 2003. Hypes, Julia. Personal Interview. 23 Nov. 2003. Pallerino, Michael J. "Is the Rash of Parental Violence at Youth Sporting Events Increasing, or Are We Just Now Recognizing it as a Problem?" SportingKid Magazine. National Alliance for Youth Sports. 2001. 28 Nov. 2003. Sachs, Michael L. "Lighten Up Parents!" USA Today 129.2666 (Nov. 2000): 62-63. EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier. Camden-Carroll Lib. Morehead State University. . 31 Oct. 2003.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Physics Pendulum Lab

Katherine Unman Introduction/Purpose: Pendulums serve a huge purpose that are often overseen by many due to technological advancements being made In the everyday world. A simple pendulum consists of a small object (the â€Å"bob†) suspended by a lightweight cord. The mass oft he pendulum is actually only the mass of the bob; the mass of the string is not included. The period of a pendulum is the amount of time for the bob to complete exactly one cycle or oscillation back and forth.The length of the pendulum extends from the attached end of the string to the center of mass of the bob. The original aim for this investigation was to â€Å"Investigate the simple pendulum†. There are many variables on could look Into, such as displacement, angle, damping, mass of the bob etc. The most Interesting variable, however, Is the length of the swinging pendulum. The relations p between the length and the time for one swing (the period) has been researched for many centuries, and has allowed famous physicists like Isaac Newton and GalileoGalilee to obtain an accurate value for the gravitational force acting on it, â€Å"g†. Len this simple investigation, we performed two activities to visually observe what affects the period off pendulum, mass or the length of the string. Hypothesis: With our previous knowledge of pendulums and the forces acting on a pendulum, we hypothesized that the length of the string along with gravity would affect the period a ND the mass of the bob would not. Materials: In order to complete a successful Investigation, numerous supplies were needed.Without these materials, our observations would not have been as accurate. The mat aerials we used are: 1. Meter stick 2. Stopwatch 3. Pieces of string, 3 of the same length, and one off different length 4. Washers 5. A partner 6. Pen/pencil Procedure: When effectively Investigating what affects the period of a pendulum, some simple ye vital steps are necessary to follow. In this experim ent, two activities were performed t hat share a set of Instructions. These were: 1. Gather all the materials

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Belonging to a community Essay

Belonging to a community or a group has a significant impact on an individual sense of belonging. Belonging is a concept that provides confidence and support to individuals who are able to connect to people or places. Individuals that belong to a community or a group have portrayed that there are significant impact that do affect a individual own sense of acceptance, which could lead to a better wellbeing. However not belonging to a community or a group has negative impact on the individual as presented by Peter Skrynecki of Immigrant chronicles, J.D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye and The related text. Belonging is established by individuals who are able to search for a place to belong, not realising that it is the perceptions and attitudes, not the place that allow us to belong. Immigrant chronicles by Peter Skrynecki, the poems â€Å"St Patrick’s College†, and â€Å"In the folk museum†, have displayed a significant impact on an individual’s sense of belong ing. In St Patrick’s college, Peter Skrzynecki explores the effects of schooling on an individual sense of belonging and self. Time is a deciding factor that strengthens an individual connection to a community or a group creating a stronger sense of belonging to the community or group. However for the persona demonstrated by Peter Skynecki in St Patrick College, the persona has â€Å"for eight years† caught the 414 bus; however he describes himself â€Å"like a foreign tourist†. The effect of simile â€Å"like a foreign† shows disconnection to a path that he has travelled on for eight years, displaying the significance of the disconnection and still able to say that the persona takes the bus â€Å"like a foreign tourist†, even though the persona has been on this path for eight years, he takes the bus like it’s his first time on this bus as the persona states he is a foreigner. The repetition of â€Å"For eight years† is to further stress the amount of time that passed and that the persona has still not been able to make a sense of connection, to the school or to the bus and learning the religion there at a superficial level. The school religion for the persona was that he â€Å"Could say the Lord’s Prayer/ In Latin, all in one breath. The connotation â€Å"all in one breath†, displays the persona lack of sincerity, portraying he learnt it at a superficial level. The use of enjambment â€Å"Could say the lord’s prayer/In Latin, all in one breath, emphasis he doesn’t understand Latin, even if he could do it in one breath. The enjambment suggests that the persona can say it, but doesn’t understand it. The emphasis of â€Å"In Latin† portrays irony to  him â€Å"I forgot my first Polish word† in Feliks Skrynecki. Belonging to a community or a group has a significant impact on an individual sense of belonging as displayed by St Patrick College. People can find their own sense of identity by belonging to a group, as represented by the persona in St Patrick College, as he was a part of his school community. Even though the persona state that he did not feel that he belong to his school the irony is that the school became part of his thought, highlighting the fact that belongin g to a community or a group has a significant impact on an individual sense of belonging. In the folk museum the persona perceives his lack of belonging in the setting of the museum and its surrounding as the poet Peter Skrynecki explores concept of alienation in a more general way. The poem â€Å"In the folk museum† is an abstract look at the persona’s emotional turmoil as well as the persona choosing not wanting to belong to the museum. This is portrayed by the enjambment of the two lines â€Å" To remind me of a past/Which isn’t mine†, makes the emphasis fall heavily on â€Å"Which isn’t†, highlighting the persona’s alienation for the words and the objects in the museum. Not being able to establish a connection with your heritage, affects a person’s sense of belonging as understanding one’s self is the key to belonging, relating to Feliks Skrynecki as the persona does not understand why â€Å"His Polish friends/ Always shook hands too violently†, as that is the father culture. The persona’s sw ift exit â€Å"And I leave without wanting a final look† brings the use of connection on â€Å"final†, displaying how he is not belonging as the persona chose not to look back. The alliteration, â€Å"without wanting† creates a sense of the persona’s firm decision not to belong in this place. Yet, â€Å"At the door the old woman’s hand/ Touches mine†. The syntax causes the stress to fall heavily on the word, â€Å"Touches†, highlighting the woman’s attempt to make some connection. This human touch contrasts to the earlier â€Å"cold† touch of the â€Å"grey clay bottle†. The persona’s earlier comparison of the woman with the cold bottle is undercut by her attempt at warmth. This touch does not imply relationship though, as is seen in the final question, â€Å"Would you please sign the Visitors’ Book?† The polite modality â€Å"Would you please† and the word, â€Å"Visitors† emphasises that the persona is an outsider in this place. The concept of belonging is that we choose whether to belong or not, and that not belonging does have a significant impact on an individual sense of belonging as displayed in the  folk museum, as the persona was not able to make connection to the old woman or to the relics displayed in the museum. Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye displays that belonging to a community or a group has a significant impact on an individual sense of belonging as emphasis by Holden Caulfield has displayed a similar contrast to the Immigrant chronicle of St Patrick’s College and Folk museum through similar setting and representing concept of belonging. Holden Caulfield has trouble establishing his belonging at school, Pencey Prep. When Holden states that he did not want to join the football field match even though everyone was there. â€Å"You could see the whole field from there, and you could see the two teams bashing each other all over the place.† This show Holden choice to not go, he chooses to alienate himself from the crowd, watching people instead of connecting with them. He rejects the conformity of the system: the manufactured school spirit that expects everyone to support the school football team. In contrast to Peter Skynecki â€Å"The Folk Museum’ when Holden was at the museum, he is able to establish a connection with the relics through his memory. The view of never changing is something that is not possible as people will have to grow up and as a result will have different goals. â€Å"The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was†. It shows that Holden chooses to belong to the museum as he is able to remember that there are no changes to the museum. The sense of familiarity of where you know where everything goes shows his sense of belonging. Holden reason for being able to connect to the museum is that it never changes. The museum is like a sanctuary for Holden, as time does not seem to affect the museum. In conclusion by showing individuals that do not belong to a community or a group, it depicts that it is inherent for people to realise the significant impact on individual that do find their own sense of belonging, and are able to belong to a community or a group, as presented by Peter Skrynecki of Immigrant chronicles, J.D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye and The related text.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Online Public and Charter Schools for Illinois Students

Online Public and Charter Schools for Illinois Students Illinois offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in Illinois. To qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools listed may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. List of Illinois Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Chicago Virtual Charter School About Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age (often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund â€Å"seats† for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited, and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. Choosing an Illinois Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is  regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Seperation Of Church And State

Public schools exist to educate, not to promote religion. Children are a captive audience. Making prayer an official part of the school day is wrong and invasive. What five-year-old could view prayers recited as part of class routine as "voluntary"? Religion is private, and schools are public, so it is appropriate that the two should not mix. To introduce religion in our public schools builds walls between children who may not have been aware of religious differences before. Our public schools are for all children, whether Catholic, Baptist, Quaker, Atheist, Buddhist, Jewish, or Agnostic. The schools are supported by all taxpayers, and therefore should be free of religious observances and oppression. It is the sacred duty of parents and churches to instill religious beliefs, free from government dictation. Institutionalizing prayers in public schools takes over the rights of parents. People for school prayer mistake government detachment toward religion as lack of sympathy. The record shows that religious beliefs have flourished in this country, not in spite of, but because of the constitutional separation of church and state (Dye). When religion invades our public school system, it can single out the lone Jewish student, the class Unitarian, or the isolated Agnostic, the children in the minority. Families who protest state/church violations in our public schools invariably experience persecution. It was routine prior to the court decision against school prayer to put non-religious or non-orthodox children in places of detention during bible-reading or prayer recitation (Dye). The children of Supreme Court plaintiffs against religion in schools, such as Vashti McCollum, Ed Schempp and Ishmael Jaffree, were beaten up on the way to and from school, their families subjected to community harassment and death threats for speaking out in defense of a constitutional principle (Dye). We know from history how harmful and destructive religio... Free Essays on Seperation Of Church And State Free Essays on Seperation Of Church And State Public schools exist to educate, not to promote religion. Children are a captive audience. Making prayer an official part of the school day is wrong and invasive. What five-year-old could view prayers recited as part of class routine as "voluntary"? Religion is private, and schools are public, so it is appropriate that the two should not mix. To introduce religion in our public schools builds walls between children who may not have been aware of religious differences before. Our public schools are for all children, whether Catholic, Baptist, Quaker, Atheist, Buddhist, Jewish, or Agnostic. The schools are supported by all taxpayers, and therefore should be free of religious observances and oppression. It is the sacred duty of parents and churches to instill religious beliefs, free from government dictation. Institutionalizing prayers in public schools takes over the rights of parents. People for school prayer mistake government detachment toward religion as lack of sympathy. The record shows that religious beliefs have flourished in this country, not in spite of, but because of the constitutional separation of church and state (Dye). When religion invades our public school system, it can single out the lone Jewish student, the class Unitarian, or the isolated Agnostic, the children in the minority. Families who protest state/church violations in our public schools invariably experience persecution. It was routine prior to the court decision against school prayer to put non-religious or non-orthodox children in places of detention during bible-reading or prayer recitation (Dye). The children of Supreme Court plaintiffs against religion in schools, such as Vashti McCollum, Ed Schempp and Ishmael Jaffree, were beaten up on the way to and from school, their families subjected to community harassment and death threats for speaking out in defense of a constitutional principle (Dye). We know from history how harmful and destructive religio...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

8 Resume Dos and Donts According to Recruiters

8 Resume Dos and Donts According to Recruiters The best way to write an effective resume has changed over the years. Today’s resume is more focused, and new ideal items have been added and  dropped, according to recruiters. Knowing how to write an effective resume makes it more likely you  will be considered for that perfect job position. These  recruiter tips can help when you’re applying for a job by giving  your application a higher chance of being considered.  1. Skip the Fancy FormattingMany recruiters who work for large companies see resumes via  a tracking system that loads a resume as simple text. These recruiters do not see your fancy formatting. In fact, all that effort you went to may adversely affect the text the recruiter sees, so keep your formatting straightforward unless you send your resume as a PDF file. Recruiters for large companies can ask you to send a formatted version if you get introduced to the hiring manager, so keep a fancy version of your resume if you are called upon to send it.  2.Use the Company NameRecruiters like to know you are actually interested in their specific company. Do a little research and include in your cover letter why you would be a perfect fit for that particular company. Use the company name two times, not just once, to show you are serious. Recruiters say they appreciate that extra effort, which shows that it isn’t just a blanket resume used for different businesses.  3. Leave Out Personal DetailsIncluding a photo with your job application can actually make a recruiter uncomfortable. In addition, the recruiter does not care that you are married or have 2.5 children. Nor does the recruiter want your health history. Unfortunately, many applicants include this information on a resume. Leave it out unless you are applying for a job as a model or actor.  4. Make Sure You QualifyOne good idea is to go through the job listing and match your resume qualifications with the requirements listed in the job description. This way, r ecruiters know up front if you  qualify for consideration. Do not assume that all qualifications are listed- the job listing may be simply a standard template or the listing may be dated. During your interview, you have to opportunity to add to your qualifications to show you are a perfect match for the job.  5. Keep Your Resume ShortRecruiters are not interested in reading a nine page resume. They prefer to know right away if someone  is qualified for a job. Keep it down to one page, and list what’s most important.  6. Leave Out ReferencesThe old style of resume usually included listing two or three references for a job. However, references take up space that could be better used for other things. Once you get a job interview, the recruiter can ask for references if he or she is interested.  7. Don’t Include AgeOlder workers may think they’ll be bypassed for a job because of age. However, this is untrue, particularly if a worker is well-qualified for the job. Just leave out your age. If the recruiter does ask, you probably don’t want to work at that job.  8.  Be Willing to RelocateMany people apply for work in other cities, as people have become more mobile and pursue a job instead of a location. If you’re  applying away from your home base, it may be a good idea to include your willingness to relocate. This shows the recruiter that you are serious about the position.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

(Can the writer help me decide) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

(Can the writer help me decide) - Essay Example In â€Å"Bad Weather: Planetary Crisis,† Masco (2010) studies the development of and competition between two kinds of planetary crises- the nuclear war and climate change. The security state is linked to the concept of the planetary crisis because, on the one hand, it uses the latter when it advances the former’s development and growth in reach and control; on the other hand, it disregards the latter if it contradicts or hinders its ends. Ironically, another important link is that the security state, in its desire to control planetary crises, is only creating more of them, which can potentially lead to new planetary crises with long-term negative impacts on living things and the biosphere. The security state exploits the planetary crisis for its own gains and disregards it if it hinders its overarching goal of a â€Å"U.S.-centric world† (Masco 2014: 1). The security state uses the planetary crisis if it can be a platform for greater control over and outside its national boundaries. Masco (2014) explains that the first kinds of planetary crises that were of interest to the security state were usually threats to national security, such as the Cold War and national and global terrorists. He argues that the state uses these threats to magnify imagined horrific futures, in order to generate fear and terror that could justify what Cheney (2001) called as the â€Å"new normalcy† (qtd. in Masco 2014: 8). This new normalcy refers to the public’s acceptance of the state’s ever increasing incursions on civil rights and freedoms. These are changes that have â€Å"institutional, technological, and affective levels, reordering domestic politics and geo politics in a startlingly economical gesture† (Masco 2014: 8). They include scientific studies that expand military technology, covert operations that collect intelligence about national and other

Friday, October 18, 2019

Short Answers to Marketing Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Short Answers to Marketing Questions - Essay Example Pricing involves deciding the right price on the basis of competition and desired margins. Besides, planning marketing strategy is an overriding function of marketing management where planning for various marketing activities is done in accordance with organizational goals. 2. Developing a new product generally involves seven steps. The first step is the idea generation where the idea may be regarding a new innovation or customization of an existing product to new market, target segment or geography. The second step is screening where useful ideas are shortlisted from a large number of ideas. In the third step, the testing of the idea or concept is performed. Fourth step involves financial and technical analysis of the prospective product. The fifth step is the actual development or design of the new product. In the next step, test marketing is done on a focus group or selected markets. The last step is the commercialization of the product which is also called Go to Market. 3. The pr oduct life cycle shows the path of a product in an industry through 4 stages. Consider the example of an electronic product such as a mobile phone. A new mobile phone is introduced into the market in its first stage with a lot of marketing hype to make it attractive to customers. As customers buy it and realize its benefits, more customers buy the mobile phone leading the product towards a growth stage. After the product sales reach a peak, it is no longer very attractive to customers because of introduction of new advanced products and technologies by competitors. The product reaches a maturity stage. Finally, the mobile phone is no longer attractive to customers. Its features become obsolete. It reaches a decline stage and is phased out of the market. 4. An organization can primarily use 4 promotional methods in its promotion mix. Advertising involves non-personal communication through mass media. For example, advertisement of a soap over TV. Personal selling is aimed at informing and convincing customers personally to buy products. For example, Sales representatives selling credit cards. Public relations include maintaining indirect relations with customers through useful sources such as favorable articles in newspapers. Sales promotion contains activities such as providing incentives and gift vouchers to boost sales. 5. While creating an advertising campaign, the company firstly needs to identify the target audience. Secondly, the company must decide the quantifiable objectives to be conveyed to the prospective customers as a result of the campaign. Thirdly, the organization must create the advertising platform containing issues important to both company and the customers. Thereafter, the organization needs to decide the money to be spent and the media forms to be used. Lastly, the company must decide how to measure the advertising effectiveness. 6. Public relations are a set of communication steps taken by an organization to maintain a healthy relationshi p between itself and its various stakeholders. A company can reach almost anyone through public relations. For example, a positive newspaper article describing the efficient manufacturing process in a steel factory can go a long way in establish good relations with customers, shareholders, government, environmental regulatory agencies, NGOs, suppliers and so on. 7. The competition between two or more firms is said to be price competition when the

Interior Design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interior Design - Research Paper Example Each facility will require its own design. Interior design is based on function, purpose and aesthetics. Each design has its own affect on different facilities. Interior Design is the ability to enhance the function, safety, and aesthetics of interior spaces (U.S. Department of Labor 2009). Interior design can add function to an area that would normally be not functional. This can be achieved by adding key elements which allow the space to serve a purpose. A purpose of a space is dependent on the spaces surroundings. Each room has its own needs. Adding functionality to a room is important in Interior Design. Interior Design allows for the ability to transform a space. An empty room in a commercial setting can be transformed into a waiting area with proper use of seating. A living room can also become functional with proper use of seating. Functionality is one of the major reasons a client may decide to choose an Interior Designer. The Interior Designer may be able to offer the client with a space that allows for more functionality then before. An Interior Designer will base ideas based on purpose. Using the appropriate elements allows for purpose. Purpose in Interior Design can be explained as allowing a room to have a purpose and a use. A good interior designer can allow for a space to serve more than one purpose. Serving more than one purpose can make a space more appealing. ... This type of design becomes an eclectic area to show off certain pieces in a way that they all flow together. According to Allen with All About Interior Design2011, It takes an eclectic eye to be able to show off many pieces and make them work with one another. This is true with many different design techniques. Not just anyone can put pieces together and make them work. Interior Design is important for many aesthetic reasons. An area needs to be aesthetically pleasing to the individual in the environment. An appealing environment is important in a design sense. Interior Designers typically design for residential or commercial settings. Many residential settings will require a pleasing and welcoming environment. An interior designer can gather information about the clients likes and create a space that is aesthetically pleasing. Use of objects and colors that are naturally appealing will help the space appeal to more individuals. Neutral tones and fabrics can allow for the use of dif ferent types of elements. In a commercial setting it is important for an Interior Designer to keep the focus on what the purpose is for the commercial setting. Many Interior Designers will need to create spaces that are pleasing to the eye so that businesses keep customers returning. Pleasing aesthetics can be achieved by bringing earthly elements into the space and keeping with a theme. It is important to achieve an attractive interior environment (Basics of interior design 2011). An attractive interior environment can allow for better usage of the area. It is likely that a space that is attractive will likely be used more than other spaces. The effects of interior design can be great on different facilities. Each facility will

Water-astronomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Water-astronomy - Essay Example Seeing the detail on how everything works on earth has become the guiding point of inquisitive minds to understand further the mystery beyond the universe. Scientists found that the earth is just an integral component of a solar system ruled over by a star within the vast Milky Way. The Milky Way galaxy consists of millions of these stars, which means the odds of having a habitable planet, as earth is higher. However, there are still thousands of galaxies across the universe that based on supporting details from Einstein’s theory, have continue to move away from each other, leading to the point that the universe could be expanding at some point (Fang and Chu 97). Understanding these ideas about the universe could lead us to conclude that it could be so huge beyond our imagination. There are infinite possibilities out there that science continues to unearth. Scientists keep on to dig more theories and scientific proofs just to back up some essential ideas that could help them piece together the relevant information about the universe. For thousands of years, the existence in this universe remains a mystery to the humankind. While the earth is a physical proof that we could see, feel and touch, and that is integral part of the big part of the universe, scientists in most of their studies have based on their meaningful understanding by what they observed from this blue planet. This means they are trying to understand the whole part of information by starting from its very detailed component. This makes sense as a good guiding point in order to learn more about the universe. In fact, this analogy applies to our understanding about the entire water, for instance. We know about water and its importance, but most of us have a slightest idea that behind what we can see about the water is the presence of sub-atomic particles that are combined just to produce a liquid form of matter that has universal importance for the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Marketing - Essay Example The emphasis of this discussion focuses on how leadership and organizational structure can help companies become more effective at international business affairs. In order for a company to succeed it must develop its human capital and have managerial team that is able to lead the organization to achieve greater things. If the leaders of a company do not prepare the organization for expansion the possibility of international business activity are non-existent. Going global does not occur overnight, there is preparation that must take place within the organization and in its corporate culture. Corporate culture can be defined as a system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members (Shermerhorn, Osborn, Hunt, 2003). The leaders of the company have to instill confidence and change the mindset of the employee so that fear of failure is not constraint that inhibits international expansion plans. There are different leadership styles that can help a manager become the type of leader that lead a company and its employees towards international business proliferation. The person in a corporation that has control over the strategic path of an organization is its chief executive officer (CEO). This individual is responsible for the financial performance of the company and has power to change the organization, while at the same time the CEO must motivate and inspire the staff of the firm. Among the leadership styles that could be used to lead a global organization are situational leadership, charismatic leadership, and transformational leadership. A situational leadership application is Fielder’s contingency theory. Fielder’s contingency theory stipulates that the leader’s style adapt and become appropriate to the situation based on three factors: leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Earthquackes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Earthquackes - Essay Example According to Stein and Wysession (217), earthquakes can also occur due to the elastic rebound theory, which says that in various situations energy is accumulated in rock that is being acted upon by tectonic forces to a degree that the energy rises above the bonding forces holding the rocks causing to break, suddenly returning to its original shape, and the crust moves violently as a result of the quickly released force. However, not all earthquakes are linked to with preexisting faults rather some are linked to intensely buried fold structures, volcanic environments among others in which the molten rock is forcefully pushing out of the crust. The cracking of a rock known as faulting leads to the discharge of energy when stored stress is rapidly transformed to movement and produces vibrations called seismic waves. These seismic waves then move outwards in all directions at a speed of nearly 14 kilometers per second, distorting the rocks they pass through, but the rock returns to its o riginal shape afterwards. The speed of seismic waves is dependent on the plasticity of the media they travel through such as rocks which portray elastic properties. In the event of external forces acting on the rock, they are forced to alter their shapes and since rocks just like other elastic materials, they have an elastic limit after which application of any additional force deforms the shape of the rock. Seismic Waves During earthquakes, the discharge of stress as energy leads to the creation of three different types of waves. The first one, primary waves or P-Waves is the fastest moving waves with the ability to pass through both liquid and solid rock, expanding and compressing the rocks as they move and are the first to be detected by seismographs (Qazi 78). The second type of waves created is the secondary waves or S-waves which unlike P-waves cannot pass through liquids. As these waves move, they are able to cut across the rocks they pass through at positions that are perpen dicular to the direction they are moving towards. Due to their large size in comparison to primary waves, S-waves are considered the most dangerous type of waves and they produce both vertical and horizontal motion as they travel. The seismic activity are terms used to describe the rate of occurrence, cause and magnitude of earthquakes an area experiences over a certain length of time, the instrument used to measure earthquakes is known as a seismometer while a device that not only measures but also records the magnitude is called a seismograph. Seismologists have come up with two scales of measurement to measure the quantitative magnitude of earthquakes one is the Richter scale, named after the American seismologist Charles Francis Richter. This scale is used to measure the movement of the land surface one hundred kilometers from the epicenter, the point on the Earth’s surface directly above the source of the earthquake, also known as the focus and can be as deep as seven hu ndred kilometers. However, quakes are not known to occur past this level since rocks are no not very firm at these higher pressures and temperatures. Smaller tremors are frequently experienced but these tremors usually cause little or no damage. The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale with a

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Marketing - Essay Example The emphasis of this discussion focuses on how leadership and organizational structure can help companies become more effective at international business affairs. In order for a company to succeed it must develop its human capital and have managerial team that is able to lead the organization to achieve greater things. If the leaders of a company do not prepare the organization for expansion the possibility of international business activity are non-existent. Going global does not occur overnight, there is preparation that must take place within the organization and in its corporate culture. Corporate culture can be defined as a system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members (Shermerhorn, Osborn, Hunt, 2003). The leaders of the company have to instill confidence and change the mindset of the employee so that fear of failure is not constraint that inhibits international expansion plans. There are different leadership styles that can help a manager become the type of leader that lead a company and its employees towards international business proliferation. The person in a corporation that has control over the strategic path of an organization is its chief executive officer (CEO). This individual is responsible for the financial performance of the company and has power to change the organization, while at the same time the CEO must motivate and inspire the staff of the firm. Among the leadership styles that could be used to lead a global organization are situational leadership, charismatic leadership, and transformational leadership. A situational leadership application is Fielder’s contingency theory. Fielder’s contingency theory stipulates that the leader’s style adapt and become appropriate to the situation based on three factors: leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ethnic Conflict Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Conflict Essay 2. Discuss the effect that modernization has had on ethnic identification and ethnic conflict. The effect modernization has had on ethnic identification and ethnic conflict is not a great one. Early modernization theorists, who were quite optimistic about the positive effects of literacy, urbanization, and modern values, clearly underestimated the extent to which these factors might mobilize various ethnic groups and set them against each other (Handelman, 2011, p. 113). Modernization challenged traditional religious, national, and tribal identities by undercutting traditional ethnic practices and values. A huge part of current modernization is globalization, which pose an even greater challenge. The long-term effect of the expanding â€Å"world culture† advanced by globalization are not entirely clear (Handelman, 2011, p. 114). Globalized culture can create a backlash and increase tensions between neighboring communities as not everyone can ethically identify with each other. 3. What are some reasons that might explain why major civil strife related to ethnicity has declined in the last 10-15 years? Some reasons that might explain why major civil strife related to ethnicity has declined in the last 10-15 years are statecraft, constitutional arrangements and external intervention. In addition, the transition to a democratic government has aided in the decline. Faced with common critical environmental, social and economic matters for the previous 10 to 15 years, different ethnic groups came to what socialist have called a culture of accommodation. Accommodation is the practice which contradictory groups make a mindful attempt to make working arrangements with in them which then suspend the conflict and make their relations more acceptable and reduce wasteful energy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Survey on Mobile Users Data Privacy Threats

A Survey on Mobile Users Data Privacy Threats ABC EFG1 , ABC EFG2* and ABC EFG3 4. Security Challenges for Mobile Devices Mobile device applications offer a level of convenience that the world has never think before it. Everywhere (home. Office, hotel, playground, road, parking, picture palace, travelling in different countries or each place of world) any mobile user can use applications to fulfil their daily needs like communicate, buy, search, payment, sell, entertainment, find general information of their use. This extreme level of comfort has brought with it an extreme number of security risks. Below describing some mobile device challenges, how the vulnerabilities and attackers reducing mobile applications freedom. 4.1 Insecure Data Storage It can result in data loss for a user, after losing mobile devices an application is improperly secured and all user at risk. Some common piece of data store at high risk like personal information (Name, Address, Date of Birth, Banking information, Family information, Family picture, Social networking address, email address) ,working information (company name, working position, related some application, company contact numbers and official documents if any available). 4.2Physical Security Physical security of any mobile devices is too difficult, but when mobile users are constantly using mobile devices, which is in always for 24x7x365 and user lose his mobile device then the task becomes seemingly impossible. Intentionally physical security is most concern for risk free mobile devices. If a person lost and misplaced or theft their mobile devices so it may be misuse users sensitive data, personnel information, email correspondence , any unsecured documents, address books, business data and files by the thief . 4.3 Mobile Browsing Mobile browsing is the best feature for any mobile devices for providing best use of internet application but mostly in mobile devices user cannot see the whole URL or web address, least verify whether the web address or URL safe or not and user reach (browse) their way into a phishing related attack. 4.4 Multiple User Logging Due to progressive growth of social media Single sign-on (SSO) in the mobile application ecosystem it is estimated 60% of mobile application insecure by using same login to multiple social networking application. Hackers who got login credentials for website or apps twitter , Facebook can possibly gain access to users profile page. Outmost use of social media single sign-on (SSO) is actually to facilitate social interaction at same time the developer also gain access to some of social information related to sign in user. 4.5Client Side Injection The execution of malicious programs on the mobile devices over the internet medium by application or web browsing client side injection occurs. Html injection ,SQL injection or other newer attack(abusing phone dialer, SMS ) comes in the client side injection. Hackers could load text based attack and exploit targeted examiner. In this way any source of data can be injected including resource targeted files or application 4.6 Application Isolation Mobile application is just about everything from transaction, business ,personnel and social networking. Before installing any application in your mobile devices clearly see the permission agreement, privacy and how to access your device with that application. It might be any application theft user sensitive data ,financial data, business data ,personnel data and other valuable file. 4.7 Mobile Device Coding Issues In an application development it always happen some honest mistakes, unintentionally creating security vulnerabilities with poor coding efforts. It also happen for bad implementation of encrypted channels for data transmission or improper password protection. In this way every development process can have some vulnerability in the coding of mobile application or other application. Every developer cannot ignore this but needs to maintain proper coding so mobile application reach high security aspect. 4.8  System Updates In a mobile device everybody wants latest version of application for using efficiently so venders always keen to provide latest update and patches designing to fix security issues for better use of application. But in this process other threats (hackers) mixed bad code with real application and provide to install application. It may affect mobile device but user doesnt know why its happening. It is big drawback and commercial attack to application and venders. 4.9 Serious Threats in New Features For mobile devices, newly added features and updates application are serious risk too. Every venders are making their own application related to their mobile operating system and giving new look, new features. Its comparison among that venders to defeat in the market so making related application and releasing some vulnerabilities for chasing market. So user should enquire first then use newly features so security remain consist in the mobile devices. 4.10 Sensitive Information Disclosure Its trend that mobile user use their mobile in brad area like login credentials, shared secret keys, sensitive business logic , access token, application code etc. it is also possible these information being disclosed to an attacker by different technology. It should be remain consist security in sensitive information disclosure in mobile devices. 4.11 Improper Session Handling For mobile devices, session handling is identified security concern for web application. Improper session handling indications to vulnerabilities that are pretty common in using internet applications over any platform like mobile devices or PCs. Session with long expiry time invite vulnerabilities in any case of using financial work. Poor session management can clues to unauthorized access through session hijacking in mobile devices. 4.12 Security Decisions from untrusted responses For mobile devices, Some operating system like Android and iOS platform, some applications like as Skype may not continuously appeal consent from outside parties, it gives privilege for attackers that may occur in malicious application avoiding security. For this way, applications are vulnerable to data leakages and client-side injection. Always need for supplementary authorization or provide supplementary ladders to launch sensitive applications when supplementary authorization is not promising. 4.13 Weak Authentication and Brute force attack Its often seen many applications today rely on password based authentication, single factor. The owners of application do not enforce for strong password and securing valuable credentials. In that case user expose themselves to host of threats, stolen credentials and automated Brute force attacks (Brute force attack means systematically checking all possible password or keys until find exact one). 5. Mobile Threats and Vulnerabilities This section provides a comprehensive overview of mobile threats and vulnerabilities, cyber criminals have focused their consideration to mobile devices nowadays [1]. Mobile devices are using many useful applications in the internet medium so it’s a prime target for the attackers or hackers to destroy security mechanism and spread threats vulnerabilities. The distance between hacker capabilities and an organizations protection is widening day by day. These tendency underline the need for additional mobile device security awareness, as well as more stringent, better integrated mobile security solutions and policies. 5.1 Mobile Threats Threats and attacks that proved magnificently on personnel computer are now being tested on unsuspecting mobile device user to see what works and with the number of mobile devices with protection increasing, there are adequately of easy targets. Attackers are definitely penetrating after the weakest point in chain and then improving in on the most successful scams. Mobile attacks are basically divided into four categories and listed below- Physical threats Application based threats Network based threats Web based threats Physical Threats Mobile devices are designed (portable) to proper use in the daily lives, and its physical security is an important deliberation [4]. Below describing some physical threats Bluetooth Lost or Stolen Mobile Devices Computing Resources Internet Access Application Based Threats Spyware Malware Vulnerable Application Privacy Threats Network Based Threats Denial of service Attack (DoS) Network Exploits Mobile Network Services Wi-Fi Sniffing Web Based Threats Drive by Downloads Browser Exploits Phishing Scams 5.2 Mobile Vulnerabilities Rootkit Worm Trojan Horse Botnet 6. Solutions and Precautions For Mobile Devices 7. Conclusions and Future Work Acknowledgements The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for its funding of this research through the Research Group Project no. ABCDEFGH. References A Survey on Security for Mobile Devices, La Polla, M. ; Martinelli, F. ; Sgandurra, D. Communications Surveys Tutorials, IEEE ,Volume: 15, Issue: 1,Publication Year: 2013 , Page(s): 446 471 M. Hypponen, â€Å"Malware Goes Mobile,† Scientific American, vol. 295,no. 5, pp. 46–53, 2006. Reviews on Cybercrime Affecting Portable Devices, Seyedmostafa Safavi, Zarina Shukur, Rozilawati Razali, The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics(ICEEI 2013) Mobile Devices Security: A Survey on Mobile Device Threats, Vulnerabilities and their Defensive Mechanism, Shujithra. M, Pasdmavati. G, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) Volume 56-No.14, October 2012

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Shirley Jacksons Symbolism in The Lottery :: Shirley Jackson Lottery Essays Papers

Shirley Jackson's Symbolism in The Lottery Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery', is a story that is filled with symbolism. The author uses symbolism to help her represent human nature as tainted, no matter how pure one thinks of himself or herself, or how pure their environment may seem to be. The story is very effective in raising many questions about the pointless nature of humanity regarding tradition and violence. 'The Lottery' clearly expresses Jackson's feelings concerning mankind?s evil nature hiding behind traditions and rituals. She shows how coldness and lack of compassion in people can exhibit in situations regarding tradition and values. Jackson presents the theme of this short story with a major use of symbolism. Symbolism shows throughout the setting of 'The Lottery,' the objects, the peoples actions, and even in the time and the names of the lucky contestants. The setting of the story helps to magnify its impact on the reader because it is set in a small town similar to the one many of us may know of, and that is symbolic of everything that we consider to be right in America. The story begins on a wonderful summer day in a small town. The author describes the day as very joyful but strikes a contrast between the surroundings of the town and the atmosphere of the people gathered in the square. The atmosphere is sober, where the adults ?stood together, away from the stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather then laughed."(268) This, in just the third paragraph, is a indication through symbolism of the townsfolk?s sober mood that something was amiss. The setting for the lottery also takes place in the same place as the square dances, the teen-age club, and the Halloween program.(268) This unifies our lives with those of the story sense we can relate to those types of events, and is symbolic in showing that even t hough this dastardly deed happens here that it is still the main place of celebration. Showing how easy it is for us, as human beings, to clean our conscientious by going back to a place that, on June 27, is a place of death and make it a place of delight. The black box is a good representation of the central idea to the story. The box is painted in black, which has always been a universal symbol for evil and death.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Post WW II and Japan Essays -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World War II took place beginning at 1939 and ending in 1945. Japan was the last opposing country to surrender to the US Allies on September 2nd, 1945. Ending the long, horrific seven-year war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon Japan’s admitted defeat, the U.S. invaded and took occupation of the country for seven years. Though assumed to be a distressing circumstance and expected total domination, it was a benefit to Japan, for the United States to take control of them, rather than being a disadvantage. The occupation helped the recovery and development of Japan’s economy and also clarified understanding between the two countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the United States took control of Japan during late summer of 1945, it proved to be a milestone for the entire world. Never before had one advanced nation attempted to reform the supposed faults of another advanced nation from within (Reischauer 221).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both countries were uneasy, complaining the regarded issue at first. For the Americans, the very notion of democratizing Japan represented a stunning revision of the propaganda they had imbibed during the war. When the media had routinely depicted all Japanese as children, savages, sadists, madmen, or robots. In the most pervasive metaphor of dehumanization, they were portrayed in word and picture as apes, or â€Å"monkey-men† (Dower 213). There was much hatred for the Japanese by the American people, because of the negative depiction of them by the media and the remembrance of the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese that drove the U.S. to declare war on Japan in the first place. Many Americans displayed extreme prejudice for the Japanese people calling them â€Å"jaundiced baboons† or the more unsophisticated racial term, â€Å"Jap.† The United States viewed Japan as a collapsing nation that needed strict guidance from them in order to ch ange into the correct form of government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the first time in history, Japan was a conquered nation. The slogan, which Japan used to cope during the occupation, was â€Å"enduring the unendurable.† For some Japanese people, the U.S. occupation seemed like more of the same totalitarian leadership as of the emperor, therefore was indifferent to the new order. The rest feared that the Americans would be vengeful, cruel conquerors. The wil... ...tates and Japan is certainly an impressive achievement. Due to the aid and influences contributed by the United States, Japan is now a peaceful, fully restored nation that has improved beyond expectations. The economy is one of the best in the world, and there is no longer any hostility between the two nations. America helped Japan restore its economy and society to build it into a better nation that it is today. Bibliography Perez, Louis G. The History of Japan. London: Greenwood Press, 1998. Reischauer, Edwin O. JAPAN, The Story of a Nation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970. Morton, W.Scott. JAPAN, Its History and Culture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Area Handbook Series. Japan, a country study. Washington D.C.: Library of Congress, 1992. Beasley, W.G. The Modern History of JAPAN. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1963. Koshiro, Yukiko. Trans-Pacific Racisms and the US Occupation of Japan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. Beasley, W.G. The Rise of Modern Japan. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995. Thomas, J.E. Modern Japan. London: Longman Singapore Publishers Pte., 1996. Dower, John W. Embracing Defeat, Japan in the Wake of World War II. New York: Norton, 1999.

Friday, October 11, 2019

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IntroductionIn step with Pakistan economic Survey 2014-15, the extent of change between Pakistan and China has accelerated to $16 billion. China's exports to Pakistan expanded by using ten percentage all through the five years from 2009- 10 to 2014-15.As a end result, China's share in Pakistan's total exports has progressively picked up from four percent in 2009-10 to 9 percentage at some stage in the financial yr 2014-15. The maximum recent milestone completed in this bilateral relationship is the signing of Memorandum of knowledge on the construction of China-Pakistan monetary corridor (CPEC). CPEC is a 3,218 kilometer long path, to be constructed over next numerous years, together with highways, railways and pipelines. The actual anticipated fee of the assignment is predicted to be US$seventy five billion, out of which US$45 billion plus will make certain that the corridor becomes operational by way of 2020. The last funding might be spent on electricity era and infrastructure development. The plenty advertised US$45 billion China-Pakistan financial corridor will skip through the lovely GilgitBaltistan province in the north in an effort to connect Kashgar in China's western province Xinjiang to relaxation of the world thru chinese-operated Gwadar port in the country's south. This mega undertaking is predicted to take the bilateral dating among Pakistan and China to new heights, it's a starting of a adventure which hopes to convert the economic system and help bridge Pakistan's strength shortfall.Present day scenario:According to the Board of funding (BOI), overseas Direct investment (FDI) inflows into Pakistan have multiplied by 74% all through the primary 4 months of the contemporary financial year. Those FDI inflow turned recorded should be $277. 7 million in the month of october Furthermore a significant and only this financing has fallen starting with china done type from claiming China-Pakistan monetary H (CPEC). Out of these parent the power sector were given lion's proportion of FDI, observed via production, financial offerings and communications area. ISLAMABAD: foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into Pakistan have registered a splendid growth of 74 consistent with cent throughout first 4 months of the contemporary economic 12 months, chiefly because of CPEC, in step with Pakistan Board of investment (BOI). A BOI announcement issued on Thursday found out that Pakistan acquired FDI of $939.7 million up to now in July-Oct 2017-18 that represents a seventy four. Four according to cent boom whilst compared to the inflows recorded in the course of the equal period of the preceding year. Within the month of October 2017, FDI inflows become recorded to be $277.7 million, more than double of the FDI of $one hundred fifteen. Three million in the equal month ultimate 12 months.In keeping with BOI, China becomes the leading investor united states with $631.7 million, up 224.6% from the identical duration in the monetary 2016-17. Chinese language companies invested huge component in their budget in power and infrastructure tasks below China-Pakistan monetary hall (CPEC).The net influx of FDI from Malaysia stood at $107 million in July-Oct FY18, towards $9.four million throughout the same period last year. French buyers accounted for $38.0 million in FDI during the period beneath evaluation. Power zone received the lion's proportion of overseas budget, observed by way of production, financial offerings and communications sector. The inflow of direct investment within the strength area became increased by using a hundred twenty five.4% to $422.4 million in the 4 months of FY18. Those change range fetched $177. 0 million Previously, FDI, contrasted with $31. 4 million a 12 months prior.Telecommunications bounced back as compared to closing yr after inflow of FDI accelerated to $sixty four.9 million opposite to an outflow of $38.three million for the duration of the same period in FY17. The finance region and oil ; gasoline exploration sectors acquired $76.three million and $fifty seven.9 million respectively, at some stage in the 4 months of this monetary year.Brighter FDI prospects are predicted in FY18 as economic system appears to be increasing and paintings on sure electricity generation and improvement tasks below CPEC remains on target. The change range fetched $177. 0 million for FDI, contrasted with $31. 4 million 12 months sooner. The board said it have been closely working with Chinese language experts from country wide development and Reform commission (NDRC) of China for relocation of Chinese language industry into Pakistan and industrialization of unique monetary zones (SEZs) alongside CPEC. 33 gathering of joint attempting institutional (JWG) ahead business participation got to be held for November 9 same time the 7th JCC is predicted to a chance to be held looking into November 21in Islamabad. Large Chinese language investments are anticipated in these special monetary zones, with the intention to be instrumental in attracting FDI from different international locations as nicely, the announcement concluded.BenefitsProfits the CPEC will open entryways will enormous budgetary chances not main to Pakistan Be that as will physically join china should its business sectors for Asia, Europe Also Past. Just about 80% of the China's oil is presently transported starting with strait for Malacca on Shanghai, (distance may be very nearly 16,000 km What's more takes 2-3 months), for Gwadar getting to be operational, those separation might decrease should short of what 5,000 km. Though every last bit dives great Furthermore on schedule, of the 21 assentions looking into energy– including gas, coal Furthermore sun oriented energy– 14 will have the capacity on provide dependent upon 10,400 megawatts (MW) for vitality by Walk 2018. As stated by china Daily, these undertakings might give dependent upon 16,400 MW about vitality inside and out. Similarly as and only foundation ventures worth pretty nearly $11 billion, Furthermore 1,100 kilometer long motorway will be constructed between the urban communities for Karachi Furthermore Lahore,2 same time those Karakoram roadway the middle of Rawalpindi and the Chinese fringe will make totally recreated What's more overhauled. The Karachi–Peshawar fundamental route line will additionally make upgraded on considers train goes during dependent upon 160 kilometers for every hour Toward December 2019. 3 Pakistan's track system will additionally make stretched out within the end unite with China's southern Xinjiang track done Kashgar. 4 An system from claiming pipelines should transport condensed characteristic gas Furthermore oil will additionally make laid Likewise and only those project, including An $2. 5 billion pipeline the middle of Gwadar and Nawabshah will transport gas starting with Iran. 5 oil starting with the center east Might make offloaded during Gwadar Furthermore transported will china through the corridor, cutting those present 12,000 km venture will 2,395 km. It will go about as An span to those new oceanic silk course that envisages linking 3 billion people over Asia, Africa Furthermore Europe, and only a trans-Eurasian one task. At fully operational, Gwadar will Push the investment improvement about pakistan Also ended up An passage for focal Asian countries, including Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, linking Sri Lanka, iran Also Xinjiang will embrace marine transport. 6 over $33 billion worth for vitality base will a chance to be constructed. Eventually Tom's perusing private consortia will assistance allay Pakistan's Ceaseless vitality shortages,7 which consistently sum with In 4,500MW,8 Furthermore have shed a evaluated 2-2. 5% off Pakistan's yearly GDP. 9With pretty nearly $33 billion needed with make put resources into vitality division projects, force era expects a paramount part in the CPEC one task. Through 10,400MW about vitality generating ability may be on make created between 2018 Furthermore 2020 Likewise and only the corridor's fast-tracked â€Å"Early Harvest† activities. 10 the area about Baltistan may be known for its new tree grown foods exports, in cherries, apricot Furthermore apples, CPEC will a chance to be an amusement changer Eventually Tom's perusing opening benefits of the business chances for the region's merchants. This will furnish nearby brokers with favorable element Also assistance them twofold their offers by enormous sparing done cosset for transportation. Presently, fruits would being exported through air-cargo by means of Dubai it might a chance to be speedier and less expensive. In those same Might be sent Toward way to china by means of Xinjiang. Tourism which right now makes up an pitifulness and only our income is accepted with a chance to be raised Eventually Tom's perusing opening from claiming this monetary hall. Those CPEC, a portion believe, will additionally support tourism in the 73,000 square km district. Those area is acknowledged will make An mountaineer's paradise, since it is home with five of the ‘eight-thousands' (peaks over 8,000 meters), and additionally more than 50 mountains again 7,000 meters. It is Additionally home of the world's second most noteworthy crest k2 and the nanga parbat. 11Conflicts between motives those one task encompassed Toward the greater part good faith yet can't a chance to be completely discerned without apprehensions. Legislature of Pakistan (GoP) cases with resuscitate Diamer-Bhasha dam for Indus stream in Gilgit –Baltistan, in the second stage from claiming CPEC, bringing about those processing from claiming 4500MW about power furthermore will serving Similarly as an enormous water supply for the country, which constantly verified Eventually Tom's perusing Asian advancement bank (ADB), Gilgit-Baltistan need the possibility to prepare almost 50,000MW from claiming vitality. Only Bunji Dam, a run-of-the-river task that those ADB need contributed in, need the ability to produce dependent upon 7,100MW power The point when finished. Those inquiry constantly brought up in the psyche of the commoners would At by fabricating hydro tasks Pakistan could securely import vitality. Also will have sufficient to utilize it for its advancement also the reason develop an exorbitant 750km transmission line?.ConclusionThose CPEC shows up with be a essential one task for both the nations. For china it gives a substitute secure course will import vitality Furthermore Figure new businesses for its products Also administrations. To Pakistan it aides counters Indian impact in the region, position itself Likewise a significant travel perspective interfacing Eurasian locale for soutane Asia Also south East Asia What's more gatherings give a a great deal required base to kick begin its monetary development.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Policy and Strategy in Global Competition Essay

Discussion Question 6.1: What are some drawbacks and risks to a broad generic business strategy? To a focused strategy? The two generic business strategies are differentiation and cost-leadership strategies, and they are fundamentally different from one another, both with their own drawbacks and risks (Rothaermel, 2013). These strategies are referred to as â€Å"generic† because they may be used by any type of organization (Rothaermel, 2013). The drawbacks and risks of a differentiation generic strategy is its viability â€Å"is severely undermined when the focus of competition shifts to price rather than value-creating features† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 155). This tends to occur when there is a level of acceptable quality which has emerged as a standard (Rothaermel, 2013). Organizations pursuing this strategy also need to ensure that they are not adding features which add cost but no â€Å"perceived value in the minds of consumers† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 155). The d rawbacks and risks of a cost-leadership strategy are that new entrants may erode the low-cost leader’s margins because of the â€Å"loss in market share while it attempts to learn new capabilities† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 154). Also, the converse of the differentiation strategy issue applies, in that organizations need to ensure that the â€Å"focus of competition shifts from price to non-price attributes† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 154). The organization needs to also be careful not to allow the value of the product or service to fall below the low-cost at which the product or service is offered (Rothaermel, 2013). A focused strategy applies the same concepts as the generic strategies above, but the focused strategy utilizes a more narrow competitive scope than the generic strategies (Rothaermel, 2013). The competitive scope refers to the market segment at which the product or service being offered is aimed (Rothaermel, 2013). An example would be the broad market of wristwatches to the more focused market of luxury watches  (Rothaermel, 2013). Discussion Question 6.4: Create examples of value chains for three firms: one using cost leadership, another using differentiation, and a third using an integration business-level strategy. A value chain is the process in which â€Å"a firm engages when transforming inputs into outputs† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 95). It is made up of primary activities, which add value directly, and support activities, which add value indirectly (Rothaermel, 2013). Primary activities include production phases, sales, marketing, and customer service (Rothaermel, 2013). Support activities include research and development, â€Å"information systems, operations management, human resources, finance, accounting, and general management† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 96). Cost leadership firm: As discussed above, a cost-leadership strategy involves maintaining the lowest price of a particular service or product (Rothaermel, 2013). A prime example of a cost-leadership firm would be Walmart (Rothaermel, 2013 ). Walmart’s value chain would begin with its supply chain, which is made up of suppliers with whom Walmart has negotiated the lowest price possible, at a volume sufficient enough to fill its shelves (Rothaermel, 2013). The next link in the value chain would be Walmart’s distribution and operations. Walmart has been able to reduce packaging and mileage, allowing for significant cost savings (Porter & Kramer, 2011). Walmart’s sheer size creates significant savings through economies of scale (Rothaermel, 2013). Lastly would be marketing, sales, and service, in Walmart’s value chain. Walmart focuses on â€Å"Saving people money so they can live better†, and continues to take innovative steps to do so (Walmart, 2015). The company has even created a mobile app called the â€Å"Savings Catcher† which allows customers to scan their Walmart receipt to capture savings that they would have missed otherwise (Walmart, 2015). This is a marketing effort which impacts sales and services in a major way. Differentiation: Apple is an ideal example of an organization utilizing a differentiation strategy (Rothaermel, 2013). Apple seems to be able to â€Å"create customer needs (even if customers are initially unaware of the need)† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 155). Apple’s value chain will differ from Walmart, and other cost-leadership strategy firms, in that it will have a greater focus on the development of their products and in its marketing and customer service. It will focus on product development in an effort to ensure their products continue to set the bar in their respective  categories (Rothaermel, 2013). Apple will also focus on marketing and customer service to ensure that new and current customers are aware of the products’ areas of superiority (Rothaermel, 2013). Integration Business-Level: Hewlett Packard (â€Å"HP†) is an example of an organization that is using the integration business-level strategy, which is a combination of the differentiation and cost-leadership strategies (Rothaermel, 2013). HP utilizes this strategy because Apple holds the differentiation position while Dell holds the cost-leader position in the mobile devices market (Rothaermel, 2013). For this reason, HP must seek to implement both the cost-saving strategies in supply chain management, like Walmart, and the differentiation strategies in product design, like Apple (Rothaermel, 2013). There are differences, however, in the value chain between HP and the two companies above. HP has sought to cut costs by trimming its workforce, thereby helping in its cost-leadership strategy (Rothaermel, 2013). In regard to its design efforts, HP has improved â€Å"the differential appeal of its product and service offerings† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 162). Chapter 7 Discussion Question 7.1: What strategy might the firm use to unseat Windows in this market? Although the small firm has developed a new product, it is a product which will be introduced into an industry which is most likely in the growth or maturity stage of the industry life cycle (Rothaermel, 2013). As such, the small firm’s best strategy would be to employ a cost-leadership strategy (Rothaermel, 2013). This is the best option because both the differentiation and cost-leadership strategy are viable options during the growth stage, but firms that adopt the cost-leadership strategy which dominate during the maturity stage (Rothaermel, 2013). The small firm’s new product is likely considered a process innovation, as it seeks to accomplish the same tasks in a more efficient manner (Rothaermel, 2013). Discussion Question 7.2: How does the industry life cycle affect business strategy? Detail your answer based on each stage: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. During the introduction stage of the industry life cycle, the companies which tend to be, and stay successful, are innovative and tend to be few  (Rothaermel, 2013). As such, the strategy used during this stage is likely the differentiation strategy, since firms are seeking to establish the uniqueness of their products’ features (Rothaermel, 2013). The growth stage tends to allow organizations to be a little freer to decide which strategy would work best for them (Rothaermel, 2013). It is during this stage that a dominant design, or standard, is established, which means that firms may choose to differentiate their product, or choose to attempt to offer the same type of product at a lesser cost (Rothaermel, 2013). The maturity stage begins to see less design changes and more process innovations within the industry (Rothaermel, 2013). For this reason, it is cost-leaders that tend to succeed during this stage (Rothaermel, 2013). The decline stage differs from those above, as it introduces four strategic options for firms to pursue: (1) exit, (2) harvest, (3) maintain, and (4) consolidate (Rothaermel, 2013). The exit strategy is precisely as it says: it involves the firm choosing to leave the market to pursue other endeavors (Rothaermel, 2013). The harvest strategy means that the firm will still sell the product or service, but will reduce the level of investment in its maintenance and development (Rothaermel, 2013). The maintain strategy is also exactly what it sounds like: the firm continues offering the product or service at the same level as it has been, despite the declining demand (Rothaermel, 2013). The consolidate strategy involves the purchasing of rivals in an effort to shrink the industry, which provides firms employing this strategy to reach near-monopolistic status (Rothaermel, 2013). Discussion Question 7.4: Why are standards important in many industries? As standards get adapted and become dominant, how does this process influence the competitive nature of the industry? Standards are important in many industries because the firm whose product becomes the standard â€Å"tends to capture a larger market share and can persist for a long time† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 175). Once the standard is adopted, the market tends to focus more on process innovation than on product innovation (Rothaermel, 2013). This means that firms are focusing their R&D efforts â€Å"on process innovation in order to improve efficiency† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 177). Since the standard tends to be set during the growth stage,  either the differentiation or cost-leadership strategy is used, for the reasons discussed above (Rothaermel, 2013). Chapter 8 Discussion Question 8.1: When Walmart decided to incorporate grocery stores into some locations and created â€Å"super-centers,† was this a business-level strategy of differentiation or a corporate-level strategy of diversification? Why? Explain your answer. Walmart’s incorporation of grocery stores into some locations represents a corporate-level strategy of diversification, as opposed to a business-level strategy of differentiation. While business-level strategy typically involves individual markets, corporate-level strategy encompasses decisions which impact multiple markets and industries simultaneously (Rothaermel, 2013). Diversification occurs when a firm seeks to increase â€Å"the variety of products or markets in which to compete† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 216). By incorporating grocery stores into some of its locations, Walmart made a corporate-level strategy decision to diversify the products offered in its stores, and the markets within which it chose to operate (Rothaermel, 2013). Chapter 9 Discussion Question 9.1: List some specific advantages of this acquisition for Live Nation. Do you see any downside to the merger?  Some advantages to the acquisition of Ticketmaster by Live Nation include: a reduction in competitive intensity, lower costs, increased differentiation, and access to new markets and distribution channels (Rothaermel, 2013). While these are some possible advantages for Live Nation, mergers and acquisitions do not result in a competitive advantage the majority of the time (Rothaermel, 2013). Shareholder value is usually destroyed after a merger and acquisition, and it is only the shareholders of the acquired company that tend to benefit (Rothaermel, 2013). Chapter 10 Discussion Question 10.1: How might your relationship change as the MNE moves from Globalization 2.0 to Globalization 3.0 operations?  Globalization is the process of increasing â€Å"integration and exchange between different countries and peoples worldwide† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 271). Globalization 2.0 refers to growing business globally from 1945 to 2000 (Rothaermel, 2013). It involved large foreign direct investment, with the  state-side corporate headquarters directing strategic goals and resource allocation (Rothaermel, 2013). Globalization 3.0 covers the time period from 2000 to the present (Rothaermel, 2013). Tremendous strides in technology allow for less need of foreign direct investment, and this stage has allowed the MNE to reorganize as a â€Å"global enterprise with centers of expertise† (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 273). As a small firm supplying a product or service to an MNE, the degree of change which would arise in our relationship, as the firm moved from Globalization 2.0 to Globalization 3.0 operations, would depend heavily on the location and type of services or product provided. The MNE would likely become more dependent on technology for telecommuting and would seek to operate twenty-four hours a day, year round (Rothaermel, 2013). As such, if our service or product was related to the technologies being implemented by the MNE, then the firm would become a larger player in the MNE’s operations. However, if the MNE was able to tap into its own knowledge-base to provide the services or product our small firm provides, then we would no longer be needed by the global giant. References Rothaermel, F. T. (2013). Strategic Management. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Walmart. Our story. Retrieved on January 25, 2015, from