Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How Cartoon Violence Effect The Youth As An Audience
Eric Marinello COMM 2500 12-4-15 Three-Part Research Project Part I: Research Question: How does cartoon violence effect the youth as an audience? Work Cited Coyne, Sarah M., and Emily Whitehead. Indirect Aggression In Animated Disney Films. Journal Of Communication 58.2 (2008): 382-395. Film Television Literature Index. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Kirsh, Steven J., and Paul V. Olczak. Violent Comic Books And Perceptions Of Ambiguous Provocation Situations. Media Psychology 2.1 (2000): 47-62. Film Television Literature Index. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Krcmar, Marina, and Anna Hight. The Development Of Aggressive Mental Models In Young Children. Media Psychology 10.2 (2007): 250-269. Film Television Literature Index. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Peters, Kristen M., and Fran C. Blumberg. Cartoon Violence: Is It As Detrimental To Preschoolers As We Think?. Early Childhood Education Journal 29.3 (2002): 143. Film Television Literature Index. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Weaver, Andrew J., et al. Liking Violence And Action: An Examination Of Gender Differences In Children s Processing Of Animated Content. Media Psychology 14.1 (2011): 49-70. Film Television Literature Index. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Part II: Research Question: How does cartoon violence effect the youth as an audience? Work Cited Coyne, Sarah M., and Emily Whitehead. Indirect Aggression In Animated Disney Films. Journal Of Communication 58.2 (2008): 382-395. Film Television Literature Index. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. ChildrenShow MoreRelatedEng 1011630 Words  | 7 PagesViolence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children. Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children. Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well-being of young children. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Bless Me, Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya - 1361 Words
Dreams have a very strange way of showing us a perception of reality that we ourselves cannot see. They are based on what goes on in our mind and can sometimes show us the truth that we are hiding from ourselves. They can expand our thoughts to a multitude of different subjects and force us to be a slave to our dreams, such as facing parental pressure, religious ambivalence and the loss of one s innocence. This is true of Antonio Marez in the novel Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. Antonio has lost control and begins to succumb to his dreams and loses control of himself. He battles his expectations given to him by his parents and also at the same time has another battle within himself. He is confused in where his faith lies and begins†¦show more content†¦Antonio has now seen that there is power in the river, and however most people would be scared of a threatening force and power, Antonio understands its true power. He already feels his connection to a power other than th e religion that he currently practices. He discovers another power that he could believe in. Bless Me, Ultima has many recurring motifs that surface during key points in the book, such as Antonio losing his innocence. After his brothers returned he had a dream of them entering a local brothel and in his dream, he pleads for them to not enter this evil place. His brothers ridiculed him for not entering and only his brother Andrew said he will not enter until Antonio has lost his innocence. His mother was also in this dream and she said You are innocent when you do not know, but you already know too much about the flesh and blood of the Marez men. (Anaya 76) His priest tells him you are only innocent when you do not know, innocence is lost with the arrival of understanding. Antonio has seen 3 deaths, you can begin to say that he is no longer pure of innocence as it has become tainted by those deaths he has witnessed firsthand. Parental pressure and religious ambivalence play a big role in Antonios life. In this dream we can easily see both of these themes. The divided world of his mother and father, and Catholicism and the religion of the GoldenShow MoreRelated`` Bless Me, Ultima `` By Rudolfo Anaya983 Words  | 4 PagesRudolfo Anaya, author of â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†, uses countless examples of folk-lore all throughout his novel. In doing so, he gives his readers great insight to the Mexican-American culture of the 1940’s during World War II, and how different the culture is than how most people are raised. The folk-lore Anaya used most effectively throughout â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†is; the whole idea of growing up and becoming a man, beliefs of witchcraft, children losing their innocence and the characters religious beliefsRead MoreBless Me Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya1463 Words  | 6 PagesB. Reyes 1 Bless Me Ultima Rudolfo Anaya L.A.P. Topic #4 Bairon Reyes Luna Mr. Amoroso Pd. 3 A.P. Literature 09/25/17 B. Reyes 2 In our hesitant humanly efforts to accept the ultimate fate, we find a painful truth, an agonizing indisputable fact that our lives must end, the way good days ends with peaceful sleep. Wistfully, we fail to discern the ironic beauty that is hidden, as we scramble to understand the superficial. This logical desire to understand its existence, and its necessity in our realityRead MoreBless Me Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya1730 Words  | 7 PagesBless Me Ultima Rudolfo Anaya Shaleah Mayo Topic 4 AP Literature Mr. Amoroso Period 1 What do you want to be when you grow up? A question that is always asked to a young child or young adult. You never truly know until you grow up and experience life for yourself. You live your life in search of what you like or don’t like; what you believe in or don’t believe in. Growing up and finding your way is something all children experience, but what if your way of life is already planned out forRead MoreBless Me Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya1380 Words  | 6 Pages Bless Me Ultima Topic #2 Abid Ahmad Abid Ahmad #1 An essential part of someone s life is a place where they are left alone with their own thoughts, not being judged by anyone or anything outside of them. In many cases, this sense of safety can only be found within themselves, because their world is being torn apart by outside influences that have little regard for their own perspective. Similarly, this is ever-present with Antonio and his family in the book Bless Me Ultima byRead MoreBless Me, Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya1002 Words  | 5 PagesIn the novel Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, Antonio matures a great deal for his age due to the violent actions he is surrounded by.    In the beginning of the novel the main character Antonio Marez, who was just six years old at the time, lives in a small town located in New Mexico. He lives with his parents, Maria and Gabriel, and two sisters, Deborah and Theresa. Tony also has three older brothers, but they are off fighting at War. During this time an older women by the name o f La GrandeRead More`` Bless Me Ultima `` By Rudolfo Anaya1109 Words  | 5 Pagesare, were and are destined to be. You re mind creates illusions that either further enhance your knowledge on what your purpose in life is or could make you fear it. Dreams are essentially part of the foundation of a persons life. Rudolfo Anaya in the novel Bless me ultima uses the concept of dreams to demonstrate the growth and the loss of innocence Antonio faces from beginning to end. The dreams Antonio has throughout the novel symbolize parts of himself he has to let go of in order to understandRead MoreBless Me Ultima, By Rudolfo Anaya1646 Words  | 7 Pages Bless Me Ultima Bless Me Ultima Author: Rudolfo Anaya LAP Topic 5 Written by : Jason Gutierrez Personal ideologies provide an aspiration for a fools paradise. That endeavor contrived a blindness that makes their perfect world, someone else’s ordeal. Individuals might convoke others for guidance to an explicit ambit to discover their own dogma. However, humanity has a type of ignorance in a sense that compels them to force their own beliefs onto others. Distinct mentalities collideRead MoreBless Me, Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya Essay1338 Words  | 6 PagesMiguel de Unamuno once said, â€Å"Faith which does not doubt is dead faith.†This quote embodies a key element that is explored in the novel Bless Me, Ultima written by Rudolfo Anaya. While reading the Chicano novel Bless Me, Ultima, the reader may begin to question Tony’s reliance on this faith. Tony spends most of the novel questioning God’s reasoning. He also takes a very keen interest in the complexities of the world that surrounds him. While this novel does revolve around the theme of soul-sea rchingRead MoreBless Me Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya1477 Words  | 6 Pagesbrought us into this world? Parents have a tendency to be extremely involved in every step of our lives as they have the right to do so but is it in their jurisdiction to control who we are and who we want to become? In the novel Bless Me Ultima by the author Rudolfo Anaya the debate of how much jurisdiction a parent has over their children is brought up within the reader. In the novel which is told from the perspective of the character Antonio, Antonio’s parents known as Maria and Gabriel have setRead MoreBless Me, Ultima, By Rudolfo Anaya1743 Words  | 7 PagesJohana Y. Polanco Mr. Amoroso English 12AP Pd: 3 LAP Bless Me, Ultima The Classic by Rudolfo Anaya Polanco Page:1 Will he become his own man? In the classic novel Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya the Mà ¡rez family invites Ultima nicknamed â€Å"La Grande†or â€Å"The Grand One,†into their lives for the second time as the sharing of their two worlds begin the stimulating of their youngest son Antonio’s mentality, he discovers life’s secrets and merges into his manhood. For the first time he begins his conflicting
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Behavior in Organisations by Jerald Greenberg
Question: Organizational Case StudyAn effective way for students to learn about organizational behavior is by analyzing the management activities of a real organization. This project is designed to create such an opportunity. Each student will write an individual case study describing an organizational situation from the perspective of a research analyst. The case may be derived from personal experiences in the workplace, or observations of other organizations with which you interact. The case should be written in APA format and consist of: a) Background information about the organization, its personnel and leadership b) Full description of the organizational behavior or situation c) An explanation for why and from whos perspective it is viewed as problematic d) An analysis of the factors that may be contributing to the situation. Answer: Organizational Case Study Background Information about the Organization, Personnel and Leadership Jawed Habib is one of the leading hair and beauty salon chains in India. The company is said to have 550 outlets all across 24 states of the country. The company is internationally located in London and Singapore. The company is implemented the latest technologies regarding the science of hair follicles and thereby have a huge market growth in India, followed by its international markets. The company is accustomed to a unique mission, to organise the hair industry in India and bring it at par with global standards by imparting training and regularly upgrading skills to benefit people connected to Hair. With this mission and goal, the company currently is accustomed to 1000+ active employees, along with 6000+ indirect employees (working in the franchise outlets of Jawed Habib, such as HairXpresso, etc.). With these assets, the company is targeted in establishing a well-networked market in European states and the United States of America. The company is entitled to Jawed Habib, who is considered as the most renowned hair designer in India. Habib along with his three generation was continuously involved in the business of hair science and thus, was successful in delivering the most innovative and secret formulations for the company. Apart from gaining knowledge regarding the context, Jawed Habib was found to be highly influenced in conducting practical training sessions for the employees and thereby curved the best outcomes from them. Jawed Habib as a leader is stated to be quite impressive and motivating. The primary focus of the company remains the satisfactory level of the customers. As opined by Jawed Habib, We not only create great hairstyles but create great smiles for our clients. We leave no stone unturned to delight the customer and not only satisfy! We take customer criticism positively and as an opportunity to improve our skills. It can be analyzed that Jawed Habib follows a Paternalistic Leadership Style, where he provides valid concern to his employees and thereby seeks for loyalty and trust from his people (Greenberg 2010). Description of the Organizational Behavior or Situation The organizational issue, which is mainly subjected in the research paper, is the employment of Mr Roger Fernandez, who began his career as a hairdresser after finishing his course at cosmetology school. Roger has completed his degree of Master of Business Administration and worked as a Store Manager in Calvin Klein. However, his ultimate goal was to have his salon. However, due to financial issue and experience standpoint, he was unable to initiate his dream plan. Although he was accustomed to customer handling and other relevant works, there was very limited experience of Executive Decision Making entitled to his career. Thus, Mr Roger targeted in joining the organization of Jawed Habib in order to gather relevant information regarding executive decision making in hairdressing industry, which is very symmetrical to his dream plan. Perspective View of the Issue The main issue, which is analyzed from this entire scenario, was the factor of employee loyalty. It was observed that Mr Roger Fernandez was ultimately targeted in investigating the system and protocol followed in the organization and rather paid less attention to his daily goal. He neither was interested in the terms and condition of the company nor was subjected to any ethical considerations. As per the managerial reports, it was deduced that Mr Roger Fernandez performed an underrated performance within the organization, which was not at all expected for a professionally trained personnel. Criticism was high for him from the entire managerial department. The parameters of poor body language, improper approach to the seniors and poor handling of the team members were the most serious accusations against the entity. Analysis of the Factors Contributing to the Situation One of the most significant factors, which contributed to the poor performance of Mr Roger, was the working environment. It was analyzed that the managerial pressure of Jawed Habib is much higher than his previous company- Calvin Klein. Mr Roger claimed that the organization was subjected to low skill and competence level along with the involvement of bored/tired staff members. Monitoring such officers was considered a critical task for Mr. Roger. Moreover, the organization is subjected to numerous disturbances and interruptions from the management within an illogical infrastructure. Apart from all these, it is the dream factor of Mr Roger, which hinders his actual functioning for the organization. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that the General Manager of Jawed Habib faces serious consequences of poor organisational behavior due to the improper infrastructure of the organization. Although the leadership style followed in the organization is Paternalistic, it becomes intolerable for the management to receive disloyalty from the employees. Thus, the management needs to take effective strategies to minimise the effect of these consequences to a significant level. Reference Greenberg, J. (2010). Behavior in Organisations.Behavior in Organisations, (10th Edition).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Managing Financial Performance †Beyond Budgeting Movement
Introduction Beyond budgeting movement is founded by the Beyond Budgeting Round Table organization in respond to shortcomings encountered with the use of traditional budgets. The traditional budgets are the annual budgets that organizations use to allocate resources and plan and implement in a fiscal year.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Managing Financial Performance – Beyond Budgeting Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An investigation was conducted by ‘Beyond Budgeting Round Table organization’ to establish the effectiveness of the traditional budget. Their findings formed a base to justify their ideas on beyond budgeting. The Beyond Budgeting Round Table organization is a movement that advocates for exchange of ideas concerning business management by giving out experiences as well as utilize research findings. The aim of the movement is to â€Å"help organizations introd uce ways to achieve more adaptive control and continuous planning†(Beyond budgeting Round Table, 2005, pp 1). Beyond budgeting movement incorporates the community using ideas that will enable organizations survive in a competitive surroundings. This paper will critically discuss how the traditional budget is inappropriate for modern business while the beyond budgeting movement is effective for modern business. Discussion of Beyond Budgeting Movement There are two group of doctrines that the beyond budgeting movement believe in. The First doctrines focus on the process of management while the second doctrines focus on the leadership of the organization. The process entails incremental growth in the objectives of the organizations where individual employers receive rewards on projects completed. The capital for a project is given upon request and the employees coordinate their activities towards a common goal. The leadership on the other hand is transparent and it encourages a tradition of achievements. The leadership let the employee make own targets and take responsibility of the outcome. The communication is open and shared within the organization. The procedure put more emphasis on how to satisfy the consumer needs by investigating their mannerisms and their beliefsAdvertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The movement argues that the inflexibility of the official procedure within organization is detrimental to the growth of an institution. The processes that cause delays due to long processes of business can be changed to allow for flexibility. In return the organization will experience enlargement. Additionally the organization upon embracing the beyond budgeting movement becomes accustomed to the transforming environment and in response increase the profits for the company. Operating cost incurred as a result of the hierarchical structure of the traditional organization structure is reduced as the procedure is decentralized (Beyond budgeting Round Table, 2005, pp 1). However, the beyond budgeting movement are effective in a dynamic environment. In an environment where the environment is predictable the traditional budget can be effective as long as the customer’s needs are met (Perks and Leiwy, 2010 p17). In accordance with Daum (2007, Para 2) the traditional annual budgeting is ineffective in the modern world. The process is void of incentives to workers and consumes a lot of time without fulfilling its targets. The organization is easily carried away by politics within the organization where the workers are preoccupied with personal success rather than the success of the organizational goals. The budget itself has limitations because it does not adjust to the surrounding environment; what is planed has to be followed. The company’s expansion or growth cannot be limited by the budget. Beyond budgeting movements encourage strategy with aspirations that guide the organization. It is noted by Daum (2007, Para 4) that the budgetary mechanisms raises a suspicious way of interaction among workers. Constrains within the organization emerge when there are changes within the market environment. For instance if the organization is required to introduce a marketing strategy when the products are not selling, the organization deals with the problem incongruously. Therefore, the business organizations can manage to maintain their expected income as well as stay at the top in competition if the organization embraces beyond budgeting.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Managing Financial Performance – Beyond Budgeting Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Beyond budgeting movement entails making the distribution of resources flexible whenever market trends change. This will enable business to maximize on profits as resources are allocated according to the needs of the consumer, thus what the consumer wants is produced (Daum, 2007, Para 4). Beyond budgeting Round Table organization (2005, pp 1) argue that the beyond budgeting model does not exclude planning, instead it is a solution to the failure of the traditional budgets that has driven companies to do quarterly and short-range budgets. Therefore, the beyond budgeting model is a strategy that an organization can adopt to avoid making losses. As a result, the organizations are not affected by the irregular market drift that leave the organization with a deficit. The traditional annual budgets that were fixed where meeting the target was of high value is replaced by overall goals set by the executive and articulated by the workers who make their own targets in line with the overall goals. Most often as Beyond Budgeting Round Table Organization (2005, p 4) note the executive had pressure to meet targets that were the measurement and rewards in the traditional budget, at times the engaged in manipulative behavior. With the beyond budgeting movement, the executive have no predetermined targets hence the manipulative behavior is turned into rewards given upon assessment of the organizations advancement. Dyson (2009, p. 8) indicate that the traditional budget give a false hypothesis that future is taken care of in the budget whereas shortly after the financial the organization encounters budgetary difficulties. The beyond budgeting movement recognizes that budgetary evaluation is done after short period of time to monitor steps forward. The workers are involved in the development and implementation of the organizational goals while taking the shortest period of time.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For that reason unpleasant long process that involved long term planning from the head offices in traditional budgeting is withdrawn (Beyond Budgeting Round Table Organization 2005, p 4). Proctor (2009, p 24) mentioned that the accountant control of the budgeting process is does not resign from doing management, the focus is shifted to managing strategies as they are implemented with the beyond budgeting model. Beyond Budgeting Round Table Organization (2005, p 4) in their research point out that resources are disbursed within a short period of time since the long process that required authorization from the central authorities in the organization are not needed. The members of staff are held responsible of their actions. Therefore, the decisions they make on allocation of resources must be based on established results from an inquiries. Consequently, the organization observes less wastage. The challenge of letting employee who make own targets can result into excessive pressure fro m the top management. The targets might be too high and demanding on the employees. Consequently, they may feel pressured leading to stress and at times departure from the organization. The targets set must therefore be realistic and attainable. Activities are coordinated towards meeting the customer demands within each unit. Accordingly, different departments harmonize their actions to give a fulfilling outcome to the market. In addition the focus on the budget is founded on the future rather than the past. Rarely do the beyond budgeting trace past budget to prepare a budget for the future. To measure progress, indicators of success and the evaluation according to standards are used Beyond Budgeting Round Table Organization (2005, p 6). The employees become motivated as they participate in decision making hence their loyalty remain with the organizational goals rather their superiors. The outcome is quality performance as responsibility is bestowed on the employees in areas within their mandate. Furthermore efficiency and effectiveness are realized on an improvement scale. Dependency on the central management is abandoned as the employees can make decisions stimulating innovativeness although a greater risk is imposed on the organization. This is due to the fact that a wrong decision might cost the organization severe losses. Furthermore, the team is answerable and reward able for the successes in the institute. This means that there is devolution of the authority within the organization (Beyond Budgeting Round Table Organization, 2005, p 9). Working in teams cause employees to have attachment to the organization and introduce healthy competition that create positive results in production and contentment of consumer demands. There are no intentional transactions or trading that the company must carry out. Besides healthy competition, the employee’s communication is improved when compared to the time when the traditional budget was in use. There is info rmation flow with the introduction of the beyond budgeting movement. The connection between the management and the employees has taken a new shape where the workers make few consultations with the top managers. The employees usually make decision without constantly consulting the managers. The employees make use of the information to make informed decisions alongside with clarity in operations. What’s more is that morals are held up as the tradition of secretively hiding reality and presentation of inaccurate information is no longer in practice Beyond Budgeting Round Table Organization (2005, p 9). The challenge comes in when the information is used to create games within the organization. These games may lead to disputes within the organization where resources allocation is based on unfair competition and create end up recalling the abandoned games practiced in the traditional budget. At times, some groups may end up without projects since employees must work to give an out put. Those left without the projects may end up being retrenched or lose their jobs. Conclusion For an organization to be successful, it can adopt the beyond budgeting model to realize growth in the changing environment. The market is unpredictable and has increasing competitors in the business. In order to stay at the top the budget can be made flexible and evaluated on shorter basis. The hierarchy and lack of information flow that characterize the budgetary process can be substitute to devolution where the employees can make decisions using the information available. This motivates employees to make own targets that are innovative. The leaders have to be realistic in setting attainable targets while ensuring that resources are allocated on merit to avoid games. The beyond budgeting movement help organization to avoid making losses and use their full potential to gain profits. Reference List Beyond Budgeting Round Table Organization. 2005. Finance Transformation Visionary Honore d for his Dedication to the Beyond Budgeting Movement. Web. Daum, J. H., 2007. Beyond Budgeting: A model for flexible enterprise control- Beyond fixed annual budget and ineffective traditional management concepts. Web. Dyson, J R., 2009. Accounting for Non-Accounting Students, 8th edition, FT; Prentice Hall. Perks, R, and Leiwy, D., 2010. Accounting for Managers Interpreting Accounting Information Decision Making, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw Hill. Proctor, R., 2009. Managerial Accounting for Business Decisions, 3rd edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. This critical writing on Managing Financial Performance – Beyond Budgeting Movement was written and submitted by user Mina Lester to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Ethics And The Law Example
Ethics And The Law Example Ethics And The Law – Coursework Example Ethics and the law It is important for drug manufacturers to include graphic warnings in their advertisements because some drugs have got special problems, especially the ones that may cause serious injury or even death. Such drugs with boxed warnings usually have a brief summary which basically is a technical name for the comprehensive information which appears in advertisements for most of prescription drugs. It is also a requirement by the law that advertisements for most prescription drugs be printed or made known to the customers so as to alert them of any risks associated with the taking of such drug. The brief summary ought to include guidelines on individuals who are not supposed to take the drug, times when the drug should not be taken, any serious, potential drug side effects ,if known, as well as measures that can be taken to minimise the possibility of having them and finally constantly occurring, though not essentially severe side effects. The other reasons include drugs that interact negatively with other drugs should be indicated together with low health literacy amongst patients; which basically involves struggling with understanding as well as acting on health information(Shinyabola,etal,2014).Graphic warnings are a crucial way of passing medication information to consumers, as long as patients can easily comprehend them. In addition to using graphic warnings while doing drug adverts, health care givers should offer guidance to underserved people on medication warnings; particularly persons with low health literacy and currently not on prescription medication .Generally, these endeavors benefit consumers a great deal.Works Olayinka, Meyer Brittney,Locke Michelle,Wettergreen Sara. "Perceptions of prescription warning labels within an underserved population." Pharmacy Practice (2014): np.
Friday, November 22, 2019
I Hate My Job How to Work Hard When You Dont Care Anymore
I Hate My Job How to Work Hard When You Dont Care Anymore The Internet is plagued with clichà ©d articles telling you the corporate world is basically like Disneyland, where everything is golden and all you have to do is use a little elbow grease and you’ll be okay. Well, I’m here to spill the beans on this facade. It’s simply not true. Sometimes your job sucks and no amount of top 7, top 8, or top 10 lists on how to get ahead will change that.The problem is that you still need to make money. You hate your job and you’re disenfranchised with the corporate world, but you still need to get paid in order to support yourself.So what do you do? If there is anything I’ve learned from my time on reddit, it’s that redditors are brutally honest- regardless of what that honesty entails. So I’m going to be brutally honest with all of you. I’m not gonna sit here and give you advice like â€Å"cheer up†or â€Å"shift your mindset†because we all know that’s common sense, and you could and would do it yourself if it were possible.Instead, I’ll speak from my own personal experiences. Hopefully, it will help some of you look at your job in a new light.1. Don’t work longer than you’re supposed toIf you’re expected to work 9-5, work 9-5. Don’t waste extra time in that hellhole. My reasoning for this is simple: it will affect your overall happiness and productivity. Think about it, you’re miserable for 8 hours a day, every day. That’s 40 hours of misery a week. Imagine if you stayed an hour late every day. That would bump the number up to 45 hours of misery a week. Don’t do that to yourself. You’ll probably get more work done working 40 hours than 45, anyway.2. Find a side projectPart of the reason you’re miserable is because you’re not really being fulfilled creatively. If you picked up a side project to work on, you would at least be able to find something to look fo rward to during the day. You could start a blog. Take up cooking. Start a YouTube channel. There are tons of options out there. And who knows, one day that side project might become your main source of income.3. Learn while you workAt this point, we’re assuming your job is dull and unfulfilling. So why not learn something while you work? Listen to a podcast about science (my personal favorite is StarTalkRadio), nature, or anything you find interesting. You can even teach yourself a new language while you enter data into that spreadsheet. As long as your hands do the work, your brain can focus on learning Spanish, French, etc.4. Take a napWhat better way to rejuvenate your energy and productivity than by taking a nap? Can’t take a nap in your office because your boss is a fire breathing dragon? You can download breather from the app store, an app that lets you rent quiet spaces for 30+ minute intervals. Each comes furnished with a table, sofa, and most importan tly: silence. While this app should be used sparingly because it can cost anywhere from $20-$40 an hour, taking a nap once a week can work miracles for your overall mindset.So basically what I’m getting at is that even if your job sucks, there are things you can do to rejuvenate your enthusiasm and productivity. All of these things, when used together, can provide you with the ability to work hard at your job even if you no longer care. Because at the end of the day, you don’t need to care about your job in order to bring home that bacon. You just need to rig the game in your favor.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Proposing to work flextime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proposing to work flextime - Case Study Example It will aid the bosses on getting to the right decision whether to approve the said proposal or not. For this reason, the employee should mash up all his or her efforts in order to present a well documented template. If he or she really wants to get the approval of the boss, then he or she should clearly define the things that he or she would be able to do given the chance to telecommute. In any other circumstances, in order for one to arrive at an excellent decision and the right choice, he must first look on different sides. He should weigh the consequences whether that would bring him a great deal or it would just cause him trouble. And in business, managers always choose the one that would of course, bring him triumph. So if an employee wanted to get his proposal approved, then he should provide the things that he thinks would be beneficial for the growth of the company. A manager would resist a proposal that would seem to jeopardize the company’s operations. A manager would not approve a proposal if he thinks it would mean less productivity on the employee’s part. Telecommuting might not be applicable for everybody. An employee must show why he deserves to get the approval for his proposal and it must be on the positive side. Else, the manager may think he is just wasting time on trying to convince him that such employee needs to telecommute. As stated earlier, telecommuting might not be applicable for everybody. It might be because the proposal does not seem right. But most of the time, it is only because of the employee’s doings. For everything we do, there is what we call ethics or the norms on how things should be. Even in work, ethics is present. And according to Ferrell and Fraedrich (2008), work ethics should be properly exhibited. This would most likely be the criteria as to how well you can do work. It is the basis to which all are dependent to – promotion, salary increase, incentives and so on. Some of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Persuasive Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
The Persuasive Research Paper - Essay Example It is for this reason that they are as prosperous today as they ever were. The opposite happens in countries like the Philippines. It is apparent that most Filipinos do not effectively recognize the full worth of their indigenous traditions, institutions and capabilities. They revere other countries but neglect their own. It is ironic how the Philippines is classified as a Third World nation noted for corruption, poor governance, poverty, and a low total industrial capacity considering it has nearly everything any nation needs for great development: a strategic location, abundant natural resources and a rich supply of human capital. The only thing separating it from becoming a world power is the shortfall of self-confidence in its people. Because nationalism triggers a country’s movement toward a more prosperous future, the Filipino people’s lack thereof continues to be the root of the slow development of the Philippines. The Filipinos are the product of their colonial history. Almost four hundred years of colonization significantly disturbed the people’s mental framework, giving birth to a deep-seated colonial mentality that hindered them from showing enough concern for the national interest, which consequently slowed down the country’s rate of development. In its place, it encouraged Filipinos to believe that other nations were better than them. This, in time, ingrained itself into what is now seemingly a natural trait. At the outset, the Philippines did not come together before the Spanish settlement. It was not even a country before the Spaniards arrived and colonized the islands. In fact, the Philippines was a mere archipelago of small autonomous divisions known as barangays. As said by Guarià ±a in his historical essay, it was the Spanish settlement that unified the Philippines into a country. At the same time however, it formed Filipino societies that took little pride in their own nation and instead only deified their colonizers. As a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
General Giap Essay Example for Free
General Giap Essay General Vo Nguyen Giap is perhaps the most important figure in the early history of communist Vietnam with the exception of Ho Chi Minh. General Giaps skills and expertise of were an essential element of the French defeat in 1954. However General Giap cannot be held solely responsible, the political skills of Ho Chi Minh (the leader of the Viet Minh independence movement) cannot be underestimated. There were many reasons for the French defeat in Vietnam, abundant mistakes were made and the Viet Minh were lead by two of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. Giap rchestrated the defeat of the French and was particularly important in the battle of Dien Bien Phu. Ho Chi Minh was an experienced revolutionary and passionate nationalist infatuated by a single goal: independence for his country. He was a central fgure in the movement to free Asia from the restraints of colonialism. Ho Chi Minh was ultimately working towards the liberation of Vietnam from French colonial rule and unity of views between the army and the people. Ho Chi Minh was a founding member of the Indochinese Communist Party (ICP). The goals of the ICP included the overthrow of the French; establishment of an independent Vietnam uled by a peoples government; help people in production, anti-literacy, sanitation and disease prevention. General Giap was the Commander and Defence Minister of North Vietnam from 1944-1980 and was an integral component in the unravelling of French control in Vietnam. Previously, on the outbreak of World War II, Giap fled to China to Join Vietnamese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, which led to the formation of the Vietnamese Independence League, abbreviated to Viet Minh. In 1945, armed propaganda teams under Giaps command became the Peoples Liberation Army. Subsequently in 1945, Giap served as interior minister in Ho Chi Minhs revolutionary government created to defeat the French. Giaps strength lay as a military commander and his scrupulous attention to organisation, which were vital elements in the French downfall. The Vietnamese opposition to the French began almost as soon as the French began to rule. The Vietnamese traditionally have resisted foreigners. Their defeat of China previously gave them a reputation of being one of the most feared nations in South East Asia, meaning that it took the French an extended amount of time to gain overall control. Prior to the 20th century, resistance to the French was constant and violent. The resistance was traditional and localised, involving isolated attacks which were easily contained by the French. Furthermore, World War One gave impetus and momentum to the growth of nationalism, the strong wish for growth, freedom and independence of ones country and patriotism for Vietnam. Many Vietnamese men were forced to serve in France during WW1 and those who returned brought with them the revolutionary concept of nationalism and as a result the nature of the resistance changed to a more national approach rather than regionally focussed. Additionally, in 1905, Japan became the first Asian power in modern times to efeat a European power during a large naval battle. The Vietnamese determination and motivation were boosted, demonstrating that they could potentially defeat the French, one ot the most intluential European powers at the time. Following the reoccupation of Indochina by the French at the end of World War Two, the Viet Minh rebelled against the French and this became known as the first Indochinese war. French lack of knowledge of Vietnamese geography made it difficult for them to defend themselves. The army trained the people in guerrilla tactics that were highly successful as they were unlike any approach in the Western world. The unpredictable nature of the guerrilla tactics also minimised the losses of the Viet Minhs army, making it stronger. The French army began to wear down, decreasing the mens morale and eventually leading to an easier fght for the Viet Minh. Initially the French underestimated Vietnamese ability; unbeknown to the French they were numerically disadvantaged with 13000 Frenchmen fghting a 35000 strong Viet Minh Peoples Army. Prior to the war it was acknowledged that Ho Chi Minhs original name, Nguyen Tat Thanh, was widely known as many people had heard that he had been a ajor supporter of peasants and workers rights, who in turn supported him. This meant that if he needed a place to hide, the local peasants happily helped, making the Viet Minh virtually untraceable. The widespread support of Ho Chi Minh also meant that people trusted the movement towards independence and nationalism; giving the Viet Minh the political edge over the French. Back in France, the French public were beginning to realise that the conflict in Vietnam was not worth the effort; therefore support for the conflict was lessening. In addition, the Vietnamese determination and strength could not be matched by the French; the Viet Minh had ne thing that the French did not, a goal. The Viet Minh and Giap had learnt invaluable lessons from previous conflicts and mistakes, whereas the French had not. Dien Bien Phu was the longest confrontation and most furious battle of the French Expeditionary Corps. It was the final undoing of the French. In 1953, as both sides prepared for peace talks in the Indochina War, French military commanders selected Dien Bien Phu as the location for a fght with the Viet Minh. Viet Minh guerrillas and troops from the Peoples Army of Vietnam surrounded Dien Bien Phu during the build up of the garrisons. The Viet Minh concealed artillery and supplies in camouflaged caves on the mountain face. The Viet Minhs initial assault on the French almost immediately proved the vulnerability and flawed defence of the French. The French supplies and weapons were flown in by plane; however, this usually led to the shelling of the aircraft. The Viet Minh used local peasants to bring in supplies and weaponry, through dense forests, an entry the French had written off as impassable. As source A suggests The Army established a good relationship with the people and relied on the people to fight and defeat the enemy. Giap used the element of surprise by skilfully employing supporting operations which deceived the French. Giap easily identified the Frenchs critical vulnerability and used their mistakes to his own advantage. The work of a great strategist. One crucial decision that Giap made was when he moved his own headquarters to the Dien Bien Phu battle site. This allowed him to personally oversee the conflict, and clear up confusion or misunderstandings straight away. General Giap was able to carefully dictate time and place engagements throughout his meticulously planned operation. The heavy
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Miranda Grey and Frederick Clegg from The Collector by John Fowles Essa
Miranda Grey and Frederick Clegg from The Collector by John Fowles Miranda Grey and Frederick Clegg are the main characters that are interpreted in the text The Collector, by John Fowles. Both characters correspond to different classes in society. John Fowles uses the concept of the implied reader, in which he 'speaks to' a specific reader in mind in an attempt to have the story interpreted in a particular way. Fowles expects us to read Miranda as an intelligent, mentally independent being part of the upper class, but at the same time, an arrogant "liberal humanist snob" (Radhakrishna Rao, The use and lack of several literary techniques, point of view, allusion, and Heraclitian philosophies encourages this intended response I hold towards Miranda. Fowles' various writing techniques promoted the interpretation that Clegg is part of the lower class and as a result is a victim of the mind, unable to expand his thoughts or feelings. It is because of this that he finds it hard to see between what is morally correct, and what is not accepted. I found it difficult to respond to his character due to the fact that the protagonist in most novels is one easy to identify with, unlike the motives of Frederick Clegg. Fowles' uses several literary techniques to enhance the proposed analysis of Clegg. The first insights to Clegg's mental restrictions are revealed as early as the first page. However, "Instead of accepting everything that Clegg says at face value we must question it" (The Collector: Wizard Study Notes pg. 11), and that is exactly how Fowles intends it. Clegg portrays his information as an informal account of events, perhaps similar to a description of hi... ...n emotionally, which encouraged part of my response to be out of compassion. Fowles intends for us to question both characters and has succeeded in doing so. BIBLIOGRAPHY ============ Class handouts, The Collector: Wizard Study Notes, 1992, Wizard Book, Victoria. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon, Brian. 1992, Literary Terms: A Practical Glossary 2nd Edition, Chalkface Press, Perth. -------------------------------------------------------------------- "John Fowles': The Collector" 1999, Pegasos, [online] Available: "The Collector", Fresh Lime Soda Books [online]. Available: Radhakrishna Rao "The Collector by John Fowles", 2003, Green Man Review, [online] Available:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Whirlpool: Maintaining a Sustainable Competition in the Industry
The U.S. appliance market was completely saturated in 1986. Increased pressure from other companies like GE who implemented a $1 billion restructuring project on its appliance division, and Electrolux, a company that just inherited WCI and hence became a huge presence within the U.S., gave the Whirlpool top management concern on how to stay competitive. Whirlpool knew that the three main markets for home appliance were in the U.S., Europe and Japan. The U.S. market, as previously stated was saturated. Most U.S. appliance purchases were replacement purchases, which did not allow for much add-ons. This made the U.S. a battleground for intense marketing and increased pressures to cut costs dramatically. The unsaturated European market had more potential in 1986. Europe had a large market share in 1986 that analysts suspected would last well into 1993. Europe also had more potential for innovation and add-ons as opposed to simply replacement appliances like those of the United States. One concern over Europe, however, was that it was extremely fragmented and hence not easy to achieve economies of scale. Japan, the last player was also a site for potential growth. It was a smaller market than Europe, however, and there was already a strong presence of Japanese appliance manufacturers there. Whirlpool considered pursuing a joint venture with Phillips, an internationally established company. Phillips has an established appliance department, but Phillips wanted to concentrate its efforts on other projects like welding, energy cable and furniture. Phillips was willing to spin-off its appliance division and to give Whirlpool a certain percentage of the new company. Based on the fact that Whirlpool wants to remain a competitive player in the appliance industry, it should pursue international expansion and clench the first mover advantage over GE while increasing pressure on Electrolux. Whirlpool should go along with the Phillips joint venture due to Phillip†s strong international presence and its strong appliance division. Whirlpool should consider concentrating on expansion in Europe. The countries may be fragmented, but there is evidence that there is increased future collaboration amongst the countries and their purchasing decisions. Furthermore, Whirlpool can cut costs by vertically integrating its components and changing only the exterior of the appliances if need be.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Activities of Investment Banking Essay
The Investment bank is the financial institution which assists the governments, corporations and the individuals in raising the capital by acting or underwriting as the agent of the client in issuance of securities. The investment bank can also help the companies which are involved in acquisitions and mergers, and offer ancillary services like the trading of the derivatives, market making, foreign exchanges, instruments of the fixed income, equity securities and commodities. Unlike the retail banks and commercial banks, the investment banks don’t take the deposits. There are commonly two main channels in the process of investment banking. Trading the cash for securities like market making, facilitating transactions or for cash or for the promotion of the securities like research, underwriting is known as the sell side, while correlate with the mutual funds, hedge funds, pension funds and investment public comprises the buy side. Various companies have sell and buy side components. What are the main activities of the investment banking? The investment banking is generally split into back office, middle office and front office activities. While the big service investment banks provide all the channels of the business both buy side and sell side. The little sell side investment companies like as the small broker dealers and the boutique investment banks focus on the trading/sales/research and investment banking respectively. The Investment banks also provide services to both the investors buying securities and the corporations issuing securities. For the corporations, the investment banking provide information on how and when to place the securities on the open market, this activity is very much important to the reputation of any investment bank. Thus, the investment bankers play a key role in issuing the new offerings of the securities. Other activities of the investment banking: Apart from the main activities, there are some additional activities, in which the process of investment banking is involved. These are: †¢ Global transaction banking: This part is the division of investment banking which offers custody services, cash management, security brokerage and lending services to various institutions. Hedge funds with Prime brokerage is especially a risky as well as profitable business. †¢ Merchant banking: This process is also known as the â€Å"very personal banking†. The merchant banks provide capitals in exchange for the share ownerships and also provide information on strategy and management. The term merchant banking is also used to define the private equity part of any company. †¢ Investment management: This service offers professional management of several securities like bonds, shares and of other assets like real estate to meet with certain goals of investment for the profit of the investors. These investors can be institutions like pension funds, insurance companies, corporations and many more or the private investors. †¢ The investment management division of an investment bank is generally divided into separate groups, often known as Private Wealth Management and Private Client Services. †¢ Merchant banking is also a name used to describe the private equity side of a firm.Merchant Banking: Past and Present Current examples include Defoe Fournier & Cie. and JPMorgan’s One Equity Partners and the original J.P. Morgan & Co. Rothschilds, Barings, Warburgs and Morgans were all merchant banks. (Originally, â€Å"merchant bank†was the British English term for an investment bank.) Reference:
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home If you’re an experienced pet owner, you know that where theres one flea, there are undoubtedly more. Effective flea control requires treatment of both the pet and the home, including the use of products that address the entire flea life cycle. That will require treating your pet and cleaning your home thoroughly, perhaps more than once. The Life of a Flea There are many flea species, but the most common one in the United States is Ctenocephalides felix, commonly known as the cat flea. These parasites thrive off the blood of mammals like cats, dogs, even humans. They love warm, moist places, and they breed like crazy, which is what can make infestations so serious. Fleas go through four stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs hatch within 12 days of being laid. The larval stage lasts from four to 18 days. During this time, they feed on things like dead skin cells and dander, but they dont bite like adults do. Flea larvae next enter a pupal stage and lie dormant for anywhere from three to five day. Its the adult fleas that are the true pests. Theyre hungry and bite their hosts in order to feed off the blood they draw. Theyre also mobile, capable of leaping from host to host. And theyre prolific. An adult female can begin laying eggs within 48 hours of her first meal, on average 50 eggs a day. And fleas can live for two or three months, breeding until the end. Treating Pets To stop fleas, you need to break their life cycle, which means eliminating the eggs, the larvae, and the adults. Since your pet is the most likely host, start there. Begin by consulting your veterinarian, who can recommend a course of treatment based on your pets health and living situation. Many vets suggest topical products, often called spot-on treatments, or oral treatments. Popular treatments include Frontline Plus, Advantage, Program, and Capstar. These products are usually applied or administered monthly or every few months, and most require a prescription. Its worth pointing out that a small number of pets have an allergic reaction to these treatments, which can be fatal if not treated immediately. The Humane Society of the United States offers safety tips for using flea treatments on its website. Your vet may also suggest bathing your pet with an anti-flea shampoo to kill fleas living on your pets body, followed by a thorough combing with a flea comb to catch any remaining pests. But fleas can be persistent. If your pet goes outdoors, it can pick up new fleas. Likewise, your pet will become reinfested if you dont also treat your home. Cleaning Your Home Remember, the flea eggs drop off your pet. Flea larvae dont feed on blood; they can find everything they need to live in your carpet. After you treat your pet with an approved flea-control product, you need to get rid of the fleas in your carpet and on your furniture. Otherwise, the flea eggs will keep hatching, and you will be fighting a perpetual infestation of hungry fleas. If you act as soon as you notice Fido scratching, you may only need a vacuum and a washing machine for this step. Mild flea infestations can often be managed with some persistent housework. Concentrate your efforts on the areas of your home where your pet spends the most time. Wash pet bedding, toys, blankets, linens, and throw rugs in hot water. Anything your pet has been on or near that can fit in the washing machine should be laundered. Use the hottest water possible.Vacuum carpets thoroughly. If possible, use a vacuum with a beater bar, as these do a better job of moving the carpet pile and getting to the flea eggs and larvae deep within the rug. Make sure you pick up any clutter; dont just vacuum it. Also, move the furniture and vacuum underneath. Some people recommend putting a flea collar inside the vacuum bag to kill the fleas once youve collected them.Vacuum upholstered furniture. Even if you dont think your pets climb on your furniture, they are. There are probably flea eggs hidden in your couch cushions. Vacuum all the cushions, cracks, crevices, and seams carefully. Remove the cushions and vacuum underneath them, too.Throw away the vacuum bag when done. If you dont, the fleas can escape. If you have a bagless vacuum, be sure to empty it immedia tely after sweeping and get the trash out of your house to prevent reinfestation. For bad infestations, you may also need to do a little more cleaning and use an environmental flea treatment: Vacuum baseboards, trim and other places where fleas may still be hiding. If you didnt catch the flea infestation early enough, or in a year when flea populations are higher than usual, you may need to be more thorough with your housekeeping chores. In addition to vacuuming carpets and upholstered furniture, use a crevice tool to remove fleas from under baseboard molding and kitchen cabinets. Look at the places where your pets eat, sleep, and play, and try to find the places where fleas may still be hiding.Apply a pesticide labeled for flea control to infested carpets and furniture. The key is to use the right product, one that contains an insect growth regulator. For flea control, look for spray products that contain methoprene or pyriproxyfen. These products disrupt the flea life cycle, ending the fleas ability to reproduce in your home. Flea Control Options Both chemical and natural products are available. Raid, Vibrac, and Frontline are three popular brands of chemical flea treatments for the home. Foggers can sometimes be effective, but they require very careful handling and use. Youll need to vacate your home for two or three hours while the fogger is on, plus youll need to clean all cooking and food-prep surfaces and utensils afterward. The Environmental Protection Agency has more tips for safe use of foggers on its website. If you want to avoid using harsh chemicals, there are some natural flea-control solutions as well, but they are often less effective. Vets Best and Nature Plus are two natural brands that earn good consumer reviews. You can also try adding a drop or two of essential oil (such as eucalyptus or lavender) to a spray bottle filled with water, then spraying the mixture on pet bedding, furniture, and rugs. Some experts also recommend spreading diatomaceous earth on rugs, bedding, and furniture, but it can be difficult to vacuum up. Regardless of the product you choose, follow all directions on the label. Do not apply these products to your pet or your skin. Keep pets and children off of treated carpets and furniture for three days, which will allow the treatment time to work, then thoroughly vacuum. Treat Again as Needed If you still find fleas after following the steps above, you may need to do another round of cleaning and vacuuming 14 to 28 days later. If you live in a warm climate where fleas can thrive outdoors year-round, you may also need to have your yard treated. Dont forget to reapply monthly topical flea treatments to your pets and check regularly for fleas. Use a flea comb on your pets. You can purchase a fine-toothed flea comb at your local pet supply store or at your veterinarians office. Comb your cat or dog regularly, and examine the comb for fleas, flea eggs, or flea dirt which may be a sign of flea bites.Use a lint roller on your clothing. After your cat or dog has been on your lap, do a quick check of your clothing with a lint roller. Use the kind that comes with sticky tape, and roll it over your pants and shirt. Check the sticky tape for evidence of fleas. For all but the most severe flea infestations, these steps should get fleas under control. In some cases, such as when a multi-unit apartment building becomes heavily infested with fleas, the services of a professional pest control specialist may be required to eliminate the pests. Sources Crosby, Janet Tobiassen. The Life Cycle of the Flea. 4 April 2017. Flowers, Amy. Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home, Step by Step. 18 February 2018.Humane Society of the United States staff. Flea and Tick Product Ingredients.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
High School Courses for Careers in Architecture
High School Courses for Careers in Architecture Architecture is usually not part of a high school curriculum, yet the skills and discipline needed to begin a career as an architect are acquired early on. Many paths can lead to an architectural career - some roads are traditional and others are not. If you are a high school student considering a career in architecture, consider taking the following steps to prepare for your future profession. Key Takeaways Make sure your high school curriculum includes humanities, mathematics, science, and art courses.Carry a sketchbook and use it to record notes and sketches of your surroundings. Even a family vacation to Disneyland is an opportunity to observe new building styles.Consider attending an architecture camp to develop your skills. Plan to Pursue Higher Education College is the traditional route to an architecture career. While still in high school, you should plan a strong college preparatory program. Youll make important connections (fellow students and professors) in what is called higher education, and the university program will help you become a registered architect. An architect is a licensed professional, like a medical doctor or public school teacher. Although architecture was not always a licensed profession, most of todays architects have been to college. A degree in architecture prepares you for any number of careers, if you decide the architecture profession is not for you - the study of architecture is interdisciplinary. High School Courses to Prepare for College Humanities courses will sharpen your communication skills and your ability to put ideas into words and concepts into historic context. Presentation of a project is an important business aspect of the profession and vital when working in a team of professionals. Math and science courses help develop problem-solving techniques and logic. Studying physics will get you familiar with important concepts related to force, such as compression and tension. Tensile architecture, for example, stands up because of tension instead of compression. The PBS website for Building Big has a good introduction and demonstration of forces. But physics is old school - necessary, but very Greek and Roman. These days you want to know about the changes in Earths climate and how buildings must be built to stand up to extreme weather above the Earths surface and seismic activity below. Architects must keep up with building materials, too - how does the new cement or aluminum affect the environment during its entire life cycle? The research in the growing field of Materials Science affects a broad range of industries. Research in what architect Neri Oxman calls Material Ecology explores how building products can be more biological in nature. Art courses - drawing, painting, sculpture, and photography - will be helpful in developing your ability to visualize and conceptualize, which are both important skills to an architect. Learning about perspective and symmetry is invaluable. Drafting is less important than being able to communicate ideas through visual means. Art history will be a lifelong learning experience, as movements in architecture often parallel visual art trends. Many people suggest that there are two avenues to an architecture career - through art or through engineering. If you can have a grasp of both disciplines, youll be ahead of the game. Electives to Take in High School In addition to required courses, the optional classes you choose will be extremely helpful in preparing for a career in architecture. Computer hardware is less important than knowing about how software works and what you can do with it. Consider the simple value of keyboarding, as well, because time is money in the business world. Speaking of business, think about an introductory course in accounting, economics, and marketing - especially important when working in your own small business. Less obvious choices are activities that promote cooperation and consensus. Architecture is a collaborative process, so learn how to work with many different kinds of people - groups that have common objectives to attain the same goal or make one product. Theater, band, orchestra, chorus, and team sports are all useful pursuits...and fun! Develop Good Habits High school is a good time to develop positive skills that you will use your entire life. Learn how to manage your time and get your projects done well and promptly. Project management is a huge responsibility in the architects office. Learn how to get it done. Learn how to think. Keep a Journal of Travel and Observations Everyone lives somewhere. Where do people live? How do they live? How are their spaces put together compared with where you live? Examine your neighborhood and document what you see. Keep a journal that combines sketches and descriptions - pictures and words are an architects lifeblood. Give your journal a name, like LAtelier, which is French for the workshop. Mon Atelier would be my workshop. Along with art projects you may do in school, your sketchbook could become part of your portfolio. Also, take advantage of family travel and be a keen observer of your surroundings - even a water park has organizational design and color, and Disney theme parks have loads of different architecture. Brenner Motorway Viaduct at Gossensaas, Southern Tyrol, in the Alps, Italy. Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images (cropped) Observe how problems are solved. Examine how architects, designers, and urban planners have solved the problems of people living and working on the planet and in space (for example, the International Space Station). What choices do governments make about the built environment? Dont simply be critical, but come up with better solutions. Do towns and cities seem planned or have they gotten bigger by simply adding on, in all directions including skyward? Are designs chosen because they fit into their surroundings or because they dignify the architects vision of engineering or beauty? The Brenner motorway bridge is the most important thruway over the central Alps, connecting the Austrian region of Tyrol with Italys Southern Tyrol - but does the roadway destroy the natural design of its environment and the place where people have chosen to live quietly? Can you make an argument for other solutions? In your studies youll also discover the politics of architecture, especially when it comes to the power of eminent domain. What Others Say Since 1912, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) has been a leading organization in architectural education. They have written that aspiring architects should learn as much as possible about the field of architecture, by talking to architects and by visiting architectural offices. When you have a research project for a humanities course, keep in mind the profession of architecture. For example, a research paper for an English Composition class or an interview project for European History are good opportunities to get in touch with architects in your community and find out what influences their thinking. Research historic architects of the past to gain a broader perspective of how the profession has changed - construction materials, engineering, and a sense of what is beautiful (aesthetics). Architecture Camps Many schools of architecture, both in the U.S. and abroad, provide summer opportunities for high school students to experience architecture. Talk with your high school guidance counselor about these and other possibilities: Career Discovery, University of Notre Dame School of Architecture, IndianaTeen ArchStudio Summer Institute, UCLA, Los Angeles, CaliforniaSummer Academy, Boston Architectural College, MassachusettsSummer Design Academy, The University of North Carolina at CharlotteArchitecture Summer at Penn, University of Pennsylvania, PhiladelphiaYouth Adventure Program, Texas AM University, College Station, TexasSummer College for High School Students, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New YorkSummer Pre-College Program at Tulane School of Architecture, New Orleans, LouisianaSummer College at Cornell University, Ithaca, New YorkCU Summer Scholars, Clemson University, Clemson, South CarolinaOngoing Programs at Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin, Spring Green, WisconsinProject Pipeline Architecture Camps, The National Organization of Minority Architects What if You Dont Want to Go to College? Only registered architects can put RA after their names and really be called architects. But you dont have to be an architect to design small buildings. Maybe being a professional home designer or building designer is what you really want to do. Although all of the courses, subjects, and skills listed here are equally valuable to the professional home designer, the certification process is not as rigorous as licensure to become an architect. Another avenue to a career in architecture is to seek a career with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The USACE is part of the U.S. Army but also hires civilian employees. When talking with an Army Recruiter, ask about the Army Corps of Engineers, in existence since the American Revolution. George Washington appointed the first engineer officers of the Army on June 16, 1775. Connections A book such as The Language of Architecture: 26 Principles Every Architect Should Know by Andrea Simitch and Val Warke (Rockport, 2014) will give you the scope of what an architect needs to know - skills and knowledge that are not always obvious in the profession. Many career advisors mention hard skills like math and soft skills such as communication and presentation, but what about tropes? Tropes build connections between many aspects of our world, write Simitch and Warke. Books such as these help you make connections between what you learn in the classroom and the real world profession of designing and building things. For example, you learn about irony in English class. In architecture, ironies are most effective in challenging beliefs that may be entrenched, or in overturning formal complexes that have been overcome by facile interpretations, write the authors. What you need to know to become an architect is as diverse as architecture itself. Other useful books for students interested in a career in architecture are the how-to types of books - Wiley publishers have a number of career-oriented books, such as Becoming an Architect by Lee Waldrep (Wiley, 2014). Other handy books are ones written by real, live, practicing architects, such as Beginners Guide: How to Become an Architect by Ryan Hansanuwat (CreateSpace, 2014). Make a smooth transition from high school to college life by understanding the different types of architecture programs available. The course of study in colleges can vary from place to place, just like house styles can vary from neighborhood to neighborhood. You dont need to be a mathematician to be an architect. Source Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), High School Preparation,;
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Bank of England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Bank of England - Essay Example This paper highlights that it the time of the financial crisis, banks tend to raise the interest rate to discourage investors from borrowing money that is due to depositors. Yield curves are used to predict the changes in economic output and its overall growth. The line plots the interest rates at a given point in time of bonds having similar credit quality but differing in their maturity period. As the paper outlines the shape arising from the yield curve is significant to the investors as it helps give an idea of what the future interest rates change and the change of the economic environment of the country. Yield curves are of three types; Under this type of curve bonds with a shorter-term maturity period will normally yield higher than bonds with longer-term maturity period, which will tend to have lesser returns, this can be a sign of the upcoming recession. When the yield curve is flat, it means that shorter- and longer-term yields are relatively close to each other in terms of their yield; this can be a prediction of an economic transition. The gradient of a yield curve is a significant factor to investors; the bigger the gradient of the yield curve, the bigger the difference between short- and long-term rates of return to investment.The UK government is prudent to note the liability of the economy. The liability nominal yield curves are retrieved from UK gilt prices a nd General Collateral (GC) rates and the UK index-linked bond prices. Gilt-edged securities are Foreseeable and guaranteed for a future pay by the Government to the holder of the gilt. The payment is made in a fixed cash payment (coupon) semi-annually until the maturity date. At maturity, the holder receives the final coupon payment and the principal. Index-linked gilt is intended to:
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reincarnation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reincarnation - Essay Example Reincarnation appears to have caught the thoughts of many and the notion receives frequent mentions in popular books, feature films and popular music.( Stevenson, 37) Discussion Written by Doctor Jim B. Tucker the book ‘Life before life’ is a scientific analysis of kids’ memories of former lives. The book brings forth an overview of over forty years of reincarnation investigation which was done at the â€Å"University of Virginia division of personality studies†. in addition the book also deliberates over birth defects and birthmarks that look like those of a departed person who is recognized in a child. Doctor Jim is an apprentice of the late Doctor Ian Stevenson who back in the 1960’s started printing case studies of kids who remembered alleged previous life memoirs. From then on Dr. Tucker, Dr. Stevenson and their associates have put together an incomparable number of study cases in which young kids usually between age 2 and 8 spontaneously analyz ed experiences and memoirs of a post presence. The kids often delivered an extensive amount of evidence which included places and specific names from an alleged past life, birthmarks and facts of certain events from that life to back up the idea that a part of their awareness have somehow remained intact and have been passed on from a previous life to another. The cases became more captivating when a certain personality of a supposed past incarnation is successfully discovered normally by the child, family or neighbors. Dr. Tucker brings forth his findings clearly and systematically all the way through the book, for example in a specific chapter he would begin by summarizing a specific sequence of kid s’ cases with a similar character, e.g. occurrence of a birthmark on the kid that resemble to injuries of the kids’ previous character or even existence of printed records describing a kids reports that are dated earlier than the kids’ supposed previous character i s recognized after thoroughly outlining the cases, he goes further to discuss the possible substitute explanations to reincarnation for those cases (ordinary explanations which include faulty memory, fraud, coincidence or paranormal explanation e.g. possession) and then he further goes to conclude if reincarnation offers the most convincing explanation for each individual case. He takes the reader on a universal voyage into regions of the globe with hugely differing views on reincarnation, into homes infiltrated by widely-differing socio-economic conditions and into the lives of kids with very diverse stories. Nevertheless, his assumption that reincarnation as he describes is the most conceivable explanation for most of precise cases and definitely in the frame of cases as a whole, remains unwavering all through the book. Of tuckers In most of Doctor Tuckers cases, the amount of material supposedly recalled by the kid in question is quite amazing. in one certain case, Doctor Tucker tells of a kid from whom even before he was three years old began telling her life as a vendor of incense in a community approximately a hundred and forty five miles away. For 4 years she stated specific details about the life she had led as this gentleman including the exact type of incense he had sold (a type unavailable to and somewhat unknown in the township where that girl lived), the exact location where he lived, the identity of his mother, names of his wife and the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Behavior problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Behavior problems - Essay Example These graduate students were all part of the same master’s degree program and worked with parents of special needs children on a daily basis. The setting of the experiment was in a conference room in the university campus that was ideal for conducting the training workshops. The materials consisted of guide for paper training as well as several examples in form of pictures and videos. These questionnaires were filled by the subjects before as well as after the workshop so that data could be collected for further evaluation. Furthermore the measures for the study comprised of analyzing verbal, non verbal and written verbal behaviors. What were the results of the research? The results of the research indicate that all the participants of the study displayed the use of more support strategies above pre training levels when it came to role playing as well as written assessments. This was a result of mainly a concise3 hour training regarding communication skills.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
How Was the Universe Created?
How Was the Universe Created? The three things above are really good reason why we believe in this theory. All the point above proves the possibility of the big bang theory and they all come together in order to prove it. Arguments against the big bang theory Many people still dont believe in the Big Bang theory because they think it is not right. This could be because of some of the problems with the theory itself. Many people ask many different questions and find many flaws in the big bang theory. Most people accept that the universe never had a beginning as that is the only possible solution and the most realistic reason we know. People also believe that the universe never had a beginning so it will never end and will keep expanding forever infinitely. The biggest problem with the theory is that there isnt such strong proof for what started the big bang. As we all know, to start something or something to start there has to be something to trigger that start and as far as we know the big bang didnt have a start. People dont find the theory convincing because they believe that such an event could have happened without something triggering it. Regarding this some people also believe that the start could have been triggered by God. And God created the whole universe and it is God who started big bang. This is possible but not certain and therefore we require evidence and proof. No one is certain that God exist and many questions can be asked in the existence of God. This question cannot be answered; it is same as asking how was the universe created. To know the real truth we would have to revisit time. Fred Hoyle constructed a model to show that the universe was infinitely old and has remained steady. This is known as the Steady State theory. This theory was much more acceptable among the religious groups as was less vague. However it was also accepted by the science side because it did include the expansion of the universe. {13} this theory seems to work on both scientific and the religious sides. Fred Hoyle believed that, if the universe is expanding there has to be something being made up in the spaces between galaxies. In practical I think this is very clear and a simple explanation as it is same as the big bang theory but has a different alteration for the expansion. He concluded that only one hydrogen atom is enough in a year to keep the expansion running. Experiment This theory can be easily tested by using a balloon. If we put red dots on a balloon and then blow it, we will notice that the red dots are expanding. If we focus ourselves from one red dot we will notice that the further dots are moving faster because the spaces between the dots are increasing. This increase of the gap between the dots is parallel to the filling of universe and the cause of the expansion. Other Evidence against the Big Bang theory was that some of the galaxies near our own galaxies were much younger and some galaxies have been discovered to be older than the universe. {13} -clearly this observation is arguing against the big bang theory and proves its argument by giving us real data. This source is very strong and has actually changed my mind because it clearly tells us that the Big Bang theory might just be a wrong way to describe the origins of our universe. This shows that how easy it is to change peoples mind on the big bang theory if the argument uses good scientific examples and proves thoroughly. The evidence above shows us a flaw in the big bang theory. Secondly, the next evidence against the theory is the steady state theory. The steady state theory states that the universe did not have a start but always been present. This again is an assumption; it also says the universe never had a start so therefore it wouldnt have an end. The steady state theory is not telling us that the universe is static. It does take Hubbles idea of expansion into account. I think this theory is as strong as the big bang because it does consider the other facts. It is easier for scientist to believe in this because it does not have a mysterious start; like the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“big bangà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ theory does. The creationism theory- is it scientific? Everyone has different beliefs and everyone thinks differently. Some people have believed in the creation story and the idea of God. They say that Almighty God created the whole universe including the life on earth. I suppose you cannot argue with them until you provide some very strong supportive evidence. The theory states that God created the heavens and the earth. However life was not present and the earth was empty and formless. Although this is not scientific and does not have sufficient evidence, we cannot disregard it because there are people who believe in this just like people who believe in the Big Bang theory. {9} The disagreement is mostly through the religious groups as they believe God created the universe. The Bible Genesis has given me arguments against the theory of big bang as it states the process in which God created the universe. It states that god created life on earth including all the seasons, the oceans, the sun, the moon, etc. {12} this website provides me with the Bible quotations. It shows how the universe was created in a different point of view and as that God created the universe. This story is basically a belief and faith of religious peoples; although it is unproven they still believe in it and think it is better than big bang. This theory is fascinating because regarding the lack of supportive evidence it is the second most popular theory after the big bang theory. However it does not have any proof for it beliefs. Although people still believe in it and it is good enough to compete with a much explained theory, such as the big bang theory. This quotation is from the bible, the religious book of Christians. It states à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“God created the earth. In the opening words of the Bible, God is unequivocally declared to be the creator of the earth (Gen. 1: 1, 2). The fact God created the earth is repeatedly taught throughout the Bible.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ {12} This has been taken from the bible. This source is reliable in a religion way. But it doesnt have the science behind it to back its ideas. But this source is reliable because it has been known for many years and many people believe in it. The bible states that God took 7 days to make the earth and the universe. Considering the vast population of Christians now days I think their arguments could be effective and can also affect other people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In Christian theology, a domain of special revelation, Gods calling (John 6:44, 6:65) enables people to understand Gods plan and truth. Only those who encounter God and have their minds supernaturally opened by God can understand the truth in these matters. This rationale limits what secular scientists can learn and understand. Unless a scientist receives such a calling the scientist will be always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ {12}. This is a very strong statement and it explains what Christians believe in and argues against the scientist and other people who have beliefs in the big bang theory. I think this website is truly against any science views because from the quote you can see that it is very challenging. Basically it states that a person cannot know the real truth and only people who receive calling from God will find out the truth. It also suggests that God has given us knowledge however it is better to limit o ur knowledge and do not stand against God as he is the only creator. William Paleys argument Stretching the matter from the above explanation, this argument can be used as an example and be used as evidence. Using a concept of a watch Paley said that the world is well designed just like a pocket watch. Everything which makes the watch work needs to be working properly and everything in a watch is designed so perfectly. Therefore if you remove one of the things from inside the watch, it will not work. This applies same with the universe; if we remove the fundamental things such as gravity, it will not work. Thus, the pocket watch and the universe are parallel and they both had a creator. Hence, the universe must have a creator, which is God. Hinduism There are many religions in the world and they all have different beliefs. All the religions are anti- science as they all believe in god. For example Hinduism. Hindus believe that god created the whole universe. Their theory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Before time began there was no heaven, no earth and no space between. Suddenly, from the depths a humming sound began to tremble, Om. It grew and spread, filling the emptiness and throbbing with energy. The night had ended. Vishnu awoke. Vishnus servant, Brahma awaited the Lords command. Vishnu spoke to his servant: It is time to begin. Brahma bowed. Vishnu commanded: Create the world.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ The world was soon bristling with life and the air was filled with the sounds of Brahmas creation. {14} this proves that there is not only one religion that disagrees with the big bang theory. However this is only a myth, even the Hindus dont have proof for this. They cannot support their theory with evidence. There are over 270 different religions in this world. And they all have different arguments and different mythology. After looking at these religions I can also say that its not only the religions that have myths, even the scientist have myths- The Big Bang Theory. Problems with the theory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Static universe models fit observational data better than expanding universe models.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Static universe models match most observations with no adjustable limits. The Big Bang can match each of the critical observations, but only with adjustable limits. The microwave background makes more sense as the limiting temperature of space heated by starlight than as the remnant of a fireball. Element large quantity predictions using the Big Bang require too many adjustable parameters to make them work. How could plausible you work out what element was made first if we have never seen the explosion. The predictions are not all true. The universe has too much large scale structure to form in a time as short as 10-20 billion years. The average luminosity of quasars must decrease in just the right way so that their mean apparent brightness is the same at all red shift, which is exceedingly unlikely. Invisible dark matter of an unknown but non-baryonic nature must be the dominant ingredient of the entire universe. The problems above have been taken from the {} {13}- all the information was repeated on many other different website which proves that it is a reliable source and it is true as it is accepted by many other people. The different points all add up to prove that the big bang theory is false and that it has defects in it. Conclusion All the arguments, against and for, are all backed up with good and strong information. That information is reliable because the same information has been found on more than one website or a source. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In one of its several variations the big bang cosmological theory is almost universally accepted as the most reasonable theory for the origin and evolution of the universe.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ This proves the acceptance of the big bang theory and why it is the only possible theory. But after analysing the information, the evidences and their sources and looking at their reliability I feel that the argument For the theory of the Big bang is a bit more reliable and conclusive argument. I can say this because it backs up information with good scientific evidence and theories. I think that the big bang theory is one of the main theories and has been developed through many years. It is so well presented and is supported by enough evidence to make me accept it as truth and I believe that I would only change my mind if a different theory is proven to me with more stronger and good scientific evidence. My opinion I believe that the universe has have got to have a start but this case study has been a great adventure as it keeps changing my view and both the arguments are well balanced and are strongly supported with evidence. I believe that the big bang theory is the only plausible theory and it is one of the greatest theories ever explained in cosmology. This theory has been backed up with loads of information that the person who disagrees with this would have to show evidence and maybe explain why they think this is wrong, which I think is virtually impossible because more people believe in this theory than anything else. This theory is believed by mostly every scientist whereas not the religious people, as they believe in the creation and the god theory. The evidence with this theory is very clear and shows how the big bang could have happened. Literally I think the evidence we have for the big bang theory is enough to actually make another big bang model and find out what actua lly happened. But the only thing which makes me disagrees with this theory is that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“what started the big bang- and what could plausibly trigger a massive explosion?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ this is the only question which is unanswered and I think we will never be able to accomplish to answer this question because it is to great and us humans are not capable of going back to time. I think most people believe that the big bang theory is correct because the things they hear from the news and other shows which tell them only about the theory, the press wouldnt talk against a scientist, so I believe that the peoples mind are changed by the people they hear their information from. But if a person like me who believes in what other people do, my mind can be changed if he information I read is reliable and backs up with good string evidence. However I also think that the big bang theory is one of the best scientific theories ever accomplished because it is so well supported with evid ence. This theory is also supported by many scientists, which also makes the normal people feel that this is the right theory, so all the people would have to accept it unless they challenge the theory and prove it wrong. In this case the arguments FOR the Big Bang theory is a bit more supported and is much more reliable. I can say this because the evidence I found was very reliable and sustain the arguments effectively. For argument are explained clearly and uses good science which makes me feel that it is right because I believe in science more than the religious arguments. Even the religious arguments are not reliable because they could have been made up by someone because we dont have the proof that God created the universe or we havent seen it happen. It is same with the Big bang we havent seen it happen, so it depends on the evidence we have left over and we can only make predictions because we cant go back in time to really know the truth.
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